Aquarina recalled many memories as she moved forwards, the memories of their pain, the suffering they have gone through, and how much it made her desire to become stronger.

Especially several years ago, when they were just children, their first ever experience against death, when they were trapped inside that space by one of the old Demon Generals and faced sure death.

This was an event that moved Aquarina to these lengths, to become a bit rougher over time, and to get as strong as possible, and which also made her overprotective of Sylphy.

Because she saw how self-sacrificing she was... her body was all torn to shreds back then, yet she somehow survived, and was revived...

It was already a miracle she lived after all of that, and Aquarina was traumatized for life ever since then, her shy, meek personality, which seemed so gentle and baby-like rapidly changed. She wanted to be tough and strong, to face this horrible world, and to protect the love of her life, Sylphy, who would give up her own body and life, who would rather be torn to shreds to save her...

"The reason why I choose this path..."

She continued moving forwards, Svana looked at her, noticing that Aquarina’s steps became more precise and stronger, she distributed the weight of the two monoliths around every inch of her body.

Her talent was tremendous!

"The reason why I became like I am now..."

Her mother looked at Aquarina with a smile, nodding.

She knew that Aquarina had become like this because of what happened back then, she knew it from the beginning.

And she only helped her girl get stronger, because she knew of the pain she had gone through, and her endless desire to change.

"Sylphy... You don’t need to carry all the weight anymore..."

She kept moving forwards, step by step, the scorching sun above burned her brown skin.

The soles of her foot were in pain as they touched the hard, burning stone beneath.

Yet she had no choice but to continue.

"I’ll become so strong I’ll be able to protect you from anything..."

Ten steps, a dozen steps, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty...

Aquarina didn’t broke her concentration, her face burning red due to all the effort she was giving.

"Even the Gods and the Demon King."

Her eyes turned deep red, her Aura surging from her body, her Dual Aura which had been created thanks to Sylphy’s help.

All this power she had was all a gift from her at the end, the System, her Draconification, many of her skills...

Even before all of that, she did train a lot, yes, that was a lot of her power too, mostly things her parents taught her, her cultivation, and everything.

But all of such powers have now evolved tremendously thanks to Sylphy too.

This was the first time she would truly forge a power of her own, completely.

With sheer effort, pain, and suffering.

"Wear your body down, until the only thing left behind is the hard stone of the desert," said Svana. "Step by step, carry the weight of the mountains, until you become a mountain yourself."

Aquarina continued moving as Svana said such words, these words that the Hero of Stone had once spoken to his family and friends.

This was the doctrine of the people of Everstone, nonstop refinement of the body, until achieving complete perfection, to turn the feeble and fleshy body into stone itself.

And the to continue refining the stone, until it became ore, and then metal.

And then...


The ultimate goal that not even Svana has achieved.

An untouchable, invincible body.

This was the power of the Hero of Stone, his Physique.


And now, Aquarina was one of the many that walked through the arduous path to try and achieve such a power.

A whole day passed and Aquarina had barely done twenty laps.

But she didn’t stop, she continued moving, without eating, sleeping.

She only drank water Undine feed to her.

After the second day ended, she reached seventy laps.

And then, as the third day arrived.

She finished the 100 laps around the village while carrying the two gigantic monoliths of stone.

An incredibly arduous, weary challenge, something that pushed her beyond her limits.


The sound of the monoliths hitting the ground reverberated across the Dry Steppes.

At this point, almost the entire village had gathered to see her finish her first ever challenge,

Of many to come.

"Hahh... Hahhh..."

Aquarina felt her entire body in pain, yet... an Aura of brown essence surged from it too.

Every time since she started this trial, her entire body was constantly refining itself.

She was cultivating.

As her hands trembled, covered on bruises and scars, she smiled lightly.

"I’ve gotten a bit stronger... I think," she sighed in relief, before falling over the floor.

"Hahh... I’m beat!"

Her family and Svana quickly ran to greet her.

"You did it, three days and three nights, but you did it!" Svana laughed. "Well done,


"I’m so proud of you!" her mother hugged her tightly, Aquarina couldn’t even move anymore.

"Ahhh... Please have mercy on me, mother... I am so tired and hungry..." Aquarina groaned.

"Please give me anything to eat..."

"O-Of course! We should quickly go!" Shade nodded. "We’ve already prepared a big feast to

Celebrate your initiation with Svana."

"Yep! Let’s go enjoy!" Svana laughed. "Let’s do this!"


The people of Everstone celebrated.

Music quickly filled the streets, people began dancing, jumping, and creating fireworks by

Firing spirit stones into the sky and making them explode.

The night sky was illuminated by countless colors, the songs of the people and their dance,

The fire, and the delicious smell of roasted meat.

Aquarina felt the atmosphere, she felt the people’s happiness.

She recalled how they stayed with her, and trusted her, and saw her moving forwards.

And she smiled as they came to congratulate her and eat at her side.

"So, Aquarina? Do you feel a bit more welcome now?" Svana smiled at her, bringing her more


"Yes... maybe a bit more welcome," she nodded. "Hah, do I need to do this again tomorrow?"

"Yes!" laughed Svana. "Until your skin becomes as hard and tough as stone!"


And like that, the first week continued, and the second week arrived.

Step by step, Aquarina kept moving forwards.

Faster and faster.

Until finally, at the end of the second week...

"I-I did it?!"

She finished the hundred laps before lunch.

She dropped the two monoliths into the ground, gasping for air as she looked at the sky,

Resting over the dry earth.

"Congratulations, Aquarina!" Svana said. "You’ve finally accomplished it! Took you two

Weeks, but you did it, girl!"

"I-I did... I did it... Hahhh... My body feels weird, just what was that? Did I really cultivate

Doing such amount of hard work?"

"You did! Not only your body has been tempered tremendously, but even your soul, as you’ve

Cultivated your very mind and resolve!" Svana extended her hand towards her. "Now, let’s go!

Time for breakfast, girl!"

"Hahh... Alright!" Aquarina smiled, accepting her hand, and standing back up. "Um..."

"Yes?" Svana wondered, looking at Aquarina.

"Sorry for being rude before... And for acting like such a brat," sighed Aquarina. "And thank

You for helping me, and always trusting me."

"Oh!" Svana giggled, patting Aquarina’s head. "Don’t worry about it, dear. You remind me of your mother in her younger years more than you imagine, haha!"

"I-Is that so? Hahah..." Aquarina laughed a bit. "I wonder how everyone else is doing... Sylphy


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