The queendom had officially established its new law that granted our residents rights to gain a last name. It definitely shocked the population, but most of them had positive insights about it.

As said in the meeting before, while the common people gained last names, the members of the nobility would be having a second and nobiliary name to keep up their superiority.

Naturally, that applied to our family as well, and we were having a hard time choosing what our other names would be. We had been dealing with it for months, and thankfully, we came up with what we thought were perfect names for us.

After Mother signed and officialized the documents in front of the audience and journalist in the Hall of Mirrors, she stood up, which my family and I followed suit. By the way, Iris and Sophia were here with us today.

“Following this new law, we, the members of the Queendom of Raevender royal family, will be renaming our official identities.” Mother said. “Before the people here, I would like to reintroduce you to the Raevender family with their new full names.”

After that, Mother then placed her hand on her chest, implying that she was going to introduce herself first.

“Each of the members of the royal family has five particles in their names. Starting with the current Queen Regnant of the Queendom of Raevender. My new name is now Mylene Clare Therese Lou Raevender.”

That was Mother’s new name. She had now three other names inserted between her former name. Since we were royals, we could have up to five names, which we took personally.

For our nation, we decide that the nobiliary particle for our royals and nobles would be Lou. It did not really mean ‘from’ or ‘of’ like some nobiliary particles back on Earth. It was just the shortened version of our capital’s name.

As for her other names, Clare and Therese had special meanings in them. Clare was obviously borrowed from Mom’s name, but in another form. Meanwhile, Therese was a tribute to honor her late mother.

“Next are my queen consorts. From now on, you can address them as Claire Marie Helena Lou Raevender and

Gabrielle Eris Deirdre Lou Raevender.”

After introducing herself, Mother unveiled the new names of her wives.

The same as Mother’s, Mom’s new names were sentimental to her. The names Marie and Helena were derived from Mother’s name. But etymologically, it was another way around, as Mylene was actually a form of the name Marie-Helène.

In Gabrielle’s case, it was different. Her new names were actually some random names she came up with—nothing sort of special or had a deep meaning. Even though she had my memories, I had zero influence on why she chose those names; it was her own choice.

But when I looked at it, Eris was somewhat related to Gabrielle, as Gabrielle was the other name for the moon of a dwarf planet named Eris. Though I did not know why Gabrielle chose the name of a tragic heroine of an Irish legend for her other name.

“Let’s move on to our children. Everyone, please welcome the queendom’s crown princess, Louise Raphaela Angelica Lou Raevender, and the lord of Lavender Marquisate, Raphael Louis Johannes Lou Raevender.”

Well, yeah, one of our new names was basically the feminine and masculine form of our given names. We came up with their idea of using one another’s name, just like what Mom and Mother did, since we did not have to rack our brains about it.

Others might find it weird that we carried one another’s names, as it was more like a romantic thing than being siblings stuff. Well, we indeed love each other romantically, so it was kind of right. But it did not stop us from doing it anyway.

As for our other names, we asked our parents to provide us ideas. In short, we just let them give us names again.

My sister got the name Angelica, which was the name of Mom’s mother. On the other hand, Mother gave me the name Johannes because it was the name of her honorable father, our grandfather.

Relatively, we asked them why they did not give us those names when we were born. Their response was that they were so excited for our birth and ended up having so many names on their list.

But what they thought to be the real reason was that they just could not say the names of their parents out loud if ever my sister and I engaged in an intimate relationship with our parents, which actually came true. That actually made sense.

That were our names from now on, but people could still address us with our former short names. It was a new concept, which meant that we could not force it into practice immediately so people could not get used to it for a while, so it was understandable if they made honest mistakes.

Currently, only the five of us could legally have three or more names. My fiancees as well as Big Sis’s still had two names since they were not officially part of our family yet. In addition, they belonged to a sovereign state, which meant that they were not eligible for the naming.

After officially introducing our new names to the audience, Mother then turned around toward the direction where our vassals took their seats. Michael and the others then stood up and faced the audience.

“As part of our nation’s development, it was an honor for the royal family to introduce our vassals’ new names to the world. Everyone, let us welcome, from right to left, Dane Graceblade, Michael Romans, Lucy Corbeau, and Uriel Scarlett.”

Since they were residents of the queendom, our vassals gained their own last names naturally. The way they chose their names was interesting.

Dane basically coined her last name from her nickname, Dancing Blades. Dancingblades sounded cringe for me at least, so she picked the name I suggested. Her movements were gracious when she used her Unique Skill: Magnetician, so it was somewhat accurate, if I were to say.

Michael cleverly chose Romans so that his name would sound like the name of one of my favorite bands. Also, we were fans of the greatness of the Roman Empire, including the eastern one, but definitely not the western side. Insert a quote from Voltaire.

Uriel’s and Lucy’s last names were related to colors that described themselves. Scarlett referred to Uriel’s main power, which was fire, and it also described her dress colors of choice.

Lucy’s last name was kind of contrary to her given name. Lucy was a diminutive form of Lucifer, the angel of light, while Corbeau was a translation of raven, the shade of her hair.

Those were their names for now, but they would be having other names in the future when they were granted peerage. Aside from Lou, a second name would be added to their identities.

(Which means that Michael Romans only lasts short. How sad.)

Anyways, our government had hired hundreds of statistics officials and staff to accommodate everyone who wanted to acquire a last name or family name. To lessen the hassle, we also approached the heads of some families and clans in our nation and let them decide for their family names.

For those who could not decide what would be their last names, they could just use the Scandinavian naming system, in which their last names would be their father’s, or mother’s if none, given name with the suffix of -son or -dottir.

Afterwards, the queendom was busy for the next few weeks.

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