
Once the next morning came, I felt like exercising a bit, and while nobody was awake yet, I went inside my Dungeon to check it again while running around and getting accustomed to my new Stats, which greatly improved my physical strength and magical might by… well, quite a lot. I got one thousand to all stats, permanently! It was certainly worth it.

I only wonder how much I'll get out of the Dungeon when it reaches Level 3… Maybe only another thousand? Or maybe more… It feels like I can finally level up! Although in a weird way, and maybe it isn't even leveling up though.

And first thing first…

"Sylphy, hurry! Something terrible seems to have happened on the second floor!" Alice panicked, as she led me to the second floor, where I found a huge wasteland!

Countless slimes and spider carcasses were spread everywhere, as if hundreds fought on an all-out battle. 

"How did this happen so fast? I thought I introduced prey monsters!" I said. 

"T-The thing is…" Alice sighed.


[The [Dungeon System] apologizes for not having clarified something…]

[Whenever you step out of the Dungeon, time inside pass on really fast so a proper growth can be generated in a good time for you.]

"Eh? Such a thing is real…?" I wondered. "Okay…"

"Looks like after a few months, the monsters grew in quantity severely, and started fighting for supremacy and territory." Alice indicated. 

"Hmm? Let's see…" I quickly walked around the second floor, finding that the two factions, the Slimes and Spiders, have multiplied to… thousands!

And not only that, but the Slimes gained a Slime Queen, which was Tier 4, the same as the Spider Queen. Both generated a rivalry, and constantly generated offspring to fight one another.

This led to an evolutionary race of some sort, where both tried to create stronger offspring with new abilities. therefore, there's now several variants of Blue, Red, and Green Slimes, and also of Black Spiders.

Although a lot have been massacred, the Queens ascended to Titer 5 after eating tons of their rivals, and their weakest children are always Tier 3 now.

"Well, it was healthier than I imagined, their growth was exponential thanks to that!" I said with a smile. 

"Y-You don't really mind it?!" Alice was shocked.

"Nah, the stronger and more battle ready they are, the better, actually." I nodded. "And if there's thousands, then that's even better."


[The [Dungeon System] says that you have the power to stop the time acceleration even when you're out, if that's what you want, and resume it whenever.]

"I see. For now, let's keep it up, but stop their fighting for now. Slimes, Spiders, I want you to feast on these ones." I said, taking out hundreds of corpses of huge Demonic Insects we've fought before. "Slime Queen, Spider Queen, your offspring can become stronger if you eat these, right?"

The two seemed to nod, although they didn't got closer to one another, they clearly hated each other quite a lot…

"Alright, for now, don't fight and produce strong soldiers." I smiled. "I'll provide you with enough food, so you don't have to desperately eat everything."



The Slime Queen and the Spider Queen came to some sort of agreement. But even if I had an army of thousands, would that be enough against the Swarm? Well, as long as I buff them first using Class Skills, Magic, or my Yggdragon's Aura, it might be just enough to hold them back much better.

Leaving that problem aside, which wasn't that much of a big deal, I moved to the first floor and saw several crops flourishing. Seems like the time acceleration made them grow even bigger, the trees were larger, although they had yet to give some fruits.

"Looks like the plants are soon to mature, they might gave out items in less than an outside world day now. Also, seems like you can leave this place accelerated if you want to too." Alice said. "Separated from below."

"This Dungeon is rather crazy; I can manipulate it to such an extent?" I wondered. "Ugh, my common sense is fading away even faster than before… Well, for now, I wonder what the Forest Monsters are up to…"

I walked to the forest to meet them, finding the place strangely peaceful. It seemed there was now a "Forest King" an evolved Giant Bear at Tier 5 which had a big group of Giant Bears serving him.

The Gray Wolves were still strong, but none of them had yet to have a Tier 5 leader, their strongest was a Tier 3 Gray Wolf Pack Leader.

And the horned rabbits… were still rabbits, nothing to report there.

"What do you think, can you fight outside?" I wondered, asking the Forest King.

"GRRRHHH… GRAAH…" He seemed to not mind helping out. "GROAR."

However, he pointed at a pile of food.

"Oh, so you want some compensation. I am the Dungeon Master, I could just force you to obey me, big guy…" I sighed. "But fine, how about this?" I offered him and his large family demonic insectoid carcasses, which they happily started chewing.

"Alright, that's enough for now…" I walked outside my dungeon, having cleared more what I should do next, I'll let them develop for a bit more. Hopefully by the time we fight Arachne, I can show off this power.

"Sylphy! Time for breakfast!" Aquarina said, entering my alchemy room. "You stayed the entire night here! I wanted to cuddle!"

"R-Right, sorry about that, haha." I laughed a bit, apologizing. "Let's go have breakfast with everyone then." I nodded.

"Okay! I made pancakes for you this morning!" She smiled.

"Oh? Sounds nice~" I walked by her side downstairs, greeting the rest of my family.

"Good mornin' Sylphy!" Mist said first.

"Hey, were you working making potions all night? Do you even sleep?" Celeste sighed.

"Good morning Sylphy, how are you today?" Celica asked politely.

"Sylphy, come eat at our side, you look a bit pale, have you eaten enough?" My father wondered.

"Good morning everyone! Ah, yeah, I'm a bit exhausted… Huh? Where's Zack and Luck?" I asked.

"Both of them are sparring outside since this morning." Said Shade, crossing his arms. "They're getting along quite well."

"Oh? Interesting…" I looked through the mirror, the two were fighting with all they've got. 

Luck's personality had given a sudden shift, as he seemed much more decisive than before. Also Zack was no longer the petty young boy from before, acting much more maturely, and helping out Luck train as much as he could, while trying out his own abilities.

"Hey you two! Come to eat breakfast already!" I said.

"Oh, right…" Zack nodded.

"Hahhh… We've been sparring for at least a few hours, hahah." Luck laughed. "I'm starving…"

"Me too, let's go!" Zack nodded.

"Nope, nope, nope, first of all, take a shower." I said, splashing them with water.




Both fell to the floor as I splashed them with tons of water to wash all their sweat. And then, a warm breeze to dry their clothes and bodies.


"And done!" I nodded. "Much better!"

"Ugh, you never change, Sylphy." Zack sighed.

"S-So she has always been like that, huh…" Luck sighed as well.

"Hey! I was just being nice and-"



Suddenly, the earth right behind the two of them opened wide, as a huge worm emerged from within, roaring furiously!

"GROOOOAARRRR!! I've finally found YOU, HEROES!"

Ugh, another bug?

Wait, this is actually good, more food for my dungeon monsters!


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