Saving the Villain

Chapter 328 If It's For Your Peace Of Mind

Asher stood in the same spot for a while until he saw the lights of Cosette's vehicle light up. He turned on his heel, sauntering away while the sound of tires screeching on the concrete floor caressed his ears.

"I know my dad will always love me and that will never change, no matter what happens. Even if I become a bad person, he might get disappointed, but he will always be my father."

"I had a lot -- more than I can take. What's the harm in sharing?"

As Asher walked back to the vehicle, Cosette's words hovered in his head like a broken record. When he was several steps from his car, he turned his head in the direction where she was, only to see the driving away.

'Sadly... I don't think I have that much to share, Cozie,' he thought, clenching his teeth, which made his jaw tighten.

When Asher first met Maxen, he instantly didn't like him. Even to the present -- especially in the present, he had more reason to not like Maxen. In the end, Asher's gut feeling after meeting Maxen ended up becoming true.

Maxen turned out to be the person who might take away everything from him.

For someone like Asher who had many things to lose, he had to keep a clear mind of what he needed and not just wants. He was far too arrogant to reach rock bottom.

'I won't let him take what's mine.' Asher resumed his steps as his eyes glinted with determination, balling his hand firmly to his side.

When Asher reached the vehicle and opened it, his train of thoughts stopped. Inside, Maynard was head-locking the screaming Luke, but when Asher opened the door, the two stopped and looked back at him.

"He -- help...?" Luke's voice shook, reaching out a hand to his brother.

Asher didn't speak for a while, darting his eyes between his father and brother. He never had this type of bonding with Maynard, ever; not that he wanted this type of suffocating affection from his father. But seeing that Luke was with them, a subtle smile dominated his face.

It felt like they were back in the good old days. Just the three of them without a care about the rest of the world.

"Hello, my son." Maynard grinned. "Your little brother is becoming rude again, so I'm teaching him some respect. Why don't you sit in the front and --"

Maynard was caught off guard when Asher suddenly lowered his head and got inside. The latter's action made Maynard let go of Luke as they scoot over.

"What?" Maynard's eyes widened, looking at his son in disbelief. "Since when did you like cramped spaces?"

In the past and even in the present, Asher hated sitting in the back seat if there were more than three people. Especially if he was riding with his father and brother; these two were just a bundle of chaos. Therefore, they got used to Asher sitting in the front just to avoid getting hit or watching his father and brother wrestle like children.

The reason it was a surprise for Maynard and Luke for Asher to join them. Both father and son gazed at Asher wide-eyed, watching the latter chuckle.

"What?" asked Asher, cocking his head to the side. "You're not the only one who missed Luke. I am his older brother, and I practically raised him."

"Hey!" Maynard snapped. "What are you saying? I raised both of you -- don't look away!"

"Huh? I raised myself." Luke pointed at himself and with that, Luke and Maynard didn't stop rambling on and on while Asher leaned against the door, staring at the window.

Meanwhile, the driver in the front glanced at the rear mirror. Seeing his boss and the two young masters having such a lively time, he smiled before driving away despite all the noises inside the car.


"Is there something wrong, Max?" Cosette gazed at Maxen who was in the driver's seat while she was in the front passenger seat. Remo was on the back, minding his own business. "You've been silent. Are you worried about Luke?"

"Luke is with his father. Why would I worry?" he cast her a cursory look before refocusing his eyes on the road. "They seemed to have a good relationship, so I'm not worried. Besides, if Luke's dad wants his son to come home, he would've forced him long ago."

"So, there's nothing wrong?"

"Nope. I'm just... full. I ate a lot."

"I see." Cosette rocked her head, looking back to see Remo about to fall asleep. The latter's eyes were blinking every so slowly as if his eyelids were getting heavier. She didn't dwell on Remo, knowing Remo hadn't been sleeping that much because of their exams. Only now could they all heave a sigh of relief, since the exams were over.

When Cosette peeled her eyes from Remo, she settled on her seat. She kept her eyes ahead, listening to the music in silence, but her mind was drifting elsewhere. After minutes of nothing but silence and the music, Maxen spoke again.

"Are you okay?" he asked, making her look back at him. "You've been silent."

"I'm alright."

"It's just that?"

Cosette pressed her lips into a thin line, keeping her eyes on Maxen. Maxen always knew when something was wrong or just when something was bothering her.

"Asher... he... I don't know?" she shrugged, sighing. "I feel like there's something wrong. He might've become tolerable and less arrogant, but I just can't shrug off this feeling in my heart. It's unsettling."

"Cozie." Maxen kept his eyes on the road, but he was observing her from the corner of his eye. "You can't save everyone. Whatever is his problem, I'm sure Asher will figure it out."

"But this feeling is something I only feel when you're involved, Max." Her eyes lowered slightly. "Maybe I am just overthinking or something like that, but it bothers me."

There were certain feelings Cosette would have whenever she felt something was wrong. However, it was different when Maxen was involved. There was just this distinction in her gut feeling whether it was good in a good way or bad.

Maxen glanced at her momentarily, stretching his hand to her. Seeing that his hand was close, Cosette looked at him.

"Hand?" he wiggled his fingers.

"I'm overall okay, Max. Just a little concern." She sighed, slipping her fingers in between the gaps of his fingers. Her face softened as soon as his warmth enveloped her hand.

"If it bothers you, then do what makes you think you can to get it out of your mind," he said after a second, making her lift her head to him.

"You're fine with it?"

"It's not like I can stop you." He smiled, stopping at the red light and using this time to face her squarely. "If it's for your peace of mind, then just do what you must."

"But... you just said I can't save everyone."

"I did, but at least you tried... right?"

Cosette pressed her lips into a thin line, looking at him with soft eyes. "What if I'd get in trouble again?"

"I will have your back." He smiled reassuringly, squeezing her hand mildly. "If trouble comes, I'd be there for sure. Remo and I will be there, right, Remo?"

"He's sleeping." Cosette glanced at the back seat and chuckled before facing him again.

"Just don't forget about me," he continued sincerely. "Just promise me you won't."

"That..." the corner of her lips stretched from ear to ear until her teeth were showing. "... I won't. Never."

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