“Let me guess, each cell holds separate harems?” I asked Emily who nodded with dark eyes before running to one cell, “Ilda! You must keep it together, we are being saved at long last!”

I watched the woman she was talking to but didn’t recognize her for a good bit. Poor mother went through a lot, she looked horrible. I walked up the the cell and put a hand on Emily’s shoulder to pull her back. “Give me a second, please.” She did as asked, “The keys to the cells are not here…! The men must keep the keys on themselves at all times.”

“I’m not the same weakling you once knew.” I decreed while grabbing the cell’s door with both hands and tearing it off completely. Such mundane constructs could no longer hope to contain me.

I stepped aside to let the distraught woman rush to her friend’s side. Afterward, I went and did the same to the other two cells. While inside the one with the youngest and prettiest women, I asked, “is there a woman named Dorothy here?”

“Y-yes… That’s me.” One of them decreed while eyeing me carefully. She must’ve been confused why a stranger like me, a mighty existence who could tear off iron cells from the walls, would know her.

“David asked me to save you.”

My declaration had an immediate effect. She was shocked at first, after which tears began forming in her eyes. Hearing that name was a visibly emotional moment for her. She spent years in captivity here, so I imagine hope had already left her soul. Hearing the name of the man she cherished in the depths of her heart even as she went through the horrors inflicted upon her by Tristan made her become very emotional.

“It’s all going to be fine. You’ll see him soon.”

She only nodded her head to let me know she understood, but she was in no shape to speak as she was in the middle of bawling her heart out.

Hearing this gentle conversation between the two of us, I saw more and more women equip hopeful eyes instead of scared ones.


“Yes, Lord Quinlan!” My dutiful pink-haired tanker stepped forth as soon as I called for her.

“I’ll have an amicable chat with Tristun and the other two lovely human beings. I want you to oversee the freeing of these women. Tear their chains from the walls but don’t try to take their collars off, it’s dangerous so I’ll get the keys to them. Help them with whatever else you can.”

“Understood!” She even saluted. What a nice teammate I’d found myself. I must thank Soren for buying this girl when he did, otherwise I wouldn’t have met her.

I walked back into the first cell and personally freed Ilda. “Come, let’s save your daughter.”

The poor woman didn’t even respond, though her eyes did regain some shine to them upon hearing my statement. Emily helped her stand and the two women followed me, with Emily supporting Ilda who struggled to even walk.

I killed another two guards on the way but had an otherwise seamless trip. It seemed that Tristun’s room was on the base floor, I imagine Selene and Cedric are already busy clearing out the upper levels.


“Moan, bitch! Call me daddy!”


As I arrived at my destination, I heard the voice of a man instructing Cecile, I guessed. She didn’t seem receptive to his orders as numerous punching sounds reverberated. Ilda immediately started sobbing upon hearing these sounds, so I didn’t hesitate for a second longer.

I tore the doors down from the walls and entered.

“Huh?” A dumbfounded gasp welcomed my entrance as an old fat bastard glanced in my direction. A woman with numerous bruises on her face was pinned under the naked pig. Thankfully the man seemed to be too weak to leave behind any serious injuries. Seraphiel will heal this girl in a few seconds.

“W-who are you?! This is my room, get out! Guards!!!”

I couldn’t help but erupt into a hearty laughter at his response before I continued walking up to him without a care in the world, which forced him to get off of the girl and reach for the sword lying next to his bed. Ilda and Emily used this chance to rush at the girl and pull her a short distance away where the mother started hugging the daughter while wailing. Pumpkin- I mean Cecile was confused as can be, but it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to get the gest of the situation.

“This is your last warning! I’m a noble!” Tristun threatened me with shaky legs and a comically small, wrinkled donger dangling between his legs, a sight I wanted to delete from my memory even if it came at a great cost, as he aimed the sword at me.

The sword in his hands, just to be clear.

I didn’t pause my slow and confident approach. He whimpered for a moment before lunging at me with a laughably weak attempt on my life. I caught the edge of the blade between my two fingers and bent that piece of crap as if it were made from paper. I let go of the blade which allowed the man to bring the sword back to him and raise it to his head as he started eyeing the blade with sheer disbelief.

His brain refused to accept what just happened as reality.

“So you like punching, huh?” I asked before backhanding his disgusting face.


This was enough to bring him out of his shock. “I-I’m a noble! You’re breaking the law! King Alexios will not let you off the hook!!! Let me go and I’ll not make a report!”

“How generous of you…” I chuckled while landing another slap on his rotund cheeks which resulted in a thunderous noise. “As for breaking the law, the last time I checked kidnapping lawful citizens was also illegal but that never seemed to stop you or the other two gentlemen.”


He looked at me with utter disbelief, both because his cheeks kept getting redder and redder as tears emerged in his eyes from my continuous slaps and also because of my statement.

“B-b-but I’m a noble! They’re commoners!”


“I see. So you’re above the law?” seaʀᴄh thё Nôvelƒire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.




“Unfortunately for you, I also consider myself to be above the laws of the Vraven Kingdom.”


The three women watched my little beating session with more and more joy being evident in their features.

“Mo, wo id sis?” Cecile asked. She had trouble speaking normally due to her many facial injuries.

“He is Lord Quinlan! The one who saved us from the goblins…” Emily replied as Ilda didn’t seem to be in a speaking condition. The mother was in a good physical shape, at least for someone who spent months in that horrible basement. Interestingly, despite the daughter being physically abused, she was in a much better mental state.

This old bastard truly knew how to leave behind deep-rooted mental scars. He kept abusing the daughter with the main goal of torturing the mother who took the knowledge of her child’s suffering very badly.

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