Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Chapter 38: Fighting Inside the Cave

Chapter 38: Fighting Inside the Cave

"Who – who are you?" The young man said before suddenly wincing out of pain as the mana that had been spiraling toward him dispersed around him.

"Just focus on surviving, I have already stopped your bleeding, but honestly, that wound doesn't look good," Lyle said as he glanced down at the young man before turning his sight to the monsters who were snarling at him.

He took out two of his throwing knives and started walking toward the goblins and hobgoblins.

"Don't worry, this'll be over quickly," Lyle said before throwing the knives and breaking into a sprint.

The daggers found their targets and lodged themselves deeply in the heads of two goblins that fell down on the ground while Lyle quickly took out his two daggers and attacked a hobgoblin that was near his spear.

Lyle had taken them by surprise and most of the monsters didn't have any weapons on them, only 3 of the hobgoblins had a weapon, a normal sword each.

The goblins usually used their bare hands, sticks, rock knives that they had created, and similar things. They were at the bottom of the food chain and most monsters at the same level could deal with a goblin in a one-on-one battle.

The hobgoblin tried to punch Lyle, only to miss as Lyle swiftly sidestepped before trying to stab the monster through the neck.

The hobgoblin turned out to be a bit better than expected and actually dodged the attack, only suffering a small cut on the side of his neck. Lyle had already extended his arm and a part of his body in an attempt to stab the hobgoblin, which led to him being open for an attack.

Or at least that's what the hobgoblin thought

Lyle quickly turned to the side and pointed his left heel at the hobgoblin before delivering a spinning back kick with his right leg. He connected with the stomach of the monster that quickly spat out air as he was sent back by about 1.5 meters ( 5 feet ).

As the hobgoblin fell to the ground, Lyle quickly threw the dagger he held with his left hand and another hobgoblin before grabbing his spear.

The dagger hit the hobgoblin in the chest as the latter was charging at Lyle and didn't expect the attack to happen so quickly. It flinched and stopped for a moment before glancing down at the dagger.

The hobgoblin released an angry growl and grabbed the dagger before pulling it out. His actions were futile, however, as a spear penetrated the other side of his chest the same moment he pulled the dagger out.

"Never lose sight of your opponent, you moron," Lyle said with a deadpan expression before suddenly jumping in the air and kicking the dagger the hobgoblin had released from his hand at another goblin and taking out the spear from the hobgoblin whose chest he had penetrated.

There had been a total of 10 hobgoblins and 17 goblins at the start of the battle, now there were 8 hobgoblins and 14 goblins left, with one hobgoblin just standing up right now after suffering the kick from Lyle.

"Easy does it," Lyle said as he dodged a flurry of attack that a hobgoblin had launched.

He then quickly kneeled and propped up his spear, which made the hobgoblin who was charging at him while attacking simply run into the spear and stab himself.

Lyle then quickly let go of the spear before jumping back as two other hobgoblins and 3 goblins charged at him from the front.

He took out two more throwing knives before throwing them at the goblins and managing to kill one while the second was only wounded as the knife hit the shoulder.

'Tch, don't tell me I'm losing my touch.' Lyle thought as he quickly moved to the side and ducked to dodge a swing of a sword before slashing the side of the hobgoblin.

Blood started gushing out from the cut as the hobgoblin held his side and kneeled down while letting go of the sword that another one quickly picked up.

Lyle smirked before charging at the hobgoblin who panicked before trying to stab Lyle.

Lyle suddenly went down and slid between the hobgoblin's legs before stabbing them. He didn't wait and quickly jumped at the hobgoblin that was kneeling before stabbing him in the neck.

The action wasn't a complete success as three goblins suddenly jumped on top of Lyle. Two grabbed his legs while the last one grabbed his right hand that was holding the dagger.

"Annoying little things!" Lyle cursed as he got up from the ground with some difficulty, only to be knocked down by another hobgoblin that jumped on top of him and started punching him in the face.

Without the goblins noticing, a bunch of blood had appeared next to Lyle's left hand before it started transforming into a crude spear.

Lyle did his best to dodge the punches by moving his head, but it wasn't easy and more enemies were charging at him.

He then quickly grabbed the blood spear that he just created and stabbed the hobgoblin through the neck before throwing him to the side.

He used the spear to stab the hobgoblin that was holding his right arm before getting rid of the other two as well.

4 hobgoblins and 10 goblins remained.

Well, the hobgoblin that Lyle stabbed between the legs was still alive, but it wouldn't really be able to fight anymore, at least not during this battle.

The other monsters were now visibly shaken up and were hesitating.

The enemy that had shown up had killed so many of them in such a short period of time. To the goblins, it was unthinkable, Lyle seemed to be on the same level as some of the hobgoblins, but he was able to kill them as if they were nothing.

They were correct, Lyle was the same level as some of them, while there were some that were 1 or 2 levels above him.

But Lyle had a lot more experience when it came to fighting, not to mention that his armor and weapons were of incredible quality as well.

One of the hobgoblins had taken Lyle's spear while another took his dagger before staring at him.

All of the hobgoblins were now armed, while some of the goblins had picked up rocks and even the knives that had been stuck in the skulls of their brethren and stared at him.

"Hmmm, that's not a bad idea, taking my weapons, but none of you are worthy of wielding them, do you even know how to use them correctly?" Lyle asked as he started walking toward them.

His face was bruised and some blood was coming out from his nose as the hobgoblin from before managed to hit him a couple of times.

"I'll admit it, for monsters that are a head shorter than me," Lyle said as he stared at the hobgoblins that had deep green or light red skin, "You guys sure do hit hard."

Lyle cranked his neck before sprinting at the hobgoblin that was holding his spear.

He then suddenly stopped before throwing his blood spear and another hobgoblin that had his dagger.

The short dagger was the worst weapon that they could use in order to defend themselves and as such, the spear penetrated through his right forearm and continued further, piercing through the shoulder as well before suddenly disappearing and leaving two holes that were about half an inch in diameter.

The hobgoblin immediately started bleeding while Lyle took on the one that held his spear. The hobgoblin immediately tried to stab Lyle, only for the attack to miss by a millimeter as Lyle simply moved his head to the side before closing the distance.

"Good idea, but don't try to stab the head without being fully certain that you will hit," Lyle said as he came about half a meter close to the hobgoblin.

He quickly grabbed the right arm of the hobgoblin with his free, left hand before stabbing through the arm with his dagger.

He then quickly took out the dagger and the serrated side tore the flesh and skin of the arm before he stabbed the monster through the neck.

He didn't come unscathed, however, as the hobgoblin managed to headbutt him at the same time he stabbed his neck.

The forehead of the hobgoblin managed to hit his nose, which led to Lyle being disoriented for a brief moment while his nose bleed even more.

He quickly pulled out his dagger and used his left arm, which was still grabbing onto the hobgoblin's arm, to grab the spear as well and jumped back.

He stumbled during the jump back as two goblins appeared behind him, trying to stab him.

The three all fell together and the goblin quickly stabbed Lyle, only to be unable to penetrate through his combat suit.

"Good idea, but you should have aimed at my head," Lyle said before stabbing one through the neck while hitting the forehead of the other one with the butt of his spear.

He quickly rose to the ground and stabbed the second goblin before lifting his spear and throwing the goblin at another one, making them both fall down on the ground.

"Well, look at how few of you remain," Lyle said as he smiled dangerously. His nose was bleeding furiously and fell down to his mouth, dyeing his teeth red. His smile made the monsters all stop for a moment as they were scared of the human that was standing in front of them.

To them, Lyle looked like a demon that had come to take their very souls.

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