Turning his attention away from Dyon so quickly that it was almost as though he never looked in his direction, Elder Flyleaf began his lecture.

“Today, we’ll be speaking about wills. It is well known that in our Elvin Kingdom, the understanding of wills reaches unprecedented levels, however, this isn’t because of some innate superiority of birth, but more so a superiority in philosophy.”

Dyon was intrigued. He had long since shattered his silencing array, intent on listening to Elder Flyleaf’s lecture.

“Although many understand that the comprehension of wills and beyond is inextricably connected to cultivation, most ignore the importance of the methods to such a comprehension, instead choosing to focus on tempering their bloodline or meridians. The worst part is that they’ve all neglected the one thing most important to the comprehension of wills: your soul.”

Dyon raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Unfortunately, this didn’t escape Elder Flyleaf, whose eyebrows furrowed as he continued.

“The soul is the most intriguing concept in all of creation. It’s something that isn’t tangible and can’t be found by any means other than cultivation.”

This Dyon agreed with. Even with his forward-thinking personality, many of the concepts of the martial world were hard for him to accept until he came to test them for himself. The soul was something that the human world had long since banished as a myth, only to be found in religious circles, but, Dyon was beginning to learn that maybe some of those so-called myths had truths to them.

“However, despite its enigmatic conceptualisation, the soul also happens to be our strongest connection with the world around us.”

Dyon’s eyes shone. Although he hadn’t agreed with Elder Flyleaf’s thoughts on the soul being the most important to understanding wills, he had to admit that much of everything else he said was profound.

“This is why we have a superiority of philosophy. If everything hinges on wills, and we hinge everything on our best chance to understand them, what could be more superior than this?!” Elder Flyleaf’s voice boomed through the hall, causing many students to shiver in reverence.

‘What is this?… is he trying to affect my mood by forcing his will upon my soul?… fuck off!’ Dyon’s Devour skill sapped the will Elder Flyleaf had aimed at him.

Elder Flyleaf immediately noticed this, sending a piercing gaze towards Dyon. However, having expected this, Dyon pretended as though nothing had happened. Choosing to continue as an eager student.

‘No wonder everyone is in such reverence of him… he’s literally effecting their abilities to reason for themselves, instead choosing to enforce his lectures as though they were the only truth… is this how Acacia Academy works?…’

Elder Flyleaf, noticing Dyon’s reaction and the fact he had no plans on exposing him, dropped the matter and continued with his lecture.

However, Dyon was completely turned off by this now. He had no idea why a teacher would have to use such means, but he didn’t like it. As such, once Elder Flyleaf turned his attention away from him, Dyon moved to discreetly leave the hall, intent on manifesting his soul.


A booming voice interrupted the lecture, causing the entire lecture hall to focus one of the seniors who had tried to kick Dyon from the sky earlier.

Dyon gave him a sideways glance, before continuing towards the backdoor, ‘I can’t fight an Essence Gathering expert right now… at best I could defend, even with the improvements in my will paths. I refuse to use my last cultivation erasing pill on this idiot.’

Benes’ subordinate grit his teeth, completely angered by Dyon’s lack of respect.

“I don’t know when we started letting lesser species into our academy, but it’s clear whoever authorized this is an idiot.”

Elder Flyleaf was content to sit back and watch this unfold, happy that he didn’t have to deal with this and lower his status.

Dyon chuckled, “Idiot? That might be the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while…”

“Is that so?” Benes’ subordinate continued, ignorant of the hole he was digging himself, “you have a complete disregard for etiquette. Not only did you have the audacity to raise an eyebrow at Elder Flyleaf’s teachings, you also plan to leave in the middle of his lecture? If the person who let you in isn’t an idiot, then what is he?”

Although Benes’ subordinate said these things fully aware that only someone at the level of an elder could let Dyon in, by the way Dyon had been disrespecting Elder Flyleaf, there was no way it had been him that recommended Dyon.

Understanding to here and knowing that the elders above Elder Flyleaf could be counted on one’s hand, it was an easy assessment to make that it was better to offend a low ranking elder to gain the favor of a high ranking elder such as Flyleaf.

However, Dyon continued to chuckle, “it’s audacious to have reflective thoughts on a lecture so profound, is it? Do you know how many reasons one could have for raising an eyebrow? Depending on mood it could be surprise, disgust, curiosity… need I really go on? Considering your intelligence, am I supposed to believe you have an understanding of what emotion I was showing?”

Thinking it through, Dyon decided on this approach. He had no animosity toward elder Flyleaf, so there was no reason to be clear on what he meant by raising his eyebrow. If the elder was smart and open minded, he’d take this as an olive branch.

If he didn’t, Dyon didn’t mind embarrassing him because Uncle Acacia was his ultimate trump card. However, what didn’t escape Dyon’s notice was the fact Elder Flyleaf had said nothing, as though he were tacitly agreeing to this interruption. But, to Dyon, this didn’t cross the line. If someone raised an eyebrow at his lecture, he’d feel a little peeved too.

“You! – it was clear disdain! Anyone could see that. For a lowly human to have such thoughts on a lecture by such a great elder, did you think that I wouldn’t be able to tell?! With my level of soul prowess compared to yours, did you think you could hide anything from me?!”

Whispers started sweeping through the hall, “human? When did we get a human here? Even the headmaster’s daughter is at least half elf…”

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