
"Woow, these big crabs look like they would be ideal for lunch~" Aquarina said.

"Yep, we'll be boiling some right now. We should take a break now. We've fought enough monsters and we are just at the corner of the dungeon. We might take a while once we get down there." I said. "Let's eat some alligator and the fishmen's meat. Aside from the weird human-like parts they're just a big walking fish."

I quickly took out the ingredients from my Dimensional Bag once more, like a week ago, we began cooking in the middle of nature. I set up a few bonfires for everything. We added water, potatoes, carrot, and onions inside with some small chunks of grease-covered alligator meat, and then we left them boiling with some salt, pepper, and oregano.

As for the fish, I quickly cut down the limbs and the creature suddenly resembled just one big fish, so we just roasted them with everything except the guts which I butchered out. I covered them with tons of salt I generated by extracting it from the Lake Water, which was high in sodium.

And lastly, the crabs were boiling inside a large pot, they were very big so I couldn't fit too many inside, I ended cutting down their claws which were the meatiest and their tiny legs, and many more fit inside a pot. The whole bodies were not wasted, I put them over the fire and they began to be roasted.

"Hmmm, the smell of seafood is really refreshing." Zack sighed in relief, sitting over a trunk. "Though this isn't seafood… Should we call it lakefood?"

"Just call it fish and crabs anyways." Sighed Aquarina. "I wish there was some of that squid left, but our parents ate everything through the week…"

"Even if there would be some left it would end up all bad, squid has to be eaten right after being fished after all, we could freeze it but it would lose a lot of flavor as well." I explained.

"I want to eat already!" Mist said. "Little Zephy, all these crabs were hunted by you too!"

"Yeah!" Zephy was all happy. "It was hard but I managed to do it!"

"It was amazingly well done." I congratulated him. "Ah, the crabs must be ready soon…"

We sat around the bonfires while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The Rocky Valley at the back and the enormous and wonderful Effervescent Lake in front of us. The colorful crystals growing here and there helped to make the whole scenery even more fantastical.

I saw my Familiars playing around in this place too. Ignatius was chasing around Beelzebub for having stolen his food though, meanwhile Naturia was drinking the salty water for nourishment. Wait is salt okay for her roots?

Lastly, Curse was inspecting the surroundings with his big eye, and Furoh was on his Black Wyvern form, looking very intimidating, no mere monsters would get closer with his presence alone. Although he wasn't as strong as the actual Black Wyverns we fought back then, which were like Tier 7 monsters.

Meanwhile, Nephi was staring at the food being prepared rather intensively, while looking like she was drooling over it. She was swallowing saliva all the time, she really wanted to try out the dishes already. She really has little patience, doesn't she?

"Hey Nephi stop staring at the food so much, your drool's going to get over it!" Zack said while polishing his new Axe, carefully cleaning the blood from it. "Seriously you've been with us for a bit over a week now but you're always just thinking about food, is this like your whole personality?"

"Is it bad?" Wondered Nephi while feeling down. "What should be my personality then?"

"Eh? Ah… Well… I don't know…" Said Zack.

"Hey Zack don't be a meanie!" Mist said.

"Okay, sorry…" Sighed Zack. "Just don't get closer to the food like that."

"Sorry, I didn't realized it was bad manners…" Nephi said. "I am still learning a lot about everything… Manners are always important. I will take into note what you said."

Nephi smiled lightly with her flawlessly beautiful face, her striking double color hair of gold and purple and her red and yellow eyes seemed enchanting to everyone.

"D-Don't worry about it…" Zack said while feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Nephi do you remember anything more from your past by the way?" Asked Mist curiously.

"My past…" Nephi began to think about it but seemed to have not many clues. "The memories I have are few… Some are blurry as well. I was made for a purpose… I was a weapon, but now I've been given another purpose. I was chained yet now I am free… I am still trying to figure out what I am… or what should I do."

"Ah, it is complicated…" Celica sighed. "Don't worry about it, me and Mister Teddy won't bother you with this stuff! Mother and Mary always says that people should be however they want."

"However I want…" Nephi said.

"Well, you're certainly not a weapon anymore. Though your memories must be brief, you still held consciousness. You're definitely a person." I said with a nod. "Don't worry about the opinions of the gods or whatever… These guys do more bad than good to be honest."

"Forcing us to do things like defeating the Demon King or whatever… Like we'll ever do that." Sighed Aquarina. "Though because of these divine protections, many others might be in danger. The forces of the old Demon King still remain alive, and then there's the Evil Gods… Ah, well, we haven't had to bother about them for a while in here. It has been a nice break."

"Hmm… You've had it hard." Said Nephi. "I remember that… the Gods made me for a purpose. To become a weapon that could allow them to fight the Demons. I am a Nephilim, perhaps what I truly am is… half god and half demon." As Nephi said these words, she continued drooling at the food. 

Yeah, she might have said that with all the seriouness of the world but she was still quite the clumsy goofter.


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