Chapter 927  The Next Morning


After splashing myself with very cold water, I was finally back to my normal self. Aquarina was gently washing my back with aromatic soap, after I washed her beforehand.

"So what happened? You woke up a bit freaked out…" She asked, wondering what had happened.

If I tell her that I had a very lewd dream where we had… sex. Knowing her, she would get probably really excited, and might try something perverted, so I better not tell her.

"N-Nothing… I just had a weird dream where… Uuh, I fell from a very tall building." I said, trying to figure out something that people often dreamed about.

"Ooh, I guess that's why you jumped off the bed!" She laughed. "Maybe I was asphyxiating you a bit… Sorry for hugging you too tightly."

"Are you alright yourself?" I wondered. "Everything's fine?"

"Huh? Me? Ah… Well, yeah. I'm feeling better now." Aquarina smiled, as she started to gently wash my long, red hair. "I think I've come in terms with what's going to happen, and I've accepted it as a challenge I need to get through. I'm just already thinking what we can do once I'm finally back, even if that might be quite far away."

"Well, I'm glad." I smiled, feeling more relieved. My tummy started to rumble a bit; I was feeling hungry.

Aquarina's tummy was also making a few sounds as well. Because we've grown so strong physically, we need even more food than kids our age should need… Like perhaps eight or ten times more.

Maybe this was why my mother always made such highly caloric foods all the time since I have memory, my father ate like three pizzas for breakfast, fifteen eggs with like twenty bacon pieces, around five large pieces of freshly baked bread, four to five cups of tea or coffee, and ten fruits.

And he still does every single morning! Though our meals vary greatly, sometimes there's a lot of donuts, other times we eat tortillas with a lot of veggies, creamy sauces and minced meat, and other times we indulge on a big variety of fruit pies.

My mother is no different, though she pretends to eat little, she eats a lot as well! Probably more than I do. Also every time I see her she has a cup of tea at her side, she probably drinks like fifty cups of tea a day or something. I guess she needs all that energy to keep moving her engines after living for so long.

Ahh, all this foodie talk is making me hungry; I want to eat pancakes.


After washing my back and my hair, and then drying ourselves with warm air made from magic, we quickly got ourselves ready, with fancy clothes that didn't made it difficult to move. Aquarina most of the time borrowed my clothes because we had almost the same size, and she did the same right now too… I can't complain, she's my girlfriend, so its fine I guess.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready!" She said, sporting a cute black and red dress, with black boots, and even a blue ribbon. She liked colorful clothes, unlike what her Amazonian Tribe often fancied, being mostly white dresses for girls.

We walked downstairs, we were greeted by my mom, dad, uncle, auntie… everyone. Our friends were back from their rooms, we weren't home, exactly, as we were still staying at my aunt's manor.

"Well here they are." My mom said. "Come eat already, we're late!"

"We're late?!" I was surprised. "S-Sure!"

"Let's eat then!" Aquarina jumped into her seat as we were greeted by a huge feast of countless delicious meals.

There were colorful fruit pies, donuts covered in chocolate and white cream, pancakes, all sorts of fruits, freshly baked bread, all sorts of colorful cheeses, milk, three huge pizzas my mom most likely did for my dad and anyone else, and there was even some grilled meat and a whole fried chicken… Mist was munching on the meat happily.

"Mornin' Shylphy!" She said happily.

"Good morning Mist!" I greeted her happily.

"Were you girls busy doing something else that you took so long to come downstairs?" Wondered Celeste, giving me a teasing smile.

"N-Not at all!" I said, feeling embarrassed. "Fufu, as lively as ever." Aunt Aina giggled, sipping some tea.

"Daddy, what were they talking about?" Susanna asked her father, as she was sitting over his legs. "E-Eh? Huh… Nothing, dear." Her dad laughed nervously, eating some fruit pie with a coffee at his side.

"Anyways, todays' the day! This came out of nowhere but I hope everything goes alright." My father said. "Everyone, make sure to act accordingly and don't do anything crazy… or weird! Okay? Let's make sure those pretentious nobles don't have anything to complain. Remember all the manners we've taught to you all."

"Yeah." My mother said. "Wow, that surprised me, did you just said all of that? I guess you've also been growing a lot, honey." My mother giggled, patting my father's head.

"Hahah, of course, why else would I- Wait, I'm not a kid!" My father complained, crossing his arms while munching on a gigantic sandwich. "I've already grown up a lot, don't you think?"

"Fufu, I know dear." My mother giggled. "I just sometimes I see small glimpses of how you used to be back then… So barbaric, reckless, and with so much lack of self-awareness and manners! I've shaped you into a proper father, heh."

"Hahh… I guess I should had expected such a comment from an elf wife." My father laughed a bit, going on with the flow.

I guess it must feel a bit weird how he had changed so much since he was a young teen compared to mom, who was unchanging ever since he meet her. "Are you feeling better now?" Nepheline asked her daughter.

"Yeah, I'm alright now, mom. Sorry about that again…" Sighed Aquarina.

"It's fine." Nepheline smiled. "Your dad's already on his way to the capital, we'll meet him there. Arafunn too is going there with him. Agartha wasn't left unprotected, both of their spirits are there protecting, so it should be fine."

"Oh, nice!" Aquarina was excited to see her dad. "Let's have fun in the capital once we're done with the celebration party!"

"Sure thing, dear." Nepheline smiled, caressing her daughter's long and silky hair. "I love you so much, my daughter." She suddenly hugged her tightly.

"E-Eh? Ah… I love you too, mom." Aquarina felt confused and slightly overwhelmed at first but accepted her mother's hug and hugged her back.

I guess they had fully reconciled now! "Yeeey! They reconciled, sis! I love happy endings!" My little brother giggled, as he was sitting over mom's lap. "Well, looks like things are finally settled then." Ninhursag smiled. "Never fight with your daughter again, alright? It's wrong and not something a mother must do."

"I know." Nepheline sighed. "I was foolish, and I let my own emotions get the better of me."

"I was also in the wrong too, don't blame mom for everything!" Aquarina said. "I'm… sorry too, for everything. Everyone, sorry… E-Especially Lady Aina, I apologize for… endangering your people with my stupid tantrums."

"Well, I would certainly have more to say right now but… Quite honestly, I have a soft spot for girls like you." Auntie laughed. "It's fine, dear. As long as you learn and understand, all is forgiven. From now on, try to be a better version of yourself, one step at a time, alright?"

"Y-Yes!" Aquarina nodded, feeling slightly inspired.

And after that heartwarming conversation, we stuffed ourselves with delicious food and departed straight to the capital. 

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