Chapter 921 Aquarina's Tantrum



The seas around Azurite Port started to shake and grow wild. The people panicked, gathering over the rooftops of their houses as they glanced the seas go crazy. Two figures in the distance were constantly clashing against one another.

One of them controlled the oceans, bringing forth endless sea waves and spiraling, sea snake-shaped masses of sea water, while the other used their bare hands, legs, and body to destroy them all.

"Cut it out, Aquarina! You're just making a tantrum now!"

The roar came from a gorgeous, muscular Amazoness, with a huge body of over two meters of height, packed with strong muscles, yet a beautiful and feminine figure, covered on scars, and wearing minimal clothing, her long brown hair waved rapidly as the sea waves came rushing towards her.

"I don't care! I DON'T CAREEEE!"

And confronting her there was a young girl around her 14's, her appearance was slightly similar to her, but with a long, silvery-white hair, and shiny blue eyes that shone bright blue, emanating powerful waves of ocean water from below.

Her Aura exuded a tremendous quantity of Divinity of the Seas, the seas around her, all of the water, were her strength, the ocean was her ultimate domain! And they shaped before her commands, and her emotions.

The uncontrollable rage she had was reflected into the seas, shaping, and combining together into a gigantic sea snake, opening its gigantic jaws, and rushing towards her opponent…

Her own mother.



The giant bite reached her mother, Nepheline, clashing against her entire body and unleashing a devastating explosion, the pressure of the water would had been enough to completely flatten half a city!

Yet, her mother was not a common woman, her body overflowing with a Divine Power of her own, her brown skin turning into metal as she resisted the enormous pressure and the explosion, her muscular arms rushing forwards, unleashing a devastating barrage of punching attacks.

"Enough is ENOUGH!"


Her fists erupted into fist-shaped auras that emerged from her own body, clashing against her own daughter's attacks, as dozens of sea snakes made of oceanic water constantly tried to bite her body!


"I won't let you take me away from Sylphy! I'VE ALREADY MADE UP MY MIND!"

Aquarina did not give up, her powerful Divinity erupting with even more power as her Mana kept regenerating rapidly! Her mother was amazed as she saw her own daughter unleash her truest powers, her eyes opening wide in shock.

"Aquarina…! You…!" She muttered, gritting her teeth. "You're serious about this?!"

The oceanic currents kept amassing around Aquarina, shaping into a gigantic titan made of the sea itself, suddenly materializing a huge armor made of frost, and conjuring a titanic trident charged with darkness, frost, and mana!


Aquarina screamed her lungs out, her blue eyes suddenly turning deep red as the gigantic sea titan moved, roaring furiously, its enormous arms reaching her mother Nepheline rapidly!



Nepheline swung her fists as she flew towards her daughter, punching the attacks as if they were nothing, but each time she did, she felt the strength and the pressure of the spiraling waters become stronger, even her powerful Orichalcum Skin was beginning to be slightly chipped, covered on bruises!

"Just how strong as this brat become?!" Nepheline thought. "This is amazing…! Yet…!"

She charged her Mana into her right arm, gathering her powers as stones, ores, and crystals began to materialize, growing a gigantic, over twenty-meter big arm made of stone, ores, and crystals!

"[Gaia's Fist]!"


The fist rushed towards the giant titan made of seas, only for Aquarina to respond with the titanic trident she created, both gigantic magic attacks clashing against one another!

"I'll prove you that I am STRONG ENOUGH!"

Aquarina screamed, her trident clashing against her mother's powerful technique!


Not only the seas below wavered, but the skies above started to seemingly split apart, the clouds disappeared and the seas momentarily showed their depths, the shockwave so strong that it felt as if the world itself trembled!

This was a clash between those blessed by Gods, those that possess the divine protections of Gods, carrying within their souls and bodies a fragment of their divinities!


Oceanic water and stone flew everywhere, as Nepheline prevailed over her daughter's mighty attack, rushing towards her furiously!


Nepheline had a lot of patience, but these last days, her daughter had proved that her patience was simply not enough. She was growing furious over her daughter's irresponsibility, and her lack of faith over her own mother's words! And above all, that she was making such a tantrum that she could risk the lives of the people on this port!


Aquarina roared angrily, her entire bod suddenly started to shapeshift, her heart beating rapidly as her entire body was covered on silvery blue scales, growing a very long, sea snake-like tail with a big flipper like those of a shark, a huge shark-like sail also grew on her back, as her arms gained enormous claws and so did her legs, while her white hair turned blue and her eyes gained the sharpness of a sea dragon!

"[Sea Draconification]?! She's using that already?!"

Nepheline tried to stop her, but Aquarina was one step ahead, opening her jaws and gathering thousands of units of Mana at once, and absorbing a large quantity of sea water too!


With a furious draconic roar, a titanic Sea Dragon Breath emerged from Aquarina's jaws, a beam of incredibly highly pressurized water, that could pierce through mountains themselves, clashing against her almighty mother!


The enormous beam clashed against Nepheline's entire body, as her skin started to gain countless bruises as it constantly regenerated, Nepheline felt the pressure of millions of liters of water crushing down on her!

"S-Such power…!"

She had never experienced such an incredibly powerful attack ever since fighting the Demon King and his strongest Elites, not even the Lolth-possessed Arachne!

"So this is… how far you've come…!"



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