Chapter 201 - 201: Lost relic“They used to be the sole protectors of an ancient relic passed down from generation to generation. However, due to some unfortunate accident during a terrible earthquake, these two Chieftains lost possession of this relic forever.
Because of this loss, the two Orcs became sworn enemies of each other.
The Orcanine Chieftain thought that his friend was a coward who couldn’t show up at a critical moment, while the Orcupine Chieftain thought his friend was an idiot meathead who lost their most precious treasure in the entire history of the Orcs.
They blamed one another.
And once they became Chieftain of their tribes, this hatred and rivalry seeped into their clansmen and escalated into the civil war that they have now.”
As Michael listened to Fudge’s story, he couldn’t help but see the cute little ninja in a completely different way.
He always thought that Fudge was just fooling around, but this time, it seemed that he had brought in an extremely important discovery that would completely change the atmosphere of this meeting entirely!
“Do you know what kind of relic they used to have?”
The violet snake shook its head. “They refrain from directly speaking about the relic in their diaries. Oh, yeah, I got all this from the journals under their bed.”
With the root cause of all this tension and rivalry finally unearthed, Michael finally knew how to solve their problem once and for all.
He looked at the two Chieftains, who were still in a perpetual screaming match like children on a playground.
“You! You Coward!”
“You coward, meh meh!” the Orcupine Chieftain mimicked.
Michael put up his hand and commanded the Earth mana in the surroundings to stop.
Fuzzy balls of brown energy halted their natural flow in the world. They had gone still, forcing the two Orc Chieftains to stop what they were doing and wonder why they couldn’t feel the presence of the Earth Goddess in their bodies.
“What’s happening?”
Michael cleared his throat and caught the attention of the two Chieftains.
“I would like all of you to stop your whining and listen to me,” Michael said with authority, allowing the Earth mana to bend to his will, and his will alone.
If the two Chieftains want to ‘connect’ with the Goddess they worship so much, then they would have to do as Michael said.
Finally, they stopped fighting and looked at Michael.
“It turned out that both of you have been fighting over just a relic?”
The Orcanine Chieftain shook his head. “Not just any relic. It was the pride of our ancestry, a symbol of what we have once accomplished under the banner of the Earth Goddess. But this coward—Orcupine—let it fall into the crevice!”
“I was trying to save you, you fool!” the Orcupine Chieftain yelled out. “You were going to fall into the crevice as well. So, I chose to help you instead of catching the relic. But I know now that I should have let you fall!”
“You should have!”
“Yeah, I should!”
Michael tried to calm the two Chieftains once again.
“So this relic. Is it perhaps called a Mithril Artifact?”
The two Chieftains nodded. “Yes. That relic was a necklace that gave anyone who wielded it a significant boost in strength. Anyone who wore it would feel the equivalent of consuming 50 Kakao beans!”
“It is a treasure that has helped our tribe become one of the strongest demi-humans in ancient times,” the Orcanine Chieftain lamented.
“It was what protected us from harm many times before. But unfortunately, we weren’t able to protect it.”
The Orcs stopped their fighting for a brief moment to mourn the loss of their treasured relic. The very root of their hatred for one another was actually a hatred of themselves for failing to protect their legacy.
“So, if you had an item equivalent to your relic from before, would you be able to forgive each other?”
The two Orcs looked at each other, remembering the times when they were young Orcs. They used to be called the Dynamic Duo for their collective power.
The camaraderie was still there, present but hidden under their years of hatred for each other.
“There is no equivalent for this relic,” the Orcanine chieftain dishearteningly said. “It was a lost art made by Ancient Dwarves. No blacksmith can ever make it again.”
It looked like the Orcs were more disappointed with this fact, as they too wanted to squash the beef between them. Unfortunately, the relic cannot be replaced.
“Are you sure about that?” Michael said as he reached down his shadow to reveal an arm brace.
This was special because Michael had it specifically made for Zion as his customized armor to help with his punching power.
Oh, and also, it was a Mithril Artifact teeming with power.
The two Orc Chieftains felt themselves drawn to the arm brace in Michael’s hand. They felt like they had seen this before.
It was only when they looked closer at the object did they finally felt the mana in their cores start to react with feverish intensity. It was like their mana cores were starved in a desert, and only now did they see a pool of water in front of them.
The pain from losing the relic was so bad precisely because the two Orcs knew how powerful it was. Once they lost it, they knew they wouldn’t be able to feel the course of mana flow through their veins as powerfully as the relic had done before.
And they had longed for it ever since.
But now, a different object was giving them the same feeling as the relic they had lost.
“Human…what is that?” the Chieftains asked.
“This is a Mithril Artifact. I made it myself with the help of my dwarf friends. Do you want to test it out for yourselves to see if it’s as good as your relic?”
Before the two could answer, Michael gave the Orc Chieftains the pair of arm braces.
And as soon they held it in their hands, their eyes welled up with emotion.
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