Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Chapter 63 The Servant Skill and Lyle’s Questions

63 The Servant Skill and Lyle's Questions

"Umm, sir, are you sure that it's safe for us to go here already?" Adam asked Lyle who smiled at him lightly before patting him on the back.

"Yeah, the guild already went to this one, the monsters have become more powerful, but since they were around level 30 before, they are perfect for us right now as they have become a couple of levels higher, some even being the same level as I am," Lyle said before taking a small pause.

"The adventurer guild has some people with great observation skills that are now able to show them the status screen of the enemy, just like we can see our own, so there's no doubting their result."

"Ah, I see, then we should be fine," Adam said as a smile appeared on his face. The young man, even though he didn't want a repeat of what previously happened to happen again, was quite excited to fight again.

He was like that ever since Lyle made him into a vampire and got him to fight for the first time.

Even though he was a bit squeamish and fearful, once he got the flow of a fight, it was like he would be sad once it finished. Lyle was still not certain why Adam was like that.

'Was he like this before and simply had no chance to find out about his true personality because he was a farmer, or could it be because of me turning him into a vampire, did his mind change because of that, did it get somewhat corrupted and twisted to better fit my goals and expectations?' Lyle thought as he looked at Adam's back, uncertain of what the truth was.

He wanted to know more about his powers, if they truly did change a person, did that mean that no matter what they were like before.

He could potentially turn enemies into servants and wouldn't have to worry about their loyalty. Even though he knew from the very beginning that a servant of his would be unable to betray him, simply being unable to betray him didn't mean that they wouldn't hold any animosity toward him or would follow his orders clearly.

What Lyle wanted to know was just how deep the obedience ran, would an enemy he had turned into a servant do anything he wished without being able to deny his request?

Would he be able to order a servant to kill themselves?

Would they even struggle to not do something he had ordered them to do?

Lyle thought a bit and decided that the best course of action would be to test his theory after arriving back in Linston.

There were always random thugs and criminals that nobody would miss in every city. Lyle was never one that spilled innocent blood without needing to, but low-lives such as them didn't even classify as people in his mind and he would have no qualms about using them for experiments before discarding them.

Lyle had received another spot for a servant after reaching level 20 and could have 2 now. He had not filled in the other spot as he didn't really wish to have another servant like Adam who would need to be trained up before being useful.

It was much better to get someone that had already been in battles and was experienced. Thanks to the skill of turning the person into a vampire, age didn't matter either as an old man would turn middle-aged after turning as vampires lived much longer than normal humans, especially true vampires.

Lyle could even resurrect a dead person, given that the time of death was recent, he still had no idea just how big or small the time frame exactly was, however.

It didn't matter, however, as he would first capture and turn a low-life from Linston before experimenting with him or her in a dungeon.

The most important thing now was to clear the dungeon without any problems occurring. Even though the monsters they were about to face shouldn't be dangerous to them, that was also what they believed to be true for the ogres.

Upon arriving at the dungeon, they were met with a small party of 3 Bronze Knights and 3 adventurer teams who were waiting in front of the dungeon.

"Halt, we need to see your badges before allowing you to enter, anyone that has less than 3 stripes is not allowed entry because of the dungeon changes." One of the Bronze Knights said as Lyle and Adam nodded at him before showing him their badges.

The knight nodded upon seeing them before looking a bit confused.

"Umm, it's not mine to say, but are you sure you want to enter when there's only the two of you, one of those three teams would gladly take you in." The knight said before glancing in the direction of the three teams.

"Thank you for your consideration sir, but we will be fine."

"Whatever you say, man." The knight said before turning around and going back to the other two knights. The three adventurer teams were all sitting down and having a meal as they had already cleared the dungeon once and were resting before repeating it.

Lyle and Adam merely passed by them and entered the dungeon, which led to some of the teams looking weirdly at the dungeon.

"Only two of them?"

"They're either strong or too arrogant, guess we will find out later." An adventurer said before taking another bite of his sandwich. Adventurers rarely entered the dungeons in small groups as even though that would make it more lucrative, it was also much more dangerous.

The main priority for adventurers was making money, but they had to make sure they were healthy in order to do so, which led to most of them forming teams of at least 4 people before doing any dungeon hunting.

There were even some teams that had 10 or more people, but those rarely lasted long as the expenses of having such a large team were great and they needed to clear dungeons almost every day in order to have enough money to keep their equipment in good condition, to have enough money for accommodation and food, pay for medical costs of getting healed, and of course for improving their equipment after becoming more powerful.

Most preferred a team of 5 people as that way, they could pretty much fill up all the roles they needed and could take on pretty much all dungeons, provided they were at the corresponding strength, of course.

Some teams would merge together in order to deal with the more difficult dungeons before splitting the profits and going their separate ways, while some would be arrogant and try to do it alone, only to lose some members, if not all of them.

There were even organizations that adventurers formed inside the guild. The organizations would take in adventurers that proved their worth and would cover the cost of their equipment, living costs, and healing, but would in turn take almost all the profits from clearing dungeons and from them going out to hunt monsters.

Many still decide to join the organizations, because at the end of the day, after paying for everything they needed, adventurers would already be left with little money, joining an organization meant that at the very least, they would have their basic needs met no matter what happened.

That mostly happened when one was below Tier I, as more powerful adventurers enjoyed having freedom and the ability to travel anywhere they wished to before hunting monsters and clearing dungeons. Even the lack of money didn't bother them that much as they could always find some side jobs and earn a decent sum as bodyguards and such before resuming their lifestyle.

The three teams ate and rested for about 30 minutes before getting up and heading toward the dungeon portal, only for it to start shining slightly.

The adventurers and the Bronze Knights were alarmed and got ready for a fight in case monsters started pouring out, only for the duo of Lyle and Adam to walk out.

"Tch, just those guys, seems like they failed already." One of the adventurers said before another looked at the two weirdly.

"I don't think so."


"Look at them, they have no injuries, merely a couple of bloodstains on their armor, not to mention that they look way too calm for somebody that fled the dungeon, I think they cleared it."

"You have to be kidding me, it takes us almost an hour to finish this dungeon, and that's with the 5 of us!" An archer said as she stared at Lyle and Adam, being fairly confident that her teammate's words were right, but she was simply unable to believe them.

For two adventurers that were the same rank as them all to not only clear the same dungeon, but to do it in half the time was simply too much.

Suddenly they all stopped talking as they saw Lyle and Adam briefly stretching before going inside the dungeon again. As soon as they disappeared from the sight of the teams and knights, all of them had the same expression on their faces, even the knights were surprised that the duo was able to clear the dungeon so quickly.

Hey guys, so yeah, there were no bonus chapters this month either, I am sorry about it, but as you might have seen, I have barely been able to keep updating the novel daily this week, I missed 2 days.

Work has been a bit hectic, but it is cooling down so I think I should be able to make it next week, at least I hope so.

Anyway, thanks for supporting the novel and have a nice day guys!


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