Madeleine playfully hit Dyon, “But this sounds interesting… what is celestial will for it to have that effect?”

“Well,” Dyon released his celestial will, causing his skin to glow slightly. Infinitesimally small crystals began to fall around him and Madeleine, “You can feel the purity, right? Celestial will is like the ultimate form of gentleness, but it is at the same time an absolute defense when its power is at a high enough level. Imagine washing away your opponents attack by purifying it.

“At the same time, celestial will allows you to impose your will on others because its purity is so alluring, which helps when you want someone to feel as good as you do. Which is even easier considering the calming and good feeling the will gives you in general.

“The final and probably most important, is that it makes opening more than 72 meridians possible.”

Madeleine looked up at Dyon in shock, “Really?”

“Mm. As you know, there are a total of 108 meridians. But, since ancient times, due to the loss in density of the energy of heaven and earth, more and more martial artists have begun to rely on cultivation stones to improve in later stages.

“… Common stones for foundation stage, profound stones for essence gathering stage, and so on. The problem with that approach is that the energy lacks purity. So, even the best of geniuses can at most open 81 meridians. In fact, many essence gathering experts have only opened 54 meridians to reach the minimum requirement for essence gathering, before using treasures to force their cultivation upwards.”

Madeleine nodded, knowing much of this already, oblivious to the fact that Dyon had glossed over the loss in density of energy. Even Dyon didn’t know the full explanation, he had a pretty good guess.

Amongst the geography books in the central pillar library, he found that the size of Earth was many times smaller in the past. But, for some reason, it had expanded by millions of times. Allowing the human and martial world to stay perfectly isolated from each other.

This obviously had the added affect of thinning the energy.

“The problem with that, is that your future cultivation is restricted. For every 9 meridians you open, you gain access to one level of essence gathering. So, today, most martial artists can’t access the 10th, 11th and 12th levels of the essence gathering stage which correspond to 90, 99 and 108 meridians being opened respectively.

“Usually, if you open 54 you’ll be capped at the 7th essence gathering stage. If you open 63 you’ll be able to push past with treasures and reach the 8th saint stage. If you open 72, you’ll be able to reach the 9th celestial stage and so on.

“So, the amount of foundation you have at the meridian formation stage is directly correlated to your future potential. Of course, these are just absolute caps. Usually, martial artists wouldn’t even reach those levels.

“The only way to bypass the impurity of cultivation stones is by purifying it. And the only way to do so is through celestial will. Although there are rare treasures in the world that may allow geniuses to reach the 10th and 11th stages of the coming realms, from what I understand, only celestial will evolved to a high enough state will be able to purify the cultivation stone energy enough to allow you to reach that ultimate level. This is because other wills that have the ability to purify simply don’t have the quality that celestial will does.”

“Wow,” Breathed Madeleine, “You’ll be pretty amazing in the future then, won’t you.”

Madeleine didn’t even notice the slight pride in her eyes when she spoke these words.

“I think you mean we,” Dyon said with a smile, “I’m only able to sense and understand celestial will because my master gave me her essence blood before passing. But, now that I have sensed it, I can purify your energy for you when the time comes.

“In fact, I could leave a bit of celestial will within you so you not only have a little piece of me, but you could also make use of your gconstitution to comprehend it. I could help you, but the effect would be the best if you have celestial will of your own. With Goddess’ Disposition, your affinity towards purity is unmatched by many. I believe in you.”

Madeleine pouted, “And here I was hoping you could place it in me like you did before.”

Dyon grinned, “There is actually another even more efficient way for you to sense celestial will.”

“Oh? And how’s that?”

“I could put a baby in you,” Dyon’s grin grew wider.

Although Dyon was partially joking, the truth was that if Madeleine had a baby in her that shared the blood of the Celestial Deer running through Dyon’s veins, it would indeed be more efficient. Plus, the exchange of Primordial Yin and Yang would allow Madeleine to benefit from the two Bloodlines he had gained from his Master and her husband.

In addition, carrying such a baby for months would allow her to sense the fetus’ affinities quite acutely, making it even easier for her.

“Hmph,” Madeleine said being playfully angry, “Don’t try your tricks on me. I’ve yet to see a wedding ring.”

Dyon smiled mysteriously, “Then how could I not oblige with my woman’s will? I warn you though, the more practice you give me using this technique, the easier it’ll be for me to seduce other girls in the future.”

Madeleine was about to respond, but Dyon’s rough lips were already on hers as he slowly pulled down the sweats she was wearing.

“Mm,” Madeleine moaned, letting the pleasure wash away all the pain she had held in her heart.

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