
As my mother told me about my spirits, and how they should be doing things as if she were reprimanding them for being lazy or something, Ignatius quickly began to complain about my mother. Thankfully she couldn't hear him.

"Oi! Who does she think she is to order me around?! S-She might have killed me but that doesn't mean she can just tell me what to do!" He cried. "I know she and your father slain me but she can't just order me around like that! And I am not lazy! I am working hard every day!"

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Shut up! Shut up, Ignatius, nobody cares!" Said Alice angrily. "Stop being so grumpy!" Alice was quite the savage there, making the little egg frustrated of his existence as a spirit.

"Sometimes I begin regretting I became a spirit!" He sighed. As he continued to complain without seemingly having an end to his rants.

I was getting angered as well, but I also thought that Alice was a bit too aggressive there, maybe she already has exhausted her patience with him, living in the same soul scape most of the time might stress her because Ignatius might be a goofy guy, but he's also very grumpy, and annoying, and overly prideful even after dying…

However, I could also see that the two had grown quite closer, although I don't know how much of that is just the two being forced to bear with one another… But it is better than nothing! I hope they can get along…

"No you don't." Said Furoh. The demon suddenly interrupted the two, as he told Ignatius the truth. He indeed was enjoying being a spirit despite saying he regrated it. "I know you're just grumpy due to pride, but you like being with Sylphy, like us… You enjoy it, you like her, you love her as your daughter actually!"

"Y-You shut up!" Cried Ignatius, making a tantrum. "What kind of nonsense are you talking about?!" I couldn't help but join the party and talk with the two as well to see what they were up to, I heard them talking weird stuff, and I felt flattered about the idea of Ignatius seeing me as his daughter, it was very cute.

"I didn't knew he was so much into me! Ignatius! You flatter me, you really love me this much, stupid grumpy dragon?" I giggled as I used telepathy to speak to my spirits inside my soul scape. Ignatius quickly cried.

"No! I-I appreciate you…! T-That's all! Now stop acting weird, humans are so odd with their emotions and feelings! Being with you is making me get infected!" He said. "S-So stop!"

"Heheh, okay~" I giggled.

"See? He's just overly grumpy and prideful but he's a nice guy." Said Furoh.

"Stop talking you flesh noodle!" Said Ignatius. "You take it all easy because you don't have to bother teaching her magic or anything as you're not a spirit, you're like a pet or something!"

"I-I am not a pet, you scaled lizard- Ah, well, you're just a boiling egg now, hahaha!" Laughed Furoh.

"B-Boiling Egg?!" Cried Ignatius. "Y-Youuu…!"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

And like that, Furoh and Ignatius began fighting inside my soul, but they cannot really damage one another inside of it, so I didn't felt as worried as I would had felt otherwise, nonetheless, it was still quite bad that they fought and discussed so much sometimes, I just wish they could take it easy, but their personalities are quite conflicting, and so are their pasts and natures.

Furoh was a demon that grew up despised by the world, eating trash, and living quite horribly but somehow surviving, as weak as he was, he is a person that is afraid of death despite having been near death many times, and quite cowardly as well, I guess he's slowly getting over it and maturing as a person, but it's taking its time… I am helping him as much as I can.

And then there is Ignatius, he's a dragon, a fire red dragon born as the son of the Dragon King, he was born strong and battled to grow even stronger, he hunted down weaklings and terrorized villages and conquered mountains, he never knew about being weak, and tried out his luck trying to fight the heroes that took down the demon king, dying on the spot. His entire life was the opposite of Furoh, he never learned to be humble until he died now, so they're quite the opposites, both are trying to learn the opposite of what they had always known about.

Furoh is trying to gain courage and a bit of pride, to stop drowning on his own self-loathing, all while Ignatius is trying to be humbler and less prideful and grumpy, but it is not working that well, even after all these years… Anyways, I decided to go back to the outside world, where my mother was preparing stew and Nepheline was roasting some bird meat.

"Here we go." Said my father, entering the tent and bringing a whole butchered Wild Boar. "I'll help roast it with Shade, I don't want to disturb the ladies."

"Papa, can I see?" I asked.

"Okay, you can come." Said my father, petting my head as he led me outside.

"Wait! You're leaving this big boar here and walking out? Bring it with you! Why did you even bring it in here?" Asked my mother angrily.

"Ah! Ahaha, I forgot." Laughed my father, grabbing the giant wild boar with his hand and carrying it with ease.

"Geez, I swear this man is in the clouds when he sees his little princess." Said my mother.

"I was going to roast it inside but you seemed to be using the entire tent! Don't get angry with me for something like this now, honey…" Sighed my father, giving my mother puppy eyes that always defeat her.

"Ugh… O-Okay, sorry… but it was surprising you just dropped it there." She said while crossing her arms.

"Okay, I apologize." Said my father, as he petted my mother's head and kissed her nose. "You're so cute when you get angry…"



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