Idle Talk

Translators: Frostfire10, Henet

The nightly cold autumn winds blew through the man's hair.

Despite being in the midst of a gale that would make many shiver in cold, the man simply stood there, unwavering.

This imposing figure of his truly suited the man.

He was the Warrior Captain of the Kingdom, the man called the Strongest Warrior by the surrounding countries: Gazef Stronoff.

Gazef was currently standing at the top of the outermost of the Fortress City E-Rantel's three walls. As this was the highest structure in the area, the wind was unobstructed and forceful.

His hair ruffled in the wind, and his clothes fluttered around him. The sigh that escaped from his mouth was immediately thrown behind him.

In such a place, Gazef, silent, looked about with a fierce gaze.

The object of his hawk-like eyes was a group of people walking on the plains.

No, calling it a group of people was wrong. They were ramshackle and numbered only in the tens.

The footsteps of these people held no purpose, and he could tell from the city's lights that their clothes were extremely filthy.

This was a group of defeated soldiers.

It was a pitiful sight.

Some scuttled forward, some walked cowering in fear, and others stumbled towards their goal.

The only thing that unified them was that, occasionally, they would look behind them, to see if anyone was there.

Their disgraceful figures were bounded by fear; Gazef could not bring himself to laugh at them. Even if they weren't citizens of the same country.

Being able to laugh at those who saw hell was proof that the person was off in the head.

Many citizens died from the battle on the Katze Plains— No, the massacre.

Their lives were stolen by an incomprehensible power, following which, they were crushed underfoot by those fearful monsters that defied imagination.

Their originally half-hearted discipline was immediately shattered, and the survivors scattered in all four directions. They ran, not based on thought, but on instinct, the instinct to survive.

He could not blame those who chose to run first.

Even Gazef was of no use there. And the ones who should have been standing at the front had run. He did not even have the right to scold the citizens for running as they could barely swing a sword.

Those runway soldiers were all, now, heading towards E-Rantel.

It was not only the conscripts. The mercenaries as well.


There was the problem of food.

And it was also dangerous to be alone and separated.

However, there was only one overarching reason.

That was [Fear].

Even the veteran Gazef who had walked close to death several times was shocked by the hellish scene that only one magic caster had. It still refused to leave from his eyes. Whenever he closed them, that scene would play in his mind again and again.

If he was already like this, how would a normal person react? It would probably be a traumatic experience.

He could already hear them.

The groans of those seeing nightmares in their sleep, the shrieks of those seeing figures in the darkness. These countless voices floated into the night sky from the city beneath.

This was why they sought refuge behind the safe walls of the city. However, they understood in their hearts. Should that monster appear again, even these walls of stone would be easily torn down.

"How pitiful."

Gazef's whisper reached no one.

Not even himself. If it did, Gazef himself would not be aware of it, but it would only have been directed at him.

The sound of approaching footsteps reached Gazef.

The only ones standing on this wall were Gazef and the patrolling soldiers. The footsteps heading straight for Gazef did not sound of the leather of the soldiers' shoes. They were heavier with the weight of iron plates.

The footsteps stopped before they reached Gazef.


The voice was hoarse.

Knowing that his prediction had hit the mark, Gazef turned some of his own attention towards him.

"….How is the king?"

"Yes. He has managed to fall asleep."

"Is that so. He did have to return without being able to rest, and so he is probably exhausted…. Excellent job on bringing him back safely."

"Thank you very much. However, it was only natural to do so as his retainer."

"Indeed…. However, I do need to praise you for being able to bring the king out of that hell, Climb."

"Thank you for the praise. And, is Gazef-sama waiting for your subordinates?"

"Yes. Them as well."

Gazef's direct subordinates. They were the crystallisation of hard work and effort.

They did not have the slightest shred of talent, but with the harsh and tough training, they were Gazef's proudest achievement.

They were men who loved the Kingdom and all living beings.

Having even just one more of them return was Gazef's sincere wish.

"….I wish for that as well. They were people who would never leave anyone out of a conversation. They were lively, kind…. And strong…. They are people who the Kingdom need, especially now."

"Thank you…. Climb."

"No…. It is the truth."

"And…. I. I think my friend will not be returning."

"Your friend?"

"Ah, yes."

A man's face appeared in Gazef's head. He was a snake-like man and one that Gazef had disliked.

"….There were many things I wanted to talk to him about…."

His husky voice disappeared into the wind.

Yes. The number of things he wanted to talk about rivalled a mountain.

Since his dislike had stemmed from a simple misunderstanding, even if they had met in the palace, they had not talked much. However, after knowing his true intent, Gazef had wanted to drink and talk with him.

If they were able to return safely, they would definitely be of great use to the Kingdom.

They were necessary personnel for the Kingdom.

However, the rational part of his brain began to laugh.

There was no way that they would return.

Looking out there was nothing more than meaningless sentiment.

In that hell, even their souls were consumed by that monster.

These countless voices rang out in his head.

In fact, Gazef himself felt it.

That his subordinates, and Marquis Raeven, would not return from the Katze Plains.

Yet he could not toss away his hope.

They might return, unsteady on their feet, yet smiling brightly after nearly dying.

Up until now, Gazef had yet to even look at Climb and instead gazed outside the city. At the Katze Plains.

Climb simply looked at Gazef's back.

How small it had become.

Normally, it would be filled with confidence and be as immovable as a rock. And now, it seemed like it would simply disappear into the darkness of the night.

"That was something humans…. Could not accomplish."

The whisper almost disappeared completely into the wind, but Climb's sharp ears managed to pick them up. Within Gazef's words, there was an unbelievable sense of [Hopelessness].

No— Climb shook his head.

It was the natural reaction to seeing such a sight.

Even if it were the Kingdom's Strongest warrior, even if it were the man known as the strongest in the surrounding countries, in front of such a disaster-level event, it was natural to feel this way.

A name materialised in Climb's mind.

Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown. A magic caster who remained in obscurity until now.

That was the extent of Climb's knowledge.

However, the spell that he used was still burned into his eyes.

A powerful ability.

A spell that killed over 100,000 soldiers.

Power far beyond the realm of humanity that pushed the boundaries of existence.

A being that could fight a country on its own.

Climb's body quivered. It was not from the chill of the cold wind. The source was his heart. And it was born out of fear.

Just by recalling that scene, his broken heart began to scream. As if that absolute despair were occurring again.

He felt as if his entire life were crumbling around if and then being painfully reassembled.

"….If back then, we had treated him with respect, he might have become the ally of the Kingdom right?"

Once again, Gazef whispered.

If [hopelessness] was present in his previous words, then now, it was [regret].

It was a once in a lifetime chance.

Regret that it ended on this result as he let this chance fall from his hands. If he had done something different, he might have avoided this tragedy. These thoughts of his were transmitted to Climb.

Climb could not say anything.

Whatever he said would only be taken as shallow words of comfort.

He believed that Gazef was not at fault. Who would have been able to predict that Ainz was such a peerless magic caster.

Still, this was a problem for Gazef's heart, feeling guilty for being the first person who met with the magic caster Ainz. No one would be able to share his burden.

Still, the nobles were blaming him. Now, a sense of guilt awash Gazef. When he first met Ainz Ooal Gown, why he was not able to bring him under his flag.

Steeling himself, Climb spoke.

"This is not Gazef-sama's fault."

Amongst the cacophony of the wind, Climb's voice could still be heard clearly. Yet, Gazef did not reply.

Still, Climb did not stop.

"Even though we have suffered from such a catastrophe, we must take the proper measures against it. Now, a broken bucket cannot pick up water. Even a foolish person like me understands, the appearance of a person like Ainz Ooal Gown, would greatly increase the national power of the Empire. The Kingdom must keep moving forward. Gazef-sama would be the Kingdom's sword that would carve out his future."

They were empty words of comfort.

But still, the Kingdom was left standing. There were people still left. If everyone stood together, against an uncertain future they would be able to choose a brighter path.

Climb placed his child-like faith in Gazef.

Moments passed, and soon, Gazef's voice rode with the wind to Climb's ears.

"That's right."

His tone was filled with the emotions that he had bottled up this day.

"….This is the mission of the survivors."

"It is as you say."

"Then we must search for allies."

Strength returned to Gazef's eye. Climb realised that the Warrior Captain before him was regaining his unyielding will.

"We should seek help from the magic casters from the Adventurer's Guild. Ainz Ooal Gown… we must find countermeasures against him. We must investigate the extent of the Archduke's power. Then we raise an army."

"Raise an army?"

It would be dangerous for the Kingdom to once again undergo massive conscription after losing so many soldiers recently. But Gazef immediately soothed Climb's doubts.

"It would be pointless to send mere soldiers. It would reduce the national power instead. Now what we need is not quantity but quality. First, we must request the king to look for this person, Brain Unglaus."

"Brain…. Unglaus?"

Climb had no recollection of such a man.

"That's right. He is a warrior with the potential to rival me. No other noble was able to hire him, but with the Kingdom in such a state, his blade would be of great help to us."

"Such a person exists?!"

Climb voice was filled with surprise. It would be encouraging if such a person become their ally.

"We will also invite the two adamantite adventuring parties, Blue Rose and Red Drop to aid us."

"The Kingdom's strongest adventurers!"

"To win against a person like the Archduke, we must rapidly raise the national power of the Kingdom. Not only that, we should seek the aid of other countries." Gazef spoke. "No, any more will go far beyond the bounds of a proposal."

Gazef gazed upon the vast night sky.

Climb could not help himself and looked up as well. The sky was filled with thick clouds without a single spot of light, as the sky itself was foretelling the Kingdom's future.

"The star has only fallen to the ground."

Seeing the perplexed Climb, Gazef could only smile.

"We are the stars. We will light the way for the Kingdom's future. We will fight on! The Archduke's power is immeasurable. We cannot see even a glimmer of hope. If that sort of power is directed towards the Kingdom again, we must win at all costs. Hence, we must spare no effort preparing for such an eventuality."


Climb replied with strong conviction.

Climb did not love the Kingdom itself.

But for the girl who adopted him, he would throw away his life for her if need be.

If it were for the country which she loved, he was ready to give it his all.

Returned to the capital, the first place Climb should visit was the room of his master, a girl that he would sacrifice his life for, Princess Renner.

But after hearing Climb's report, she had started sobbing.

"What should I say?"

Renner lifted her hands and covered her eyes.

Behind that sad and painful expression, Climb could see the future of the Kingdom.

The girl who saved him, despite retaining her kindness, was slowly maturing.

Climb suppressed the joy that was flowing from his heart. It would be improper to show his happiness while the princess was crying.

Wiping away her tears, Renner began to speak.

"Climb, this is really scary. I'm glad that you are able to return safely."

"Thank you very much. Because of everyone, I was able to come back alive."

Renner stood up, walked towards Climb and proceeded to embrace him gently.

"Ah! Prin..Prin..Princess."

Climb's breathing began to grow erratic. Knowing that the sweet smell that was drifting into his nose was the princess' scent caused Climb's brain to go haywire.

If he were not wearing his breastplate, he could have felt the softness from the princess's body. The thought of her twin peaks pressing against his armour and the warmth of her body passing through her dress, almost made Climb want to wrap his arms around her.

Climb felt guilty, thinking about such things at such a time.

Having such despicable and heinous thoughts on girl saved him, whose brilliance shone like a precious gem.

His feelings as one who was saved and his feelings as a man were clashing with each other.

With this, time slowly passed. Renner released Climb and then took a step back.

"I am really happy that you are all right."

Seeing the remnants of Renner's tears. Climb's lust for her extinguished in an instant.

"Thank you very much!"

Climb expressed his gratitude with a deep bow.

To such a great person, what am I even considering?

Deploring guilt began to wash over him.

He should devote his entire loyalty to her. Climb's conviction began to strengthen as he looked at Renner's tear-stricken smiling face.

—How beautiful.

Renner's expression caused Climb's heart to beat faster.

She covered her eyes with her hands as she tried to rub away her tears.

Climb could feel the princess's grief. Seeing this, his heart felt constricted.

"It must be tiring for you to rush back here immediately after returning. Climb, you must rest well today."

"Yes, thank you very much"

After Climb left the room. Renner dropped her hands that was covering her eyes.

No traces of tears could be found. There were not even signs that she cried.

Renner's expression was cold as she sat on her chair. The number of dead could not even leave a trace in her heart.

The gentle princess of the Kingdom was the persona that Climb worshipped. Since he left the room, her act would naturally switch off.

Because of his expectations, Renner played the role of the gentle and kind princess. If he was not here, she was not in the mood to play that part.

In Renner's mind, if the number of peasants had decreased, they just need to bring the numbers back up. Several plans about having the widows remarry floated about in her head.

Her policies would not even consider the grievances of those who were left behind. To the apathetic Renner, emotions were nothing more than annoying factors that threw wrenches into her calculations.

Only my Climb is the one and only in the world. The rest are just statistics. If the number of people in the Kingdom fell, then I just have to pull it back up.

But that was it.

Renner picked up the teacup and gave her a few elegant blows to the already cold red tea.

"The plan is reaching its final stage…..How should I plot my escape? If father does not die, it would be quite troublesome indeed."

Renner had no talent in warfare or tactics, but her ability in domestic policy was flawless. And thus she had to hatch plans to escape safely.

Her family was nothing but numbers, and so she did not hesitate to sacrifice them. As long as she had Climb by her side she was happy.

The lips which parted from the cup began to twist into a smiling visage. A most beautiful smile drawn from the Kingdom's most beautiful lady.

Her gaze flickered to the doors.

"….He could have wrapped his arms around me though."


(Translator Note: This is Maruyama-sensei)

The novelisation is progressing well, and so I intend to release [The Days] at the end of May.

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