Chapter 56: Ogre Chieftain

The ogre chieftain was a much more difficult foe to deal with compared to normal ogres. Not only was the chieftain equipped with an axe, but he was also faster and stronger compared to the other ogres.

His larger size should have made him slower, but it somehow did the opposite.

The ogre was still slower than Lyle and Adam and hitting them would not be an easy task. Both of the men had rested before nearing him as they knew that the battle would be a hard one, fighting the ogre while tired could spell their deaths.

Lyle and Adam quickly went to opposite sides of the ogre. With the two of them being on his left and right respectively, it allowed for one to focus on attacking the ogre, while the other would have to evade the attacks and keep it busy.

Lyle had grabbed his spear, and the moment the ogre finished the attack, he quickly launched it at his head with lightning precision. With the ogre's arm being extended to its fullest thanks to the ogre attacking Lyle and Adam, he was unable to block the spear, not that it would even be able to do it with his arm free as the spear came rather quickly and the ogre would probably not have the reflexes to block the attack.

Perhaps it would have used its arm to block the spear, or maybe even the shoulder, but right now, that was not possible.

As the spear came close to the ogre's head, the ogre disappeared from the spot.

Well, to be more exact, the ogre had gone down on his knees and managed to evade the attack completely.

The action of the ogre took Lyle by surprise as it was definitely not a coincidence, the monster had deliberately fallen down on its knees and opened itself up for attacks in order to evade the spear that, if it hit, would have dealt some serious damage to him.

Both Lyle and Adam were greatly surprised by the ogre's action, but they didn't stop in wonder and actually charged at the monster right away.

With the ogre being down on his knees, he would be unable to defend against their attacks, this was a golden opportunity that the two of them had to take.

Lyle arrived first, with his two daggers in his hands, he quickly stabbed the ogre to the side before pulling the daggers sideways with all of his might in order to cut open a large wound.

The ogre's skin proved to be even tougher than he imagined, usually, the ogre chieftain of such a level would have some leather armor, but since this one didn't, Lyle simply thought that the ogre was more of an attack-based monster and had a lower defense.

That was the opposite of the truth as the ogre had incredibly tough and durable skin that even Lyle with his incredibly sharp daggers was unable to cut through without a lot of effort.

At the same moment, Lyle was doing that, Adam had reached the side of the ogre and had lunged before striking at the ogre's ribs with all of his might. A powerful blast of mana exploded out from his fist as it connected with the ogre's body, forcing the ogre to tilt to the side and start falling down on Lyle.

"Crap, sorry master!" Adam yelled out as Lyle quickly pulled his daggers out before jumping to the side. He then quickly charged back at the ogre, this time aiming for its neck.

As Lyle came closer, the ogre suddenly twisted his body and struck at Lyle with the axe. The attack came suddenly and with incredible speed, making it impossible for Lyle to dodge.

'What, how does it have this much flexibility, ogres are usually unable to even bend their backs a little!' Lyle thought as he crosses his daggers in front of his chest and received the attack.

The axe struck the daggers, unable to leave a single mark on them.

As for Lyle, he spat out blood as his daggers were pushed up against his chest and had broken a rib or two. He was sent flying back by about 4 meters before landing and sliding down on one knee.

Lyle panted heavily and looked in front of him before quickly yelling.

"No, get away from it Adam!"

Ada had charged at the ogre and was planning on striking it again as revenge for Lyle who was struck by the ogre's powerful axe. Lyle's warning came too late as the young man had already jumped up and had pulled his right fist back in order to punch the ogre straight in the head.

The ogre quickly pulled back the right hand that held the axe. Hitting Lyle made it lose momentum and thus it was much easier for the ogre to attack Adam.

It used the pommel of the axe to hit Adam straight in the guts. Adam opened his mouth wide as he felt all the air from his body being expelled by the blow. He was sent flying backward like Lyle and rolled on the ground for a good 3 meters after landing.

The ogre didn't stop there, with his axe in hand, he quickly got up and turned over to Adam. Before it could start charging over to Adam, however, a figure suddenly jumped on his back and stabbed him in the neck.

The ogre immediately started thrashing around before grabbing Lyle's hand and throwing him at Adam. The two collided and had fallen down as the ogre grabbed the side of his neck that was bleeding.

Lyle wasn't able to fully stab his dagger in the neck, but it was enough to give a serious injury to the ogre who was now standing still and staring at them. His eyes were full of hatred as a roar escaped from his mouth.

Suddenly Lyle was able to feel a lot of mana being emanated from the ogre as the wound he had given the monster started closing.

"Damn, it has a regenerative skill, what the hell is this guy?!" Adam shouted out in disbelief as it stared at the ogre who was now back to normal.

"Calm down Adam, that kind of a skill is very draining to the user, it definitely used up a lot of mana to close the wound, I guess it can do the same for about 1 or 2 more times before running low or perhaps even using up most of its mana," Lyle said in a calm manner as Adam stared at the ogre before gulping.

"So, we need to damage it 2 more times like that before being able to kill it?"

"Not necessarily, if we cut off its head, or destroy the heart, then it will be unable to heal, of course, that's easier said than done, now get ready, here he comes," Lyle said before getting in a low position and charging at the ogre.

He had suffered some internal injuries from the first attack of the ogre, and being launched at Adam certainly didn't help his condition, but it would take much more to get rid of Lyle.

He charged at the ogre who slashed at him with the axe. The ogre aimed to strike Lyle right at the waist, minimizing the chances of him being able to evade the attack or block.

Lyle widened his eyes before suddenly dropping down and sliding to the ogre, the axe passed right above his head as he used one of his daggers to stab the ogre's arm while it was passing by.

He then quickly rose to his feet before stabbing the ogre 3 times in the stomach. Right after that, he quickly jumped back as the ogre tried to smack him with the other arm. Lyle proceeded to stab and slash the arm before lunging at the ogre and passing between his legs.

Lyle stabbed the monster between the legs before starting to work on the back. He slashed and stabbed as the ogre roared in pain and anger. Being stabbed between the legs was something that no being wanted to experience.

The ogre twisted his hips and attempted to strike at Lyle, but was not successful. Lyle had underestimated it before, that would not happen again. With Lyle now knowing the speed and power of the ogre, evading attacks and attacking was easier.

Adam appeared in front of the ogre and punched the monster in the stomach. The monster had already used its skill once again to stop the bleeding and heal the wound between his legs, which meant that only 1 last opportunity to use the skill was available to him.

Adam didn't hold back and used his full-powered mana blast for his attack. His fist went deep inside the stomach of the ogre as his mana blast pushed the monster back whilst dealing some significant damage to his internal organs.

The duo started making numerous attacks on the monster that was now unable to respond to them. In a mere 20-second period, they had managed to inflict over 100 wounds on the ogre that suddenly stopped moving before roaring powerfully.

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