Chapter 923 To Make A Decision


I felt utter dread. I ran as fast as I could to the seas, seeing Aquarina fight her mother was the thing I least could have ever imagined would happen!

I started overthinking things. I began to think that there might have been something very important I missed, something I was lacking, something I didn't do well, did Aquarina did this for me?

Could her mother not approve of our relationship at the end? Was she hiding her feelings about it until now? Or was it something completely different?

I felt so frustrated because she didn't communicate with me about these things! She didn't wanted to tell me, maybe because it would hurt me!

That dummy, I couldn't care less if it hurt me! As long as I could know what the hell is going on!

Why didn't she trust me?! Why didn't she told me what's going on?!

To reach the point where I see her mother fighting against her! This is just utter nonsense!


I ran towards her as I saw her mother carry her into the port, the two were talking as they noticed me running towards her.

I jumped towards Aquarina, hugging her tightly, tears started flowing from my eyes out of all the panic and fear I felt.

"Are you alright?! Is everything okay in your body?! You took a blow from your mom!" I cried, checking her body, and beginning to conjure a million healing spells.

"I-I'm fine…" Aquarina sighed, glancing at me with a tired expression.

"You went too far!" I quickly confronted her mother. "Did you really had to hit your own daughter like that?! You should had stopped her, not knock her the hell out like that! What's wrong with you?! How can you do that to your daughter?!"

I couldn't contain my anger, barking at Nepheline like she was my sworn enemy.

"I'm sorry…" Nepheline sighed. "I-I… didn't meant to go so far. She was… going too far but I shouldn't had followed. I shouldn't had…"

However, she was so regretful she was holding her tears back, her face looked like she had already cried a whole lot already, so I guess she was already quite regretful.

"It was my fault, Sylphy, don't get so mad at my mom." Aquarina stopped me. "It's… complicated, would you be willing to listen to me for a little while?"

Honestly I felt so confused… But I just wanted her to be happy, so I just nodded and decided to just follow her, as her mother was left to explain what happened to the rest of my friends.

We walked across the port, as the people around finally seemed to calm down, the commotion ending as everything around town seemed to have gone back to normal.

If they didn't recognized Nepheline and Aquarina, it was because Aquarina's mom conjured a special spell bubble around her and her daughter, conjuring it so they are not noticed as they arrived…

"W-What's going on, Aquarina? Why didn't you wanted to communicate with me this entire time?! Why not even talk to me about these things? I was so worried!" I cried, running to her.

"Sorry…" Aquarina sighed, hugging me as we stopped walking across the wooden floor, the sun setting behind her. "I should had told you before about this, but instead… I just did one dumb thing after another, worrying you and then fighting my own mother… I'm such a stupid idiot…"

"W-Well, you might be a bit… reckless, but you're not a stupid idiot." I sighed, hugging her back, and caressing her hair. "You're a smart and brilliant girl, you just have… a very big heart, some sometimes, you let your emotions get the better of you, like your mom just did…"

"Sylphy… You know me so well." She sighed. "I guess I should had never hidden this to you, because you kind of guessed what was happening… Ugh, I feel so dumb, even as much as you say I am not one…"

"Just don't do something like that again, and the next time something like this happens, just tell me about it, instead of hiding it…" I sighed. "Okay?"

"Okay…" She nodded, holding my hand. "And well, uuh… This is hard to tell now that so much has happened.

"Geez! Just say it already…" I sighed, exhausted of her hiding things from me. "Just tell me why you've been fighting with your mom."

"It's just… Well, we had a talk before getting into the airship." She sighed. "A talk about an Ancient Inheritance my mother wants me to take, learn, and use to strengthen my body to even greater limits. It is an inheritance from an Ancient Hero, which lies within a gigantic mountain named Oblivion's Peak. It's in another continent completely, not even the human continent or Atlanta, it's a continent named Araburn…"

"Oh, so that's… it? But why would you fight with your mom over just that? We can just go together to that place eventually!" I said.

"T-That's the thing, it's a special trial, a trial I can only go with mom." Aquarina glanced at me with eyes filled with sadness. "Mom said it might take from a year… to two years. It's a trial that'll transform my body into something even stronger, the reason why her body is so tough is because of that. It's… a trial the Ancient Hero of Mountains left behind for any other Hero with the talent for that."

"One year… two… years?" I asked, suddenly beginning to realize what it meant.

To not see Aquarina for two years…


That's… I can't even imagine a week without her around, without her smile, her voice, and her company…

And two years… in two years so many things can happen, people can change so much, so many things might occur.

It might seem like little time for some long-lived elves, but for me, it would feel so long…

I can tell why she was so sad to the point of going crazy, if I get sad over it, Aquarina who loves me even more must have almost have her heart broken…

"Aquarina…" I sighed. "And do you… want to go there?"

"…" Aquarina remained in silence and then glanced back at me. "I have yet to fully make that decision, and… I want to ask you about it first. Do you want me to go?"

She's leaving the decision to me?


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