
At the end, we were paid 285000 Gold for everything, which was a massive sum. Because I also sold most of what everyone had hunted too, we decided to just split it between everyone equally. That ended being 47500 for everyone, still an insane sum. With this I had more than enough to buy anything I ever wanted for the rest of the year if not even more years to come. Though I do plan on investing on it on something. I have considered making my own alchemy shop.

"Thank you so much for the ingredients!" Joseph was tremendously happy.

As he was storing everything inside the gigantic freezing chamber underground, which worked using Ice Magic to keep everything frozen and fresh at the same time, we moved to another task, helping these poor spices plants regrow.

Some of these used their seeds to be crushed and make spices like pepper, others were the leaves like oregano, some others were their fruits, such as the chilis. Nonetheless, with my new Agricultural Art Skill, this was a piece of cake.

Mist and everyone else also used Purify and Regrow Spells, combined with my Cultivation Ability within the Agricultural Arts Skill, Joseph saw a miracle happen.


All plants were once more healthy, they began sprouting leaves, fruits, and seeds immediately. And I even added an extra by mixing some magic crystal dust with other rich nutrients from monster bones and bone marrow and put it on the soil, enchanting it even further with Soil Enhancement.

"And done, this should have this covered now." I nodded. "I added a little bonus and put some rich nutrients in the soil, I hope you can appreciate it."

"I doooo! This is perfect! Your magic is fantastic! I can't believe it is even possible to help plants grow this quickly and make them bear fruit so soon! I thought doing this made the plants die sooner, is it not true?" He wondered.

"Not anymore." I said. "My magic is specially tailored to work naturally, using the power of this Nature Spirit, Naturia."

"Foo! Nice to meet cha!" Naturia greeted him.

"I-I see… Nice to meet you too, dear." Joseph smiled back at her.

And now, the very last task before getting my quest completion goodies and eat something because everyone was starving, identify the spice combination.

"This spice… Let's see, I've got myself a special skill to check this." I said with a smile. "[Analyze]"

ƥandasnovel.com FLASH!

[The Item has been analyzed perfectly.]


[Elcheffen's Special Spice Mix (B Grade)]

A special Spice Mix that combines over twelve spices together to make every dish a delicious meal. It has been enchanted with Cooking Magic Spells for greater flavor. A delicious spice that goes especially well with seafood. If used to make food, the food created will have special magical effects that can temporarily increase the magical power of the one that consumes it.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Spices: Oregano, Pepper, Dried Chili, Alba Herb, Moonlight Flower, Earthen Seeds, Goblin Fruit Seeds, Archeba Oil, Dried Tyrant Tiger Blood, Sword-Horned Fish Bone Dust, Scissor Crab Shells, Coral Tree Fruit.


I wrote the spices and the details in a paper and showed them to Joseph.

"H-Huh? All these spices are things we already have… I think I even tried this mixture before!" Said Joseph. "Then why is mine not- Oh, Cooking Magic! Then father must have used the Spice Enhancement Spell, no?! By the gods! Was I such a clueless idiot?! For neglecting the usage of magic I have not realized my father's best spices were all made using special combinations between spices and magic… Oh father, I guess I was the stupid one trying to make things without magic. Our cooking, as elves, must use the spiritual essence of nature, magic, as he often said."

Joseph seemed to remember his father with a smile and a bit of melancholy.

"Hah… I miss him, he was grumpy, and was always scolding me and reprimanding me for everything. Sometimes I often wished he died… But after learning so much from him and everything, I've only grew to love him more, and now that he's finally gone, I can't… sometimes I just can't bear with it." Joseph sighed, as a few tears began flowing out of his eyes. "Hah, forgive me for crying…"

"N-No, its fine, I know it must have been hard." I sighed, giving Josepha a handkerchief.

"Young lady Sylphy, and everyone here, please make sure to appreciate your family, and especially your parents. Sometimes they might be grumpy and annoying… so annoying you kind of hate them, but they always mean no harm." Sighed Joseph. "They just want the best for us."

"Well I don't have parents so that doesn't apply to me…" Celeste said.

"Come on don't ruin the moment!" Mist said.

"Ahahaha, you girls are really funny." Joseph laughed. "Very well then, I'll make the spice like you said and see if it's really true!"

Joseph quickly went to make it, ten minutes later, he was back with a big grin on his face.

"I've perfected it! Father! I've done it! Hahaha, I can see now,  you never revealed me the recipe because you wanted me to use the teachings you gave to me to figure it out myself, you annoying old man, even after death you're annoying me… Hahaha, I miss you." Joseph sighed. "Very well then, lady Sylph, I suppose all three tasks are complete! Thank you so much for helping me today. My day was filled with stress but now, I am just more than happy. Now, go sit down! I'll bring you an enormous feast! It's all on the house!"


All of my party celebrated, as we went to sit down and the plates of dishes kept coming one after the other. Everyone was smiling, eating, laughing, and the atmosphere became one of cheerfulness and soothing happiness. Spending time like this with friends sometimes made me think this was the meaning of life, to enjoy the little moments with everyone.


[You Have Completed The [Special Quest]: [Complete the Three Tasks of the Young Chef Joseph!]


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