
"Good morning, your Excellency the Hermit". Sophia's cheerful voice reverberated across the gray world, injecting life into the gloomy world as the other members also extended their greetings to their leader.

Today was the 2nd gray world gathering since Legolas recruited Edgar.

Since there were no new members to be introduced this time, the gathering kicked off instantly as the members revealed information that they got.

Of course, among the Superhumans that were from Planet Darvis, most if not all their preparations were based on the happenings in the Planet.

At this moment, the happenings were all related to the Cataclysm.

Compared to the first time when Legolas just dragged them to the gray world, they were all now powerful and influential Supers in Planet Darvis. Every single one of them had access to information, now they exchanged it all.

Most of this information was what Legolas already knew about as a High Official of the Planet so he didn't pay as much attention to it.

It was when Edgar spoke that the attention of everyone was attracted.

Despite it being a month already since the last gathering, Edgar could never forget it. Afterall, it was in being introduced to this secret galactic organization that he was pushed into making a drastic decision.

"There is nothing exciting going on in Planet Austere".

"The leaders of the Hunter Society remain as rigid as ever, content with not changing their approach and sending more hunters to their death for a hopeless cause that won't change unless they change their approach".

"Most of all though is that I'm still being sought after".

Edgar grinned. "The feeling of being a rebel, the rush of putting your life on the line at every moment, the realization of having no allies, feeling danger at every step, this is a new sensation that I've never experienced before".

"I like it though".

"Like they say, no pain, no gain".

"To save my Planet, I am willing to do anything".

"To save the humans of Planet Austere, I will do anything".

He finally smiled. "I also want to use this medium to advertise my qualities".

He stole a glance at the Almighty Hermit, and seeing no adverse reaction, he continued. "As a Grade D Psychic, I already mastered the Advanced Psychic Knowledge, Psychologist which makes me proficient at treating the mind".

"As warriors, there are always moments when we drown in self-doubt".

"Mental problems plague warriors like us daily".

"Healing your mental problems is a great way to break your bottlenecks more easily".

He smiled. "When you are affected, don't ever hesitate to seek my help. All I want in return is payment of equivalent or more value, preferably Arcanite metal".


He grinned. "Well, if there's any other way that I can help, don't be shy to ask, I am always available".

Edgar's words came out a bit silly but this was due to his new circumstances and the pressure from desperation. As a rebel now in his Planet, he had no one to rely on for resources, he only had himself to sustain himself.

This was why he was ready to do anything to sustain himself.

After a few more cross-checking words from the other members of the gathering to confirm a few things, the gathering progressed to the transaction phase, now this was where The World took over.

Most of the members of the gathering already knew that the World was High Official Legolas, they instinctively had great respect for him and saw him as the flagbearer of the Hermit and the most important member of the gathering.

The World did not beat around the bush, this was negotiation time.

He looked at John. "I already spoke with you once about it, have you made your decision? Can you do it? What are your terms?"

John took a deep breath before replying.

"Inherently, I am a Virtual Mechanic which means I deal mostly with the virtual aspects of the mechanic class".

"I can hack into a lot of servers of my level, but creating Spaceships, this is a task that is far above me".

"Besides, I doubt any Technician Mechanic of my level can build one either. The knowledge to grasp to start building Battleships is a Cutting-Edge Knowledge".

"Only Grade A Mechanics have easy access to them".

"Any other Mechanic below that grade with access to the Battleship Theory is either the son or daughter of an influential and filthy powerful Mechanic".

"Most of them are existences who I cannot meet, but…" He rubbed his nose. "Through a special mission that I once took part it, I happen to know a Technician Mechanic that meets the later requirements".

John paused to organize his thoughts. "After talking with you the other time, I thought a lot about it. Ella is a greedy one, she's greedy for growth and success".

"I believe if you offer enough Arcanite metal, she will be willing to help".

"Another factor that aids you is her greed for growth. For Technician Mechanics, they only grow stronger by building new machines, building a brand-new Battleship is one way to supercharge their growth to crazy levels".

"All we need to do is find her a blueprint of a Battleship that she can take as a template to create her own unique blueprint".

"Whatever she has access to now is restricted by her father's company. She is obligated by contract and oath to never use the company's blueprints outside, so if she is to help, she will be starting from scratch".

"And of course, the last requirement is if she can be transported to Planet Darvis during the time while she works".

"She can't work on a new Battleship in Konot IV, she'll be discovered".


The World thought carefully through his options. "Transporting her to Planet Darvis through the gray world is not a problem".

"The main problem is her prize".

"I will need to speak to her first".

"Ok, do and get back to me".

With that, the gathering continued. More transactions took place but it was mostly negotiations between the other members with Edgar or John, these 2 had specialties that the others didn't have any other way to access.

Due to that, they had an edge in the negotiations.

After a long gathering where they all left satisfied, the Hermit finally addressed them one last time before the gathering finally came to an end.

A day later after the end of the gathering, John prayed to the Hermit.

"Ella agreed".

"She is yet to give her prize".

"Before deciding, she demands for a Battleship blueprint sample".

After listening to the message, only one thought dominated Legolas' mind. 'There's no other way, it's the Nak Navy again'.

This time though, he was not about to go alone.

"John, I need your help…"

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