Deep Sea, Mourgen Empire…

Detroit’s Castle.

Inside the Main Hall, Detroit is sitting on a couch and a demon girl is bouncing up and down on his dick while two other girls massaged his body from the sides using their boobs.

A Demon was standing in front of Detroit with a very hesitated expression on his face.


“Anhh~ Nnh~ Annh~ Anhhh~ Yes my king… Use my pussy more… Please use me more.” The girl moaned and shouted as she continued to bounce on his dick.

“What information do you have ?” Detroit asked with a serious expression.

“M-My king… We have already-“

“Anhh~ Yessssss… My king fuck meeeee~” The girl shouted as she cut-off the demon’s sentence.

“Keep speaking…” Detroit spoke with a serious expression as he placed his hand under his chin and looked him dead in the eye.

“Y-Your majesty… I was just saying that we have found a way to-“

“Yessssss~ My kinggggg~ Annnhhhh, please fuck-” Before the girl could’ve said anything else, Detroit grabbed her head and crushed it so hard that her dark red blood splattered around the whole room.




“Fucking useless sound making toy. The best tightness you showed in your entire life was on the moment, I crushed your fucking skull. Garbage.” Detroit spoke with a neutral expression as he grabbed her body from the neck and threw it aside.


Both of the other Queens immediately got scared and tried to stay as quite as possible.

‘Fuckkk… He killed one of his Queen, Just like that ? What will he do to me if he doesn’t like the news ?

Fuck, Fine… I will die, that’s the worst that can happen.’ The Demon thought with a serious expression.

“Your majesty… I-I-I was saying that-“

“Wait…” Detroit spoke as h immediately stopped him and turned around to look at his Queen who was sitting on the right side.

“What the fuck are you waiting for ? Did you marry me just so you can sit here and massage my fucking hand all day ?” Detroit asked with an Irritated expression.

“N-No, My King… I-I will immediately use my pussy to please your cock.” The Queen spoke as she immediately stood up and sat down over Detroit’s cock while tightening her pussy as hard as it was possible.

“Cover your fucking face, I don’t like it.” Detroit spoke with a serious expression.

“Y-Yes… My king.” Another Queen immediately threw a blanket at her face and the Queen tightly binded it on her neck while she continued to go up and down on his cock.

“Speak.” Detroit spoke as he looked the Demon.

“S-Sir… We have information that in the next upcoming 2 months. The gate to the other side will remain the most vulnerable since there will be no one protecting it from the other side.” The Demon spoke in one go without hesitating much.

“What about Golden Hands ? He stands at the gates… How do you plan to deal with him ?” Detroit asked with a neutral expression.

“Golden hands is no big deal, Sir. He is just another Demon, a little more powerful but a Demon at last.” The Demon spoke.

“Don’t repeat the same thing again and again… Just tell me how to fucking kill him.” Detroit asked in a very angry expression as he grabbed the Queen’s boobs and started pulling them but she couldn’t cry out or even moan because she just saw the result of moaning.

“W-We have a way to deal with him, My king. Pure mana.” He replied with a scared expression.

“A what ?” Detroit asked with a confused expression.

“Pure mana, My king. Demons are highly weak against this.” The Demon spoke as he pulled out a vial of blue liquid from his pocket.

“What is it ? Show me.” Detroit spoke as he raised his hand.

“Y-Yes, My king-” The Demon spoke as he started walking towards Detroit but he was interrupted mid-way.

“No, you stay there… You go there get that from him.” Detroit ordered as he looked at the other Queen.

“Y-Yes, My Husband.” The Queen replied with a scared expression as she immediately stood up from the couch and started walking towards the demon.

“Not with your hands… Bend down and bring it back with your pussy.” Detroit ordered.

“Y-Yes… My husband.” The Queen replied as she bent down in front of the Demon, showing her pussy to him completely.

“Sh-Should I ?” The Demon asked as he looked at Detroit.

“Yes.” Detroit ordered.

The demon slowly inserted the vial into her pussy and removed his fingers before they could’ve touched her pussy.

She took the vial back to Detroit and bent down in front of him again.

Detroit took the vial of pure mana out of her pussy and looked at it with a confused expression.

“What is this thing ?” Detroit asked as he opened the vial’s cork and noticed that the Queen is still bending down in front of him.

“Don’t move… If you moved, I will kill you whatever your name is.” Detroit spoke.

He immediately turned the vial’s face towards her pussy and thrusted it inside.


As soon as the pure mana started pouring into her pussy… She started feeling an itch all over her body, but if she moved destroit will kill her.

“I-I don’t feel so-“


Suddenly, her body burst out like a bomb and the whole room turned into a mess.

“Well that was intresting… How many can you make more of this ?” Detroit asked.

“About…2 vials per 5 hours and 30 minute.” The demon replied.

“Okay, Make more of these things… We will cross that gate and then…I will be able to easily kill that golden hands.” Detroit spoke with a smile.

“A-As you say, My king.” The demon spoke as he left right after that.


“Fucking hole… Tighten up.”

“Y-Yes, My king.” The Queen spoke as she tried to tighten her pussy but failed to do so and her fate was sealed.



“I need new Queens, These are fucking useless.” Detroit spoke as he stood up and left.

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