
Within the High Heavens, the Gods oversaw the world inside of their flying palaces. Their glowing eyes noticing the descent of a traitor into the body of a vessel she has been preparing for a long time.

It was already seen as a taboo among taboos to descend into the body of a mortal to attempt to change the mortal world, but because Evil Gods had long ago broken their connection with the rest of the gods, they were able to do as they pleased.

And them, enclosed in their own palaces, could simply watch as they did whatever they pleased. They could not afford to waste energy and efforts into stopping their foolishness.

Were they cowards? Perhaps. Did they saw the lives of the mortals below as "not worth the effort"? Most likely.

However, deep down, they knew that eventually, they would have to confront the traitors, and eventually, they would have to fight. Whoever more lives are sacrificed does not matter.

As the Gods had yet to fully regain their strength, they'll watch, and grant blessings, they can give orders, but it'll all depends on the mortals to change their own fate.

"Lolth has descended into a mortal's body."

"This isn't the first time that an Evil God descends into the body of a mortal…"

"Damned Evil Gods! I'm going to hunt them all down!"

"Hold up, you can't go. Don't waste your energy in them. That's what they want."

"Their souls and bodies have fallen from grace, absorbing this world's energy without purifying it properly, they have become distorted, similar to the visage of our ancient race back in our home planet."

"Perhaps… that's the reason why they can still create Dimensional Portals towards that apocalyptic hellscape? To bring here our corrupted, fallen kin to their aid?"

"To think something like "True Demonification" is even a thing… Evil God of Dungeons, do you truly intend to turn this planet we've found into another hellscape like our home has become? All because you can't stand our existences and principles?"

The gods sighed, some had the intent to fight, but they were stopped. It was not the time yet, and they would rather let many die instead of wasting even a precious portion of their strength descending to deal with these issues.

"Luckily, the older and future heroes are gathered in the same place… The Saintess of Spirits has awakened her strength thanks to that girl's strange powers."

"Let's see how strong is that anomaly, and how powerful is the Saintess of Spirits, the fruit of our growing relationships with this planet's Spirit Kings over thousands of years…"

"The one who wields the power of the planet's spirits, and the one who wields a unique, alien power… Could they change the fate of their kin, the abandoned slaves we once created?"

"Even if we cannot do anything to not waste energy, it is quite intriguing, if not slightly thrilling, is it not, Theia?"


Theia, the Chief Goddess that blessed Sylphy, remained in silence while glancing into the planet's surface with her golden eyes.

"If they ever have a chance, that chance will be created by her, I'm sure."I think you should take a look at




It felt as if space and time itself distorted together, everyone glanced in surprise as Lolth had finished her True Demonification over Arachne's body, transforming her appearance into an even bigger, monstrous form.

Although she was interrupted and was incapable of fully transforming thanks to the attacks from Allan, Shade, and Arafunn, the power she acquired from her half-assed True Demonification was more than enough for her to exude a better part of her divine powers, now combined with the Demonic Energy of the True Demons from another Dimension.

"Hahahah… This is fantastic! The power of the corrupted ones, all those we left behind…" Laughed Lolth. "To think they would be so strong, so powerful! Why have I been neglecting this might this entire time? God of Dungeons, you're truly a genius sometimes, I have to admit it!"

Her words sent shivers down everybody's spines, the skies themselves became scarlet red, black clouds gathered around everybody else. The ground itself started to distort, showing countless screaming faces, the presence of many demonic entities exuded from Lolth's vessel.

To unleash True Demonification, she had to fuse with over a hundred True Demon Souls, souls which she had slowly gathered over the course of many years. And at long last, her vessel has undergone the transformation, making it much more capable of fitting her Divine Powers within.

And even more, boost her Divine Powers with the Demonic Energy of these threatening beings, the True Demons!

"What is she talking about?!" Sylphy thought. "She said demons are… those they left behind? Corrupted ones?!"

Although the situation was dire, Sylphy immediately started to think what Lolth had said. This entire time she believed the Gods and the True Demons were completely unrelated beings, and that the God of Dungeons was simply capable of bringing them here thanks to his powers.

"If they're somehow related, or they're the same… species, does that mean that they only called the original inhabitants of this planet "Demons" because they thought they looked like the True Demons from wherever they came from?!" Sylphy only grew more confused and intrigued.

But she quickly realized this was simply not the time to worry about such things at all, even less in this time, when a True Demonified Mortal Vessel holding almost half the Divine Soul of an Evil Goddess was right in front of her and everyone else!

The Domain she created was destroyed and so the rest of the Swarm, and they could easily run away… But was that even possible while being in front of such a monster?


A huge shockwave of Demonic and Divine Energy combined together erupted from Lolth's body, the surroundings felt distorted, as if Mana itself was having a hard time even existing, everyone else, even including Sylphy, felt exhausted, as if their bodies had become much heavier.


[The power of the [True Demonic Divinity Aura] has distorted the boundaries of reality itself! Mana has grown weaker due to the higher-level energies within the surroundings.]

[Magic Conjuration Cost has increased by +500%, Magic Spells and Techniques Power has decreased by 60%. All Foe Stats have decreased by -40%.]

[You feel an indescribable pressure over your soul and body, you cannot easily move.]



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