Second Life Ranker

Side Story Chapter 51 - Tea Party (1)

Side Story Chapter 51 - Tea Party (1)

“I suppose you’re going to gather the fragments now.”

The Psychic Medium didn’t understand what the Martial King meant by “gathering the fragments.” She asked.『Honey? What does that mean…?』

The Psychic Medium’s eye was restricted to the Tower. Her eye originated from the blessing of the young Shaohao Jintian, and it was closely related to the system. Her near-omniscience didn’t apply to the stars, who were located outside of the Tower.

She had been wondering what needed to be done to complete her husband’s soul, so she couldn’t help but be curious about what the Martial King was suddenly talking about. Yeon-woo and Edora’s wedding was coming up soon too. Yeon-woo was going to be a newlywed, so it didn’t make sense he was leaving home…! Then, Psychic Medium closed her mouth when she realized Yeon-woo’s perception of time was very different from theirs.

Emperors were freed from the limits of time and space, and they were the only unique versions of themselves anywhere. Yeon-woo might be here now, but the Black King could be looking elsewhere. The world they lived in was only a dream that Black King was dreaming of. It wasn’t strange for him to be looking down on the world from a third-party perspective, or an omniscient viewpoint. And most likely…

‘He’s already examining all the worldlines and their respective eras.’

The fact that Yeon-woo was only able to bring Tigris’ fragment so far could only mean one thing.

‘The stars must be hiding in a third zone that even the Black King couldn’t sense.’

The Heavenly Demon and the Black King were omniscient, and there was a place they couldn’t see? Did such a place really exist? The existence of multiple worldlines, parallel universes, and multiverses was already hard to fathom for the Psychic Medium. But she had no choice but to accept them since they were really happening. It almost meant Yeon-woo had to take action himself to find the hidden stars.

‘Another adventure…’ The Psychic Medium bit her lower lip. Why couldn’t this child rest in peace and happiness? He was probably already exhausted mentally, so she felt apologetic at the way he was stepping up for his teacher. However, she was also eternally grateful.

『…』The Psychic Medium couldn’t speak because she was choked up.

None of them would know even if Yeon-woo’s trip took a while. Since he wasn’t restricted by time, he would likely return to a point when not much time had passed for the rest of them. Then, he would say it hadn’t been too difficult. He would never express how hard it had been. That was just the kind of child he was.

Yeon-woo smiled faintly, reading the Psychic Medium’s gaze, and nodded. He would be absent for a while to search for the stars.

“When will you leave?”

“Well, we should have the wedding first. And I have to watch you getting beat up by Allforone.”

Pulse! Veins popped on the Martial King’s forehead. “Who’s getting beat up by who?”

“Is your age already catching up to you? I didn’t even say it that quietly, but you can’t hear me?”

“What, punk?”

The Martial King frowned in dissatisfaction as he looked at the smiling Yeon-woo. In the past, even if Yeon-woo acted up, he was still somewhat obedient. But now, he was treating his teacher like some neighborhood dog. If he knew Yeon-woo was this much of an impudent bastard, he would’ve taught him a lesson before he grew so strong. These were the sorrows of a teacher.

“Anyway, if you make my daughter cry again, I’ll crush both your legs to bits. Understood?”

Yeon-woo smiled at the Martial King’s warning. “Obviously.”

* * *

The Tower was a place where efficiency and practicality were most prioritized, so the customs of the One-horned tribe were similar to that. The traditional wedding ritual was shortened as much as possible, and most tribe members just invited their family and friends to a banquet. That was it. In some cases, ceremonies ended with just the couple drinking water from an alcohol glass.

However, this was only something that applied to the tribe members. If the groom or bride in question was family to the king, the ceremony was vastly different. Moreover, Edora wasn’t merely a princess. She was the daughter of the Psychic Medium and was considered to be the next Psychic Medium. Of course, her wedding would be conducted with all the bells and whistles.

A traditional wedding in the One-horned tribe commenced in six stages.

First, the napchae.

In the tribe, a wedding symbolized the promise between the couple, but it also symbolized the union of two families. So to demonstrate the solidarity of the families, both families took action first. The napchae was the wedding presents and proposal sent from the groom’s family to the bride’s family.

The proposal letter would have in detail the birth date and time of the groom so his luck and fate could divination.

Then, the bride’s house would compare the groom’s divination with the bride’s to see if they were compatible or not. If they were, they accepted the marriage.

“Huh? Shouldn’t Jeong-woo be the one to do this stuff?”

The problem was that there wasn’t anyone to send the proposal letter in Yeon-woo’s family. They couldn’t exactly summon Olympus because their relationship with them was awkward and it had been a while since they had any contact.

So Kronos suggested bringing Jeong-woo, but he was immediately smacked on the back by Rhea, who said, “You fool! You know how busy he is! He’s probably busy enough learning the duties of a librarian… We’ll have him come when everything is done.”

“Then who…?”

“We have someone.”

“Who…?! H-Honey! No! Not him!”

“Dear. Although that child, Laplace, is quite mischievous, he won’t cause mischief with something like this.”

“No, he definitely will!”

『Huhuhu! I, Laplace, am honored by your faith in me, Madam!』

Kronos tore his hair out and continued to argue that it shouldn’t be Laplace, but he couldn’t change Rhea’s mind. In the end, Laplace was the one to send the proposal letter.


Fortunately, Laplace was different from his usual self as he carried the chest containing the proposal letter out of the house. His trait of being a muscly skinhead didn’t change, but the bunny ear headband disappeared, and he wore the traditional loose clothing of the One-horned tribe. Because he was tall and fit, he looked very reliable and imposing.

『Huhuhuhu! It’s very very good to wear these clothes sometimes to have a change in mood! I feel like doing the bunny breakdance in these!』

…If only Laplace could shut his mouth too.

Kronos covered his face and sighed, then spoke with a solemn face. “Don’t ever do the bunny breakdance or whatever it’s called.”

『Huhuhu. Don’t worry.』

“Don’t stray from the path on your way.”

『Huhu. Of course!』

“Don’t suddenly rip your clothes off because you’re excited. Don’t do a random muscle show either.”

『Aw. Do you really think I’d do that, Grandmaster?』

“Politely, and modestly. Don’t act rambunctiously. Walk with slow but wide steps. Keep your words to a minimum, and look focused. Don’t make facial expressions. And…!”

『Huhuhu! My goodness, Grandmaster. You sure do have a lot of unnecessary concern for someone who was the king of gods.』

“…You should know best why I’m so worried.” Kronos sighed even more deeply as Laplace brushed it off as a joke. “Haaa…! Anyway, look serious, solemn, and strict. Don’t forget these three!”

『Yes, sir! Roger that!』Laplace exaggeratedly saluted with a shout. It only made Kronos even more anxious. But what could he do? Rhea was looking at Laplace adorably. He added.『Then Laplace will be on his way now! Swish!』

“Hey! Don’t run!” Kronos let out a shout as he watched Laplace run out with his hands held out to his sides like an airplane.

Second is the munmyung, the requesting of horoscopes from the bride’s family.

“The husband’s side of the procession is on his way!”

Laplace carried the chest containing the proposal letter and walked past the main path in the center of the building.

“If you leave today~?”

“When will you return~???”

“Who will take you~?”

“Away from us~?”

“Hm? Something’s weird. Isn’t this song usually sung at funerals?”

“Who cares! What’s good is good! Isn’t that right?”

“Heehee! You’re right.”

“Okay, then with more of a beat this time!”

“The one who left in the flower carriage~??”

“Fell asleep while leaving~ ulsoo~?”



The tribe members were eager onlookers as they watched the procession of the groom’s family. It was every day they got to see something like this. People gathered behind Laplace’s procession and made a crowd of people.

Soon, Laplace arrived at the palace where Edora and the Martial King resided. It was a palace that only the tribal kings stayed in after the One-horned tribe came over to the Tower.

Actually, it wasn’t really large enough to be called a palace. Estate would be more apt, but the decorations left by time on the building made it seem ancient and venerable, so it had a castle-like atmosphere.

“Olympus― the former king of gods― Kronos and Rhea― the youngest son between them― Cha Yeon-woo― the One-horned tribe― the Martial King, the leader― Nayu and the Psychic Medium― their daughter― the princess of the Cheongram family― Edora― please― give your response― to this marriage―!” Everyone’s gaze was fixed on Laplace, who raised the chest high in front of the tightly shut palace and squared his shoulders as he shouted.

The munmyung was an event where someone from the husband’s side asked the bride’s side about the bride’s birth date. It was their response to the proposal letter.

The bride’s side would include a date in the response letter that was acceptable for the wedding ceremony and the nappa (the groom presenting the gifts) and the jeonan (the groom taking a pair of ducks to the bride’s house and bowing across from each other).

If the bride’s side opened the door wide and gave the response letter, it meant they accepted the marriage, and if the door wasn’t opened, it meant the groom’s side should return because they had no intention of sending their daughter away.

Of course, this was just to keep up with appearances. The talks were already complete between the families. However, opening the door right away was an act that sullied the name of the bride’s side, so it was customary for the groom’s side to wait in front of the door for at least half a day.

Due to this, Laplace stood in front of the door for a long time. He was still acting gravely, contrary to Kronos’ concerns. ‘Haha! So many people are looking at me! I love receiving people’s attentive looks! I wish this moment would last forever. Huhuhu!’ Although on the inside, he wasn’t calm at all. Anyhow, he looked fine on the outside.

Creak! And soon, the door to the palace opened wide.

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