
Asarashk had appeared out of nowhere to deal with Luck. His power and strength went beyond Arachne's wildest expectations. Not long ago, he was so pathetic that even the Tier 6 Monsters of the Swarm were a deadly threat against him. But against their expectations, Luck had grown in just a couple of days into a total monster.

The awakening of his Heroic Blessings and Powers might had been one, and also inheriting Elise's Magic and her Weapon too… However, the biggest factor that helped on his amazing growth was, without a doubt, the System Sylph gave to him.

Leveling Up by slaying monsters became his true blessing, capable of being able to "catch up" even if a little bit with the strongest of the younglings, such as Zack and Aquarina, gaining unprecedently amazing strength with each level, a process that would had taken months or years if done through the conventional ways a person grows their magic circle and develops their physique in this world.

"[Divine Claw Arts]: [Evil-Tearing Celestial Slashes]!"


Through the power of his Divine Claw Arts Skill, his Beast Aura, and his Divine Beast Spirit Transformation, coupled with his amazing All-Gaia Divine Relic shapeshifted into huge golden claws, Luck unleashed a barrage of devastating slashing blows that made his surroundings tremble!


However, even his strongest technique, the one he had used to even harm the Gray Fenrir before, was almost completely useless against Asarashk, the strongest and closest servant of Arachne, her aura overflowing with the power of someone… at Tier 9!

Her black, insectoid claws easily intercepted his wild and beastly attacks, and her amazing agility effortlessly surpassed his own! Her kicks and claw attacks charged with Darkness Venomous Beast Aura Power were even stronger as well!

"You've grown much stronger than before; I have to admit it." Laughed Asarashk, flying using her amazingly fast insect wings. "However… You have yet to reach the heights we've all achieved. All five of us! [Demonic Insect Queen Arts]: [Abyssal Nether Claws]!"


Asarashk's attacks were tremendously strong, three swings of her enormous claws was all it took for her to create tremendous tremors all around her, shattering and destroying all of Luck's golden attacks, and suppressing his aura with her overwhelming Demonic Insect Beast Aura!


"Ungh…! Dammit!!!" Luck roared furiously, his golden fur kept growing more and more across his body, as he grew more furious. "I can't lose… I won't give up… I WON'T!!!" A golden light covered his deadly wounds, swiftly beginning to heal them.

Not only was this the power of his Skills and natural self regeneration, but All-Gaia had the innate ability to heal the user over time, granting them a passive regeneration of all wounds, no matter how lethal they are. 

This is why this weapon fitted much better a physical fighter than a magician like Elise. And this was also the reason why Elise could never take full advantage of the relic's powers with her weak constitution.

Luck was finally bringing out the max power of this relic!

"Hoh, so you can regenerate quickly, you're almost like us demons now, boy." Laughed the insectoid demoness, slowly walking towards Luck while her Beast Aura swirled around her body, resembling an endless swarm of mosquitoes. "You know? My siblings and I weren't created by the Swarm Power of Arachne, we are all her faithful servants. We aren't as easily disposable. And also… we aren't as easy to defeat either."


Like a flash of black lightning, Asarashk reached Luck in a split of a second, gathering the mighty power she had cultivated for many years, and unleashing it all at once masterfully against the young hero.

"[Demonic Insect Queen Arts]: [Bloodlust Swarm]"



Luck was quickly engulfed by billions of mosquitoes, all made out of Asarashk's own Beast Aura, which quickly started shredding his body with their small piercing proboscis, draining away his life and blood!


Luck screamed in agony as he was completely overpowered, his entire body falling to his knees as the swarm surrounded him and continued to slowly drain his energy! If it wasn't because of his transformation, he would had already been reduced to a dried mummy.

"Do you understand the difference between the two of us NOW?!" Laughed Asarashk, kicking Luck in the chin with all her might, blowing him into the ceiling!



Luck vomited a mouthful of blood, his energy fluctuation became weaker, Miasmic and Demonic Energies started infecting his wounds, his life was being drained, his mana was beginning to grow lower…


"It's a good thing you're a tough kid, because I'll have to beat some sense into you!" Laughed Asarashk, as she suddenly materialized a huge spear out of her Beast Aura and her own Soul Aura. "[Soul Weapon Materialization]: [Vampiric Insect Queen's Spear: Scarlet]!"


Dozens of piercing strikes covered Luck's entire body, as he groaned in agony, his entire body was being covered by horrifyingly deep and bloody wounds! However, his regeneration abilities were barely holding him alive!

"GRAAAAAAHHH!!!" A sudden roar of desperation echoed from his jaws, his entire Aura erupting into an explosion of pure golden light, as it shaped into a ferocious tiger attacking Asarashk!


Anybody would had been intimidated by such mighty power, as Asarashk was engulfed by the powerful beastly spiritual light!


However, with a smirk, Asarashk's eyes shone brightly, and then, her spear channeled the power of her Beast Aura, as she unleashed a beast of her own.

"[King of Flies, Beelzebub]"


A huge and monstrous insect surged from her aura, as her spear pierced through the entire tiger's body and shattered it into pieces, all while she kicked Luck into the ground!


"Ungh… T-This… can't be…!" Luck muttered, groaning in agony as he felt several of his broken bones no longer beginning to regenerate properly. Tears flowing from his eyes. "Lara…"

"No matter how much you train, in this little time frame… There's simply no way you can catch up to us, boy." Asarashk smiled, grabbing him as if he were nothing but a ragdoll. "I hope you understand~"


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