Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 496 Planet Austere's Story [1]


[Congratulations! You have induced your first Main Storyline Mission: The War of Planet Austere!]

[Mission Details: Through your clever play with words, you have convinced Edgar into accepting the fact that he is the main character and savior of his Planet. Help him in his incredible journey to save Planet Austere!]

[Mission Rewards: ???]


Legolas looked at this notification again with a calm look on his face. 'It's time to tackle this mission'.

"Send for Edgar".

His personal assistant did not hesitate as she left to fulfill the order. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and a familiar face entered.

Looking at the smooth black hair and the familiar face, again, Legolas felt emotional. 'I've really come a long way'.

'From the time when I was so powerless and easily sent to my death in the Nightmare Beast Island, now I can even transport warriors from other Planets'.

'Edgar, John, Ella…, my influence has really increased'.


With a nod, Edgar sat respectfully opposite him and looked at him.

Legolas looked at him with a smile. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great". Edgar reciprocated the smile. "The war made us lose a lot, my rogue hunter group lost a lot of members but it's all worth it since we won in the end, our sacrifice was not in vain, that's what matters most".

Legolas nodded. "You're right, what matters is that we won".

"So, as to the reason why I called you here, do you remember your conversation with his Almighty the Hermit?"

Edgar perked up. "We had more than 1 conversation, Army Commander".

"Yeah, I know". Legolas nodded. "He said you were the chosen one, he gave you the confidence to embrace your destiny in the journey to liberate your planet".

"Yes!" Edgar paid even more attention now.

Legolas grinned. "The time that his Almighty spoke of is now".

Edgar felt excitement grip him as he forced himself to calm down. "Army Commander, what should I do?"

"Tell me all about the strongest beasts in Planet Austere, the true leaders of the Apocalypse that are threatening the fall of the Planet".

"Yes sir!"

"Write and elaborate on the board". Legolas showed him a white board.

Edgar was excited as he started scribbling away at the board. "There are numerous powerful beasts threatening our existence since the inception of the Apocalypse, but the most prominent of them are 12".

"There are 11 leaders who led the raid during the beginning of the Apocalypse, 11 Grade B Monsters, they laid the raid that brought the Apocalypse".

"We call them the 11 Nightmare Monsters".

Edgar drew an elaborate illustration of them on the board. "Every child is taught to know them from a very young age, the Ice Gorrila is their leader".

"As for the 12th most prominent beast, you have encountered him once".

Legolas raised his eyebrows. "That mad beast?"

"Yes, it's Conan, the Mad Berserker". Edgar nodded. "Despite not being a Grade B Beast, his incredible Supreme Talents grants him more than enough strength to pose a great amount of threat to our existence".

Legolas nodded. "11 Grade B Beasts vs the Skyrim and Human King, no wonder the planet is in such a dire state".

"But…" Legolas' eyes narrowed. "11 Grade B Beasts are more than enough to flatten both the Skyrim and Human Kings, why have they not overrun the planet since long ago with such power at their disposal?"

Edgar looked at him. "The fear of death".

"They may be powerful and dreadful beasts but they also don't want to die".

"They know that if they push the Human King and the Skyrim King too hard, in a fit of desperation, they could take any of them alongside to the afterlife".

"That's why they mostly only send their subordinates to pressure and kill us, their intention was to whittle us slowly until we die a slow death".

Legolas' eyes shone in understanding. "In the end, it's procrastination, who would be the one to sacrifice his life for the collective cause".


| "Good". Legolas nodded. "Is that all?"


"Then tell the Human King and the Skyrim King to prepare, tell him that in an hour, we're going back to Planet Austere".

Edgar turned to look at him. "But…, after leaving our planet to come join this war, I believe that Planet Austere is already a monster planet".

"Yes, I know". Legolas nodded. "My intention is to take it back".

Edgar silently looked at him, then he bowed. "Yes, Army Commander".

An hour later, hundreds of thousands of warriors were gathered, both NPC and players as they got prepared to go for war.

This time, it was not just the warriors that came from Planet Austere that were about to go back, warriors from Planet Darvis also joined them.

After the end of the Cataclysm, the warriors already saw each other as allies. Since the warriors of Planet Austere came to help them, they were obligated to repay this favor and was why the whole Planet was about to go help.

All the players in Planet Darvis were hyped as they received new missions.

[You have received Planet Austere Main Storyline Mission: The War of Planet Austere!]

[Mission Details: After centuries of oppression in the hands of the beasts of the Apocalypse, the warriors of Planet Austere are finally ready to mount a comeback and reclaim hold of their planet.]

[Main Mission: Aid them in fighting the war and reclaiming their planet.]

[Mission Rewards: ???]

This time, a familiar but even more crazy scene took place in a large square as hundreds of thousands of warriors kneeled and prayed to an unknown existence, possibly a god that ruled above a certain gray world.

With Legolas taking the lead, everyone else followed his cue.

"Your Excellency the Hermit…"

"the one who rules in the gray mist…"

"the unmatched ruler of the gray world…"

"bestow me with your blessings…"

"grant me the resilience to witness the journey between worlds…"

A mighty power erupted with Legolas at it's center as gray mist started spreading through the air, engulfing all the warriors that were engaged in this prayer, taking them all for an unprecedented transportation.

It took a few seconds due to the sheer number but it was soon done.

Then, the next moment, it happened.


Hundreds of thousands of warriors were teleported out of Planet Austere.

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