That was the first mission he took in Chalice City…These two were symbols of his new life. The people he saved.

Two cute children who had the luck of destiny who didn't want him to leave but he had to bid farewell.

Their eyes, once full of innocence, now held a haunting emptiness, a reflection of the horrors they had endured. They didn't look human as their bodies had been twisted gruesomely.

At the center of the room, several needles were struck over the two kids, and tubes were connected to them. They seemed alive and breathing.

At that time, the boy Samuel lying on the white bunk bed slowly robotically raised his head and opened his eyes.


The word struck deep inside his heart.

"K…id…."Leon wasn't able to speak properly, feeling someone strangling his neck.

He felt his heart ripping apart into shreds.

His eyes were tears filled with emotions of agony and misery that were beyond mere words.

The kid tried to open his lips…..

As if he was trying to say save me but…..

The moment he raised his head, it slid off as the stitch near his neck tore off and the head fell out from the table still connected by a pulsating reddish tube that went through the neck.

On the other side, the girl Stella was staring at him with eyes wide open.

She didn't have eyelids or brows and her entire body seemed to be stitched.

And her eyes particularly looked at him in grievance as if asking him why didn't you come sooner.

Why didn't you come to save me, Brother…

And the following rustling sound echoed.

Eerie cries erupted from the children as tears of blood started to trickle down from everyone.

Blood splattered the walls, mingling with the tears that streaked down their cheeks, creating a gruesome display of suffering.

Leon's heart clenched in his chest as he witnessed the cruelty inflicted upon these innocent souls.

Chains bound their wrists and ankles, leaving raw, bloody marks on their delicate skin. The sound of their muffled sobs filled the air, a symphony of pain that echoed through the chamber.

What was more horrifying was that all of them might be crying but they weren't alive, as if a certain drug or thing seemed to give them such pain that they passed out while sobbing in agony.

Among the children, Leon caught glimpses of familiar figures.

His first two servants…


His mind grazes past the memory of the two servants. The first people he met after coming to his senses.

These were the ones responsible for his well-being had now been tormented to unspeakable cruelty.

"No...This shouldn't have happened?"Leon screamed, grabbing his head.

"I know villains are cruel but they still have bottom lines. They won't harm children...They won't harm these innocent children."

"No…this an illusion...This is lie.."

Tears welled up in his eyes as his gaze reflected the sight of hundreds of children staring at him.

He was able to suppress his insanity when he saw the corpses of the adults outside but seeing children from 5 to 10 years being brutalized like this he was unable to take it anymore.

Leon felt his knees becoming weak and he collapsed on the floor.

"It's my fault...All of this is my fault."

"It's my fault…"

Leon's bewildered voice echoed.

In his frenzy state, he pulled out strands of hair and started scratching his face and neck

"Leon, it's not your fault. So snap out of it."Sophia screamed and wrapped her hand around Leon and caught his hand.

"Stop it…Leon, stop blaming yourself…"Sophia's voice trembled.

She was afraid, she was very much afraid.

Never ever in her life, she had been this afraid…

Her body seemed to be quaking.

She didn't even fear death as much as seeing Leon in such a state.

"No, Sophia. It's my fault. If only I have been stronger.If only I have been stronger...If I would have killed him…If only I would have killed him….."


With a scream, Leon hit his head on the ground.

"If only I would have been stronger this wouldn't happen..I am fucking asshole."

"I am the reason behind their death...I killed them...…I killed those children....Aaaaaaa!"

"I broke my promise…I broke my promise to never let children suffer like I did….AAAAHHHHH!"

Leon's stomach churned as he realized the true nature of the place he had stumbled upon. It was a laboratory of horrors, where unspeakable human experiments were being conducted on innocent children.

His hands clenched into fists, and anger burned in his chest as he surveyed the scene before him.

The madness that he had suppressed erupted giving Sophia a bone chilling scare.

Leon's regret morphed into a chilling madness as he realized his inability to save the innocent

Clutching his head in despair, he descended into a frenzy of self-harm, beating himself mercilessly in a futile attempt to escape the horror around him.


He hit his head harder on the floor creating cracks. He wanted to pass out…He wanted to forget it….

He wanted to forget this damn place.

Sophia who tried to stop Leon felt a strong force hammering her as Leon slammed his hard head onto her making her vision dizzy and sending her crashing onto the floor with a groan.

With each blow, his mind shattered further, consumed by the darkness within.

Each ragged breath he took felt like shards of glass piercing his lungs, reminding him of the uselessness that led to these children.

But beneath the surface of remorse lurked something far darker, a twisted manifestation of his fractured mind.

As his mind spiraled into madness, Leon's grip on reality began to slip, the boundaries between sanity and insanity blurring into a maelstrom of chaos.

With a primal scream of anguish, he clawed at his own flesh, nails digging deep into his skin as if trying to tear himself apart from within. Each blow he delivered to his own body was a desperate attempt to purge himself of the overwhelming guilt that threatened to consume him whole.

But the pain, the relentless agony of his own self-inflicted punishment, only fueled the flames of his madness.

The memories and sufferings of his previous life flooded his mind making him go crazy.

Seeing that hitting his head onto the floor wasn't working, in a frenzied frenzy, he beat his fists against his skull, each impact sending shockwaves of torment reverberating through his shattered mind.



"Wake up!"

Just then thousands of bestial cries erupted in his mind and many pairs of hands held him.

A sound of intense sobbing emerged.

A hint of sanity flickered in Leon's mad eyes.

Determined to put an end to this horror, Leon braced himself and stepped forward, his hands shaking with a mix of fear and anger.


"You will regret for making me remember this….You will regret harming kids and I fucking swear it."

"Now it's not a matter of personal revenge. It's a matter of existence….And until you disappear I won't stop!"

Following his declaration, a terrifying explosion of darkness erupted from his body and soon the entire shadow zone was covered in a primal darkness….


For those who are commenting and giving 1 star for no R18 chapters.

I said it is going to be R18.In fact scenes between Leon and Sophia are already written but since this book is in WPC, there a rule that to be WPC winner your book shouldn't have R18 scenes.If wrote a full fledged R18, I would be kicked out of the contest so that is why it has been held but it will there later albeit few.

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