Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 831 Upgrading The Dungeon, Getting A Second Floor


[Your Dungeon has gained 350 EXP for placing two Facilities.]

[EXP: 1000/1000]

[Your Dungeon has Leveled up to Level 2!]

[A New Floor has become available!]

[EXP: 0/10000]

[Your Stats gained a Bonus of +1000 for becoming a Level 2 Dungeon Master.]

"You did this faster than I thought! I guess having a lot of EXP accumulated helped!" Said Alice.

"Yeah, though I could accelerate the process even more, I don't want to just dump all my EXP into the Dungeon alone." I said. "After all, it can be used to Level Up skills, create powerful items, make System Seeds, and so on…." 

"You're right." Alice nodded.


[The [Dungeon System] is wondering what theme you want your second dungeon floor to be? The available themes are the same as the ones from before.]

"Then this time let's make Labyrinthian Themed Dungeon Floor!" I said. 


Suddenly, stairs leading downstairs emerged before my eyes.

"Wow, fancy."

I walked downstairs, quickly finding out a small labyrinth emerged in front of my eyes. It was at least ten times as bigger as the first floor though.

"Damn, it is larger than the first floor." I wondered, looking around. "So how does this one works?"

[The [Dungeon System] explains that to make the Labyrinth-type Dungeon Develop, you must bring monsters that can be assimilated. Alive, if possible. Trap Devices are the same.]

[Of course, there are new Dungeon Facilities that will offer Monster Production and some basic Dungeon Trap Devices.]

"Interesting, I guess I can't do this one right away…" I said. "Let's see the shop at least, before I get out of here for now."

[Dungeon Facility Shop (Level 2)] 

[Available Items: 3/3]

[Set of Trap Devices of Suffering (D+ Grade)] [Cost]: [2000 DE] 

[Dungeon Slime Nest (D+ Grade)] [Cost]: [2500 DE]

[Dungeon Spider Nest (D+ Grade)] [Cost]: [3000 DE]

"Looks interesting…" I nodded. "I would need… A bit over seven million EXP to get everything approximately. And if I do, I can produce slimes and spiders as dungeon monster pets? That sounds kind of cool…"

"Ugh, fine, I can't resist!" I cried.


[You have exchanged 7500000 EXP and Large Quantities Of Mana!]

[The Dungeon has absorbed the energy and generated 8850 Dungeon Energy!]

[You have purchased [Set of Trap Devices of Suffering (D+ Grade)] [Dungeon Slime Nest (D+ Grade)] and [Dungeon Spider Nest (D+ Grade)]!]

I placed the Devices around the Corridors, near the places I plan to open the Dungeon Gates, meanwhile, I put the Slime Nest to the northwest, while the Spider Nest to the southeast, like that, they're far away from one another and don't engage on fights as much.

I'll find some rats later and assimilate them into the dungeon with the remaining Dungeon Energy I get so I can create a proper food chain for them.


[You have placed the [Set of Trap Devices of Suffering (D+ Grade)] around the Dungeon! Deadly traps emerge! Who will be unlucky enough to enter your dangerous dungeon now?]

[You have placed the [Dungeon Slime Nest (D+ Grade)] in your dungeon! Slimy and ferocious [Blue Slimes (Tier 1)], [Green Slimes (Tier 2)] and [Red Slimes (Tier 3)] are beginning to crawl around, seeking anything to eat!]

[You have placed the [Dungeon Spider Nest (D+ Grade)], a [Spider Queen (Tier 4)] is born, and is beginning to lay eggs by herself to create a small family of subjects such as [Black Spiders (Tier 2)] and [Giant Black Spiders (Tier 3)]…]

"Interesting… They are born almost instantaneously… This feels like I've become a summoner of sorts." I wondered, walking around the dungeon, the traps didn't work on me. "Oh, hello there."

I was suddenly greeted by a huge Red Slime wandering around, it timidly approached me as I petted it, and gave it some food, which it ate happily, and then, it began moving away.

I better not make any bond with these guys, I'll be pretty much using their lives as resources, so I can't harbor any deep feelings with them nor think of them as pets.

[Your Dungeon has gained 2500 EXP for placing three facilities and producing a large quantity of monsters.]

[EXP: 2500/10.000]

[Dungeon Energy is slowly being produced…]

[You gained +16 Dungeon Energy.]

[You gained +3 Dungeon Energy.]

[You gained +1 Dungeon Energy…]

"Cool, I'm even getting this naturally now!" I smiled. "Alright, let's go on a hunt! [Dungeon Gate]"

[A Dungeon Gate will be created.]


Opening the gate once more, I walked outside and jumped out into the wilderness outside. Quickly and easily finding what I was looking for, rapidly multiplying critters that can be good food for anything.

I caught several Tier 1 Big Rats, some Night Horned Rabbits, also Tier 1, and a few Timid Crickets, also Tier 1. Assimilating things cost Dungeon Energy, so for now I choose weak prey animal that can multiply easily.

And what are they going to eat? Well, I'll also introduce a bunch of tasty mushrooms I have in my inventory, all of them mostly rapidly multiplying D+ Rank Dungeons that'll feed on the Mana to grow easily.

I have endless Mana, so food for the lowest of the low won't be an issue.


[The Dungeon has assimilated [Big Rats (Tier 1)] x6, [Night Horned Rabbits (Tier 1)] x4, and [Timid Crickets (Tier 1)] x3!]

[You have spent 650 Dungeon Energy to assimilate the Monsters Completely!]

[New Types of Monster has been added to the Dungeon Second Floor!]

[Dungeon Rats, Night Horned Rabbits, and Timid Crickets will begin multiplying as they eat food and procreate.]


[The Dungeon has assimilated [White Mushroom (D Grade)] x10 [Brown Mushroom (D Grade)] x10, and [Black Mushroom (D Grade)] x5!]

[You have spent 625 Dungeon Energy to assimilate the items completely!]

[New types of Mushrooms have begun multiplying rapidly around the Dungeon as they absorb your Mana!]

[The smaller monsters have begun consuming the mushrooms.]

[The stronger monsters have begun hunting the smaller monsters for sustenance, multiplying their own population too.]

And this is how you create a food chain.


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