Chapter 628 Chapter-628

"If you don't come with me right now and have sex with that human. Then all of us are going to be dead. That human can definitely do what he says and he threatened me to destroy my kingdom with such a fearful expression... That I won't be able to forget in my entire life.

Now, As your king, Husband and Father... I order all five of you to come with me and do everything that pleases that human's intrest. Do you understand ?" Nerzis asked with a Scared expression, his body shaking in fear.

No one spoke anything and everyone started staring at the ground with hesitated expressions.

"Are you guys deaf or what ? Didn't you hear, what I just said ?" Nerzis asked with a loud voice.

"Y-Yes..." All of them spoke in a very low tone.

"Good, Come with me now." Nerzis ordered as he started walking towards the grand room, where Anon was resting.

All of them stopped right in front of the room and started looking at the closed gates with hesitated expressions.

Nerzis turned to look at his wives and daughters, "Are you ready ?" He asked.

"Yes..." All of them spoke in unison, but all of them were scared of what's going to happen next.

Nerzis gathered all of his strength together and raised his hand to knock on the door...


Nerzis knocked twice on the door and asked, "Can we come in, Sir ?"

"Yes." Anon's sound came from inside.



Nerzis then opened the doors and maintained a fake smile on his face.

"Hello, Sir... I am back with my wives and daughters..." Nerzis spoke.

Anon immediately turned around and noticed that two of his wifes are thick MILFs but the third one is very thin and looks like a shitty old hag.

"Get her out of the room..." Anon ordered as he pointed towards his third wife.

"As you say, Sir." Nerzis spoke as he turned towards his third wife and spoke...

"Didn't you hear him ? Get out..."






"It's done, Sir." Nerzis spoke as he tore his second wife's panty and looked at Anon with a smile.

"Good... Now, Take off my pants..." Anon ordered.

"Y-Yes, Sir..." Nerzis spoke with a fake smile.

"Not you stupid. Send your daughter..." Anon ordered.

"Y-Yes, Sir. Go... What are you waiting for ?" Nerzis asked as he looked at his daughter with an Angry expression.

"F-Father... I-I can't do this... I-I am sorry." His daughter replied as she covered her huge boobs with her left hand and her pussy with her right hand.

"Nerzis, I think she wants you dead." Anon spoke as he looked at Nerzis with a smile.

"N-No... Sir. Come here you fucking, Bitch." Nerzis spoke as he grabbed his daughter's hair from behind and started pulling them with full power.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Father, Please don't do this... It's hurting me." She shouted.

"Then listen to his orders or I will kill you myself... Do you understand, my daughter ?" Nerzis asked her with an angry expression.

Meanwhile, his two wives looked at him with scared expressions. They couldn't believe their husband could go to these lengths in order to save his own life.

He was ordering his own daughter to mate with an unknown person, that she had never met in her entire life.

"Go and take off his clothes..." Nerzis spoke as he throwed his daughter towards Anon.



She slowly stood up and looked at Anon with a scared expression.

"Hello, Luv." Anon spoke with a smile.

Without saying anything, she started removing Anon's pants.

"Good... Girl. It's good that you listen to your daddy or else your daddy would've been dead by now." Anon spoke as he tapped her head with a smile on his face.

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