Chapter 61: Monster Rookie

Chapter 61: Monster Rookie


{Epoch One} – (71%)

Written by Director Mark Finn, this movie script has all the qualities to make a fun, thrilling, blood-pumping action movie if the actors bring their A-game to the depiction of their respective characters.


Finally receiving the contract about an hour ago, along with the full script, Kyle focused his undivided attention on the script after ensuring all was right with the contract.

Oliver had also just left his room a few minutes ago, giving him space to read through the entire script.

The first thing Kyle did upon getting the script though, was to appraise it.

Seeing the short description that was given by the system after using the skill, the young man’s eyes lingered on the name of the movie and its proficiency rate.

“[Epoch One]… 71%…” he muttered out loud.

Knowing fully well that a lowered proficiency rate didn’t necessitate if a movie would be good, or bad, he soon dismissed those thoughts and moved his attention over to the contents of the script itself.

Taking his sweet time to read through each line, Kyle dived into another world for the next few hours.

As the clock ticked by, the young man oblivious to it all, he slowly started to get the general idea behind the script.

‘It’s not just an action movie…’

‘It’s a mixture of action-espionage, a few dark comedic moments, intense R-rated action scenes and sequences, along with slight thriller elements…’

‘In addition to that, there’s also a few buddy-cop moments that really highlights the contrasting yet complimenting differences between the two leads…’

As Kyle kept reading, whilst also musing to himself after each page, he eventually reached the last page of the script about two hours later.

[Epoch One], in his opinion, could more or less be synopsized as this;

[Following a case of suicide serial bombings, Sam Watts, a top-class Special Agent in the Elite Mission Force (EMF), goes rogue in an effort to figure out the cause behind said bombings and putting a stop to the machinations of the sinister organization orchestrating it all behind the scenes.

However, on his journey to achieving his goal, he comes across a vigilante who may potentially become a threat to the completion of his mission.]

‘Alex Hunt is that vigilante huh…’ he set aside his glasses as a light smile bloomed on his features.

He was really glad that his character wasn’t just some small role in the movie.

In fact, Kyle was sure that he definitely had the most screen time after the lead actor.

That made him really happy.

However, in addition to that was something else.

Having gone through the entire script, Kyle loved that despite the seemingly simplistic nature of the screenplay, every character in it had believable reasons for their motives in the story.

‘Now I understand why the appraisal mentioned that the actors needed to bring out their A-game for the story to really shine…’ Kyle stretched to relieve his joints.

He had been sitting in the same position for quite a while after all.

‘Can’t wait to finally start shooting…’

“But for now, let’s focus on mastering all the trainings and stunts I’ll be required to do starting tomorrow.” the young man set his priorities straight, his decision resolute.

* * *

(Three weeks later…)

Situated on the grassy plains of the circuit, a few meters away from the ripple strip, a small crew of cameramen were filming.

Having being commissioned by Producer Hank and Director Mark, they were tasked to film anything involving behind-the-scenes training for all the actors and their respective roles.

These scenes, were one the two were planning to use during promotions to garner as much interest as they could from the general public.

Today was no different either as they had situated and positioned themselves expertly to film the events of the day.

“Oliver, you bastard!” Hank extended a handshake to the agent with a familiar grin.

“Didn’t expect to see you here Hank. Thought you were busy trying to convince a bunch of distribution companies to help with the movie’s publicity in the future.” Oliver received the handshake with a similar smile.

“Forget that! Let’s talk about him!” Hank pointed to Kyle in the training course of the drifting circuit.

As Oliver gazed over, he soon spotted his ward.

Currently, he was conversing with the instructor and expert in charge of teaching him how to drift.

There was also a helmet tucked in between his arm and lateral torso and he seemed to be receiving a few instructions here and there too from said expert.

Soon, both would enter the car he was going to be learning with and after drifting about a few times and explaining how it worked in practicality, Kyle would then be required to go through the circuit himself, putting all that he had learned to the test.

Of course the expert would be sitting with him in the car to guide him through even during that process.

“You seriously have a knack for finding fresh new talent. The stunt choreographers have been praising the rate at which he assimilates everything! Even I was shocked when I went to watch him. He’s like a sponge that’s just soaking everything in!” Hank shook his head in genuine awe.

Even Oliver, who knew that Kyle had tendencies to grab things and also improve at a similarly alarming rate, still found the entire situation incredible.

From breaking his previous records every time at the tactical shooting range, to learning stunts, mixed martial arts and Gun-Fu, to getting down all the action sequences and choreographies themselves in one or two tries after he was taught, a maximum of three occasionally, the rate at which the young man was learning everything was borderline insane.

At times, the small stunt team that was training him, often began to wonder if they would even need to employ a stuntman for his more intense action scenes when shooting actually began.

“Yeah. The rookie’s amazing. In more ways than one.” Bruce whom had also met with Kyle on the first few days of action and stunt training, said as he walked over with Director Mark.

“And he doesn’t even seem tired one bit. In fact, it’s as if he’s enjoying every blessed moment of it. Even in the script-reading session, Jeffrey and his other co-actors got along with him really well.” the actor kept speaking.

“Goes to show that he has a very disciplined work ethic for his age. That’s a very rare trait.” he added while stroking his chin, a thin smile on his lips.

“Honestly, the kid has the makings of someone who’s gonna have a fantastic career ahead of him if he keeps this up.” Mark was the one to speak next as he continued;

“Initially, I’d figured that it would take at least two or three months before we started shooting because we would need to train him well enough and also get him to gel well with his co-actors…”

“But at this rate, we might just start shooting next month.” the director had an impressed look on his features as he concluded and the rest of the people around him were in full support of it.

‘Yes!’ Tom especially, whom had also been walking alongside the two, inwardly pumped up his fists in joy.

He wasn’t particularly a fan of shooting movies for a long period of time and so, was very glad that filming would start soon.

Besides, having mostly helped Director Mark with shooting romantic-comedies and a few dramas here and there in the past, he was actually looking forward to learning more about his craft with this action movie.

Moving a bit closer towards the drifting circuit, all five soon took their seats at the old bleachers, watching as Kyle and the expert training him got into the car.

For a few minutes, they all watched as the Mazda MX-5 was effortlessly steered by the expert in charge to deliver one of the cleanest drifts they had ever seen across the training circuit.

From clutching tight corners, to executing some sick burnouts and donuts that left a portion of the circuit covered in smoke as rubber was burnt, each and every one of the car’s movements were skillful, effortless and fluid.

After about three more laps of driving and drifting through the entire circuit, the car finally came to a halt and both Kyle and the expert, switched seats.

Finally, it was time for Kyle to put all the things he had been taught to the test.

This actually wasn’t the first time they would be going through the course as they had been doing it for over a week now.

In fact, Kyle had already done a few smaller drift sessions, one that only required him to drift around a cone, a feat he had pulled off effortlessly after his third try.

But a cone was far different from the real deal itself.

Today, Kyle would finally drive through the course all on his own.

Tucking his seatbelt in, the expert in charge glanced over to the young man from across the passenger’s seat.

Honestly, he whom had been teaching Kyle and showing him the ropes the entire week, had felt like the young man had been way too calm throughout the process.

In fact, there had always been a particularly thin smile on Kyle’s face that the man had noticed whenever he made his way throughout all three laps of the circuit.

This was a stark contrast to most people’s demeanor towards the entire thing as they would either be screaming in excitement, or be dogshit terrified of it. Usually, it was that and nothing in between a lot of the time.

That was why, to him, Kyle’s demeanor came off as very odd.

Was he just pretending to be confident, the man couldn’t tell.

But soon enough, he would know what the actual deal with him was.

Staring in anticipation, the men on the bleachers all had mixed thoughts about how Kyle would perform.

Oliver mostly believed his ward could ace the track in about a few tries, maybe three or four.

Considering he was the only one who knew Kyle had learnt how to drive in less than a week, he was quite certain about his prediction.

As for the others, despite having realized that Kyle had an abnormally high assimilation rate, they still had doubts over whether he could pull it off in less than a day.

At most, they believed it would take him a few days to fully get the hang of it.

And how wrong they were because the moment Kyle ignited the car’s engine and made his way through the circuit, he pulled off the exact same skillful and fluid movements that the expert had employed!

At some point, even the expert in the car, felt as if the young man was doing it far better than even he, a professional that had been at it for years on end.

It was such a surreal experience for him and now, he understood why Kyle had been so relaxed through every session they had.

The young man was a genius. That was simply just it… at least to him.

But for Kyle who had drove as a cabbie for most of his life in his past life, regaining those skills he used when he was trying to get a passenger who was on a crunch in time to their destinations was a cinch, especially with [Action & Stunt Mastery] being in effect.

As for the men on the bleachers and the cameramen, they were too stunned to speak.

Widening their eyes in subtle disbelief at first, genuine astonishment painted their faces the next few seconds after.

Kyle on the other hand, finished up the final lap and as if to make a statement, did an extra burnout at the end before bringing the car to a halt!

Getting out of the car a few seconds later and shaking his already messed-up hair, the helmet being the culprit, Kyle’s eyes soon met with Oliver’s from afar.

And then, like a son boasting to his father, his lips curved into a Chesire grin followed by a small, playful salute.

Oliver simply sighed in resignation at this, unable to even find the words to say.

As for the others, they just stared on silence, their minds still processing what they had just witnessed.

“Where the hell did this monster come from?!” a question finally escaped Hank’s mouth in an amazed mutter, his words speaking for the rest of them.

‘I’ve been asking myself that exact same question for a long while now…’ Oliver responded inwardly, a proud expression settling on his features.

Motivation came in clutch I guess!ヽ(ヅ)ノ

That’s why there are two chapters today!

That said, I was actually planning to write a few chapters focused on a sort of training arc but, considering I mostly upload one chapter a day and I try to maintain a sort of constant momentum with each chapter, I ended up scrapping that idea. Still, I hope you enoyed the chapter and I’ll see ya soon! Have a lovely day folks!

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