She looks up at me once again, this time hopeful instead of hateful. “Really? You promise?”

“I do.”

“Alright!” She shouts with much brightened features and dashes into the establishment.

I swiftly visit the toilet and by the time I reach my room I see that everything is prepared. It’s a humble little inn room, but there’s enough space to hold this event with so few people. They’ve also brought the tables and chairs from our second room and pushed them together, forming a large enough area for the many delicacies I ordered to fit.

My eyes spy five ladies, each amicably chatting with each other, not yet beginning their meals. Mavena and her mother are sitting next to each other, opposite of them are my party members. They’ve left the main seat empty for yours truly.

That’s exactly what I like to see.

I smile happily and take my seat. The ladies quiet down.

I examine each one of them slowly.

Ayame sits on my right and looks at me endearingly. I know that she is very happy with- and proud of- all that we’ve achieved in the few days we’ve known each other.

Blossom gazes at me with eyes full of love and devotion, as always.

Aurora is a bit embarrassed but replicates my smile with a beautiful one of her own.

Further away from me is the slightly freckled Mavena, with her brown hair ending in twin tails, who had gone through quite a lot of emotional changes since I first saw her. She was sheepish when she manned the inn alone, then smug when her mother was there with her, depressed when she received today’s news, and finally, now she looks at me with hopeful eyes.


Lastly I examine the woman sitting on my left.

She’d changed from a simple innkeeper’s attire to something like a tasteful emerald ball dress. Long, neatly-kept light caramel hair flows down her back. She has big, gorgeous emerald eyes, that together with the same colored dress make her really stand out as a beauty among beauties. Then, my eyes drift lower, towards her alluring, delicious-looking breasts.

She also seems to have brought the family treasures out for the occasion, as an expensive looking necklace further heightens her alluring figure.


Ayame pinches the skin on my right hand that is resting on the table close to her, stopping me from staring rudely. The mother just smiles happily without saying a word, not blaming me for my momentary blunder.

I don’t know how rude of it is me to say this, but she has her daughter beat by several miles when it comes to the sexiness department. She is a smoking hot woman while Mavena is a very cute and adorable girl.

There’s nothing wrong with that at all, in fact, she has her own strong charms, but the two women couldn’t be more apart regarding their looks as far as mother-daughter combinations go. I wonder how I didn’t notice she was this much of a looker during our first meeting, and I can’t help but debate how the absolute beta husband managed to score such a hot piece of ass.

Maybe they were childhood friends or something.

How lucky.

While I easily admit that she is looking very tantalizing, I hope that this is just a courtesy on her part and not an attempt at seduction. Not only do we not know anything about each other, but her husband is also somewhere in the establishment.

Having a single argument that ends with one side threatening separation is not at all equal to getting an actual divorce.

As far as I’m concerned they are together, just having a rough period in their relationship.

If she tries cheating on him with me then she is getting sent away instantly.

I despise cheaters.

She’s eyeing me with a myriad of emotions being evident in her gaze, some of which are embarrassment and shame. She must be aware that I know of her stunt of bringing the divorce topic up due to Mavena, which is where her unease probably originates from.

“May I know your name?” I ask curtly.

She nods, pushing her concerns to the back of her mind. “Lucille. Unless my memory had failed me in the past five minutes since my daughter told me yours, you would have to be Quinlan, correct?”

“Indeed. Glad to make your acquaintance. Let me start the feast for now, then we can chat without everyone awkwardly waiting for us to finish our talk.”

I slowly stand up. I don’t bother with a glass of wine or any delicate gesture- I want my presence to speak for itself.

“Tonight is the first official, big celebration of our team. I had invited two guests on a whim at the last minute, but I hope none of you are against their presence.” I see three shaking heads.

“Thank you. Now, Mavena and Lucille, I can’t go into details of what we’ve achieved in recent times, so I ask that you settle for knowing that our newly established team is performing well beyond my highest, most ambitious expectations.” Two heads nod and say a few words of congratulations while the rest are beaming with pride.

“To that end, I’ve elected to reward Hana and Luna, my two oldest comrades who, due to their circumstances, are bound to me as my slaves. Please stand, you two.” I state, stand up, and turn around to grab my bag with the collars in them.

Before I even finish my sentence, Blossom’s tail starts spinning like a propeller, whipping through the air with an intensity that fills the room with a light breeze. Ignoring any form of etiquette, she leaps from her chair, jumps right over the table full of food, and latches onto my back, clinging to me like a baby monkey would to her mother.

Her arms lock tightly around my shoulders, her legs gripping my sides as her face nuzzles against the side of my neck.

“Master!!! A gift?! For Bl-G-Luna?! Really?! What is it, what is it?!” Her voice is a frantic rush of excitement as her warm breath clashes against my neck as she squirms in place, visibly vibrating with exhilaration.

I can’t help but laugh, a deep, genuine chuckle as I reach behind to stroke her soft ear, trying to calm her down.

Her excitement doesn’t waver. In fact, it only grows stronger. I can distinctly feel her heartbeat racing against my back.

I pull out her collar.

Her arms shift, and with her trademark agility she swings herself around from my back to the front, using my body as if it were a tree, this time pressing her chest against mine. Her legs curl around my waist, and she hooks her feet behind me, hanging on so naturally that she makes it seem like she naturally belongs here.

Her eyes fixate on the object in my hand, and she immediately moves her head close to the item and sniffs it intently. After getting her fill, her trembling hands reach out slowly, reverently, as if this simple collar is the most precious item in the whole world.

I hold it out to her, and she takes it with both hands. She brings it close to her face, taking in the scent deeply, her nose brushing the fabric. It’s as if she’s examining every thread, every stitch. Her wide eyes scan it closely to the point that her face is pressed against it.

She is completely absorbed.

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