
Lolth herself had descended from her own Divine Realm among the skies! The entire battlefield shook once more, as the heroes and their children stepped back.

The corroding, poisonous evil divine presence of an Evil Goddess well known among Insectoid Demon Tribes emerged, making almost half her soul descend into Arachne, whom she raised into her ideal vessel!

Arachne's appearance instantly changed as she was "infected" by her Evil Divinity, her size became even larger, growing as big as a hundred meters of height.

She gained another pair of arms, and all her body gained a huge black armor made out of her own exoskeleton.

Her eyes divided, becoming eighteen red eyes across her face, her hair became purple and black, growing larger and floating in midair while emanating bright lights, resembling stars.

And her body exuded the power of Divinity itself, distorting space around her, as if she was creating her own center of gravity…

"You impertinent vermin…" Arachne spoke, not with her voice, but the voice of an Evil Goddess. "After having worked so hard for this useless vessel to gain enough power so she could harbor my complete soul, you ruin my plans! Do you realize how MANY resources and Divine Energy I've wasted doing all of this?! It was all so perfect yet you had to somehow prevail despite all the odds?! What bullshit is this?! You mere mortals! You mere SLAVES!"

"I-Is that voice really the one from a Goddess?! Ain't no freakin way!" Zack panicked, glancing at the figure of Arachne being possessed by a completely different being.

"I-It is… It's really her, Lolth, one of the dozens of Evil Gods that live within the skies of the Demon Continent…" Celeste said. "She's the one that has been backing and helping Arachne do all these atrocities. Her presence… I can feel it is very similar to those two other Evil Gods I once made a pact with! So malicious… I can't even breathe properly! Ugh…"

"T-This is escalating out of proportions!" Lara panicked, her eyes were spiraling while she was growing more and more confused. "W-What do we even doooo?"

"S-Stay behind me, Lara!" Luck said. "I would even fight a goddess for you…!"

"S-She's scary!" Mist was also scared. "Uwaaagh!" She hid behind Zack.

"She doesn't look all that different though?" Celica was confused. Maybe lacking sensitivity against energies was nor her blessing. 

"Can our parents really deal with her?!" Aquarina started to tremble.

"We have to trust on them." Sylph sighed. "This is a battle… That goes beyond what we can accomplish. Furoh, fly as far as you can, into the skies!"

"Alright!" Furoh flew higher and higher, making a good distance away from that battle.


"Oh no, my dears, you're not going anywhere!" Arachne laughed, or well, Lolth. "[Divine Swarm Domain]!"

TRUUUMMM…!I think you should take a look at

Yet another powerful Domain was summoned, this time, it was much stronger than Lolth's Spiderweb Domain, as it used Lolth's Divinity by itself rather than Arachne's Mana.

Suddenly, everybody found themselves trapped in a pocket dimension, with hundreds of layered walls, to make it hard for even those capable of breaking dungeon walls to escape.

The entire world turned red and black, the space surrounding everybody distorted, resembling a monstrous mass of endless negative energy.

Countless spider-like red eyes opened across the entire domain's walls, the huge legs of insects appeared slowly, and then, those huge legs turned into insects themselves.

"T-This is…?! The Swarms?!" Allan asked. "So it was really you the one that summoned these things, Lolth."

"You dare speak my name so blatantly, pitiful mortal slave?" Laughed Lolth. "To think those foolish gods would go as far as to give so much strength to slaves without holding a leash on them… I've hold on tightly on my vessel, making sure she doesn't disobey my orders."

"You Evil Gods only know how to talk about slaves all the time." Shade smiled with a furious expression on his face. "Our kin has long ago stopped being your slaves. And we will not accept you talking to us like that again."

"Do you think we've been growing rusty all this time, you stupid excuse of a goddess?" Arafunn smiled with a cocky smile, summoning his Divine Relic, which he kept with himself all the time, not letting his brother take it away to put into the treasury like Allan and Shade did. Mostly because he had the authority to hold the national treasure.

"Hah… HAHAHAHA! Watch your mouths, you pathetic vermin! You're nothing but the pitiful children of our slaves! You dare speak to me in such a tone when I was one of the many that designed your genes?!" Laughed Lolth. "I might have fallen from grace now, I might have been betrayed by those bastards, but I am still your Creator!"

"You're no creator, you're just a monster." Allan said, his eyes glowing with fiery red eyes. "I remember the Demon King did this same thing, but it was three Evil Gods instead of one. And do you know what happened to him? He was still defeated."

"You're the only one being stupid here, Lolth." Shade sighed. "Freely showing yourself here, you're asking to have your soul sliced into pieces." His aura constantly started to grow stronger.

"HAH! Dare if you MUST!" Lolth laughed, swinging her hands as she summoned six copies of Arachne's Soul Weapon at once, an ability only possible because of the Divine Power that Arachne was now given. "I'll crush your little bodies and devour your souls and blessings! Once that's done for, I'll become even stronger than those pitiful bastards in the High Heavens! I'll crush them all and become the Queen of Gods instead!"


At the same time as Lolth jumped into action, Allan spoke to Sylph through telepathy.

"Sylph, the Swarm's coming from all around you guys! Can you hold on for at least a few minutes?!" Allan asked. 

"We can!" Sylph nodded. "Leave it to us, dad!"

"Alright, good girl!" Allan laughed. "Don't interfere on this battle if possible. Leave Lolth to us! You deal with that Swarm until we're done!"

"Okay!" Sylph said. "Alright everyone, time to do some plague extermination… Again." She quickly took off some items from her inventory. "Here, Lara, use these!"



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