Hi guys, as mentioned, I will be focusing on the Data Book now.

Triumphant Return Part 2

Translator: Frostfire10

As he slowly walked through the Imperial lines with the Archduke, Ray could feel the fearful gazes of the men chase them. While he was used to experiencing various types of gazes, it was safe to say that this was the first time that he had seen fear at this level. It felt a bit nice.

The open space soon came into view. The Archduke then spoke to Ray.

"Here, correct?"

"Yes. It will be easy to let the Archduke's troops rest here."

This open space was originally for the Emperor's ersonal troops or the First Legion to rest in, and is the best location out of all of them. It could fit over 20,000 troops and it seemed far too large for the Archduke.

"Hmm…. This much is just enough." The Archduke took a step forward. "Watch, Fluder. My spell <Create Fortress>."

The next instant, in the originally empty encampment, a large pitch plack and ominous fortress sprung out of the ground.

Ray's mouth was left agape at the scene in front of him.

Building a stone pagoda was an extremely tiring task. And to do it in an instant.

"H, how amazing! Being able to immediately create a fortress of this scale. I have seen the peak of creation-type magic, my master!"

Fluder's voice was filled with excitement. However, Ray was still left speechless. He simply gazed at the pagoda. The way in which the strong and heavy pagoda appeared really made the words "sprung out" seem suitable.

One could tell even from the outside that the pair of double doors was extremely heavy. And even though it was five stories high, it was over thirty metres in height. Basically each floor was extremely high, and yet the structure was extremely sturdy.

In order to prevent people from climbing it from the side, the walls had countless spikes protruding from it. The highest floor had carvings of demons glaring down from the four sides.

Viewing it from below gave it such an oppressive feeling. While he understood that it got dark due to him standing in the pagoda's shadow, it gave off the image of darkness that was devouring light.

Even from afar it should give off quite the pressure. As proof of that, the knights looking in this direction all fell silent. It felt like the Archduke's nickname of [Demon Lord] seems to have been strengthened, and the bards would probably sing of [The Demon Lord's Tower]."

"While this version is a bit large, there should be no problem in constructing it here yes?"

"Y, yes."

Ray could only offer a half-hearted response. Despite after seeing such a massacre, the shock of this was filling his thoughts.

The rational part of his head was asking him why he was so shocked by the Archduke using a spell. However, most of his thoughts were paralysed. Especially when he thought this.

Just how well versed is he in magic?

"Now, let us enter. I intend to have my troops head here immediately. Thank you for accompanying me, General Ray."

The Archduke turned his back on them and was about to leave. In a panic, Ray opened his mouth.

"P, please wait, Archduke. May I please have a few words."

The Archduke who was about to enter the pagoda suddenly froze. The eyes underneath the mask reflected the figure of Ray.

He unconscously gulped. The silhouette of the Archduke looking back at him from the [Demon Lord's Tower] was extreme fitting, and yet terrifying.

The feeling that he had made a mistake and the regret of opening his mouth began to well up in him.

"….I do not mind. However, not here. I have created a living room so let us use that instead."

Let's not. Let's do this in my tent.

How much better would he feel if he could say that? While having that daydream tucked away in the corner of his mind, Ray smiled. While praying that his smile would not falter.

"T, thank you very much, Archduke. Being able to be the first one invited to your created residence makes me feel grateful to god for this fortune."

"I see. Well, it's not that great…. Shall we enter?"

At the Archduke's words, the doors creaked open.

Why was this building made to be so terrifying?

Ray grumbled in his heart.

The corrdior behind the pair of double doors abruptly stopped in front of a pair of open doors. The walls were lit with magical lights, and it was plenty to walk in.

However, when the doors closed behind him, Ray's heart jumped in fright. His body was desperately pleading to believe that he could come back out alive.

As the three walked through the hallway, the centremost door opened, causing Ray to become dazzled.

Once used to the blinding light of the inside, he raised gasps of admiration.

It was the entrance hall. The floor was white and the ceiling high.

It was the physical represenation of elegance.

Ray had lived as a noble, but he was not high in rank, and did not have much wealth. Living a relatively simple life, his eye for value was severely lacking. However, even he could tell that the value of the objects here were extremely high.

"Now, there is a sofa over there, so how about it?"

Ray's gaze was flicking around the room until the Archduke's words pulled him out of his thoughts. He was led to a soft placed in front of the Archduke and Fluder.

With that soft touch, his body sank even further into the chair, and then finally reaching a point where it supported his weight.

If there was no one else present, Ray would have stood up and sit down repeated like a child. That was how much he was impressed by the sofa. However, now was not the time to do so.

Understanding this, Ray stopped his train of thought and glanced at Fluder.

Noticing his gaze, the Archduke spoke to Ray in a reassuring tone.

"There is no problem, General Ray. Fluder is my loyal disciple. He will definitely not do anything that would be detrimental."

"Of course, my master. I am one who is in awe of your amazing magic power. I will pledge my life to you and would never betray you."

Fluder bowed deeply. With that, Ray could strongly feel the greatness of the Archduke.

Of course, Fluder was the Empire's Head Magician, and was unrivalled in the surrounding countries. He probably even rivalled the legendary 13 Heroes. Such a hero was dedicating his loyalty, and in such a short time at that, to a single man—

Ray was assaulted with a strong curiosity to see what was under the mask and expected to see a monster beneath it.

If in fact he were a human, it would be more terrifying. It would be extremely frightening if a normal human could gain such power.

"—That is how it is, General Ray. I believe that my disciple's loyalty is enough to warrant trust…. But what do you think? If you wish for it, I can have him head back you know?"

"No, that is not necessary." Halting his thoughts about the face underneath the mask, Ray responded to the Archduke. "If the Archduke believes so, then there will be no mistake."

"Good. Now General Ray. What did you want to talk about?"

Ray gulped. From here on out, he was risking his life. However, if he won this bet, his returns would be astronomical.

Ray braced himself, and spoke.

"Archduke. I have but one ambition."


"Yes. That is to reach the position of the commander of the First Legion, in other words, become the Field Marshall of the Empire."


The Archduke nodded, but remained silent. He did not want to be misunderstood as making an agreement with Ray. This was the proper response of a noble.

The Archduke was not only strong, but also had such astuteness. While such a person was a difficult person to make a deal with, he was exactly the type of ally Ray wished for.

"When I do so, I would like your support."

Ray painfully understood that the Archduke was staring at him under his mask. In the corner of his eye, Fluder maintained his expressionless face. The generals who still chose to support the Emperor would show no response even though he himself was making a deal behind closed doors. This meant that their loyalty had left the Emperor, and now belonged to the Archduke.

"….What are the merits to me?"

It was difficult to say there were.

How much more power would such a powerful being want?

In fact, Ray himself had no attachment to the position of Field Marshall. He just thought it would be simpler if he put it that way. As to why, Ray really wanted something else. And that was—

"—What about my loyalty? The Archduke can move me about as you please, and should you have contrary opinions to His Imperial Majesty, I can support the Archduke."

—To become the Archduke's subordinate meant that he would be a safety net for his life, and he wanted to get closer to that strong power.

The other generals were thinking up countermeasures as the Emperor's subordinates. To them, Ray's actions were treason. However, calling treason a disgusting thing in a situation where the alternative was to jump into the jaws of death was something that only fools would do.

Ray was searching for the way to leave his mark on the world, and he wished to become the subordinate of a god-like being, or to even become part of his legend. Ray wished to become even a small part of that enchanting god-like power.

Ray understood the feeling in his heart.

It was the feeling of when a child looked up to something at it could never reach.

It was aspiration.

Seeing the far peaks caused its sight to be burned into his mind.

Silence fell.

Ray audibly gulped. The Archduke was looking straight at him and Ray could not grasp his thoughts. That was why, he continued to play more cards.

"The other generals fear the Archduke, and are coming up with methods to deal with you."

Instantly, a chilling air could be felt from Fluder whose narrow eyes hid a cold glare.

"….Is that the truth, General Ray?"

"Of course, Fluder-sama. Before the two of you arrived, there was talk of such."

"Master. This is an unforgivable act. You should order the Emperor—"

"Fluder. I cannot order him. I am the Emperor's subordinate, and the position of Archduke is below him."

"M, my apologies."

Choosing to call him the Emperor instead of His Majesty provided a brief glimpse into the Archduke's mind. Ray knew that he made the right choice. The man standing on top of the powerful Baharuth Empire, which still had the potential to grow stronger, was not of importance in the Archduke's eyes.

"I see. I see. I understand that General Ray wants to work for me. However, I too am the Emperor's loyal subordinate. I believe that he will not ignore rebellion that occurs right underneath his nose. And your position was granted by Jircniv. If you rebel, it will be immediately taken away."

"That is true. However, I believe that supporting the Archduke is the best choice for the Emperor."

"…….." The sofa squeaked as the Archduke shifted his position. "….I see."

After sometime passed, the Archduke, who was deep in thought, finally spoke.

Sensing the emotion hidden in those words, Ray stopped breathing.

While he had acted as he knew that a smart person would act based only on the pros and cons, he had this in the bag. If it had been a foolish man, this would be the point where everything he had would turn to dust.

He was not just powerful, but also wise. Ray's prediction was correct. He focused all the muscles in his face to frantically prevent himself from smiling. He knew that he had gained a lead over his rivals.

"There are benefits to Jircniv."

"Exactly, Archduke. This is a godsend to the Emperor as well."

"Then it cannot be helped. General Ray, you have my permission."

"Master, may I ask for what reason."

Fluder's curious voice came over from the side. While he used to be the Head Magician, he paid no need to the political battles of the court.

"….Fluder. Do I have to answer that?"

A suprisingly harsh voice came from the Archduke.

His disciple had made a fool of himself. As his superior, he felt ashamed of him.

Ray believed such were the Archduke's thoughts and sent him a pitiful gaze. Fluder also knew that as his face turned red slightly.

"….General Ray. Could you please answer on my behalf?"

"Is that fine?"

"I want to confirm that we I agree."

"Yes. Fluder-dono, it is simple. The Archduke is powerful. Then the Emperor would not want him to use his power freely. Thus he would like a counsellor to that power— To reduce the opportunities that the Archduke uses his power. Then it would be fine if I fill that position. Of course, he might suspect that we might be conspiring, but if the Archduke mentions it then there will be no problem."

If the Archduke said that Ray's power was not necessary, then the Emperor could do nothing.

Not only that, but since Ray would stay by the Archduke, it might incite the Emperor to try and pull him into his own camp.

Ray felt his face flush from his excitement. He had reached a level where he could affect the fate of the Empire. Even the Field Marshall would be beneath him.

The person in front of his eyes would definitely make it possible.

"Ah, I see…. Master, my apologies. I was unable to think that far."

"No need to mind it. From now on, just ask if you do not understand anything. Especially for something deep like magic. Failure awaits those who have half-baked knowledge. There is no problem with simple failures, but that is only if it does not result in death."

"It is as you say."

"That is why I need time to teach you magic correct? It is natural for someone of my level, but to you, it may not. I need to teach you thoroughly."

"Just as I suspected. Thank you for taking precious time to answer my questions, you have my gratitude."

"However, for someone to be able to think of that in an instant. As expected of the Archduke."

The Archduke merely waved in reponse to Ray's praise.

"A mere coincidence."

"—Such humility."

Ray immediately replied.

If he gets close to this person, and helps him, the heights that he could reach would be unfathomable.

And he would shine there.

After seeing Ray off, Ainz spoke to Fluder who was next to him.

"I will enter my room. Fluder, use any room you choose. It is quite late. You are probably tired from the war today right? Take a rest."

"I am grateful for such kind words. But—"

"—It's fine. I may need to borrow your knowledge tomorrow. I will be troubled if you are tired."

Ainz cut off Fluder's words. An undead like Ainz did not understand the concept of fatigue, but it was different for a human like Fluder. While he could recover with magic, those spells were used by priests, and were not ones that Ainz could use.

Potions could be used, but it was a waste in this case. Even though Fluder could rest normally, using a consumable item instead was foolish. And thinking about he relying on medicine to recover irked Ainz.

Ignorant of Ainz's thoughts, Fluder gazed at him with eyes of gratitude.

Ainz felt extremely uncomfortable, and he could not hide his astonishment at Fluder's fervent gaze. Wasn't the mental state of his subordinates their superior's job?

"Understood. I shall be taking my rest. What should we do for guards?"

"….Yes. Let us leave patrols to the Death Knights. I shall call several people over from Nazarick tomorrow."


Looking away from Fluder's bowing figure, Ainz began walking towards a room. In Nazarick, if he did not leave first, the unusually loyal Fluder would not move.

Ainz casually selected a door and stood in front of it.

The rooms were all the same. Picking a different one would change nothing.

Ainz opened the door and entered. It was like a single room in a small hotel with a single bed and a plain desk and chair. Next to the bedroom was a personal bathroom. Each room had these things.

He cut across the room and removed his mask to reveal his skeletal face. The air against his exposed face felt refreshing.

Feeling a bit of relief, Ainz breathed out deeply. Of course, he had no lungs and so simply acted like he did, and laid on his bed. His shoes were bothersome and so he did not remove them. The mask he held was thrown beside his head.

Ainz did not lie on the bed to sleep.

An undead like Ainz had no need for sleep and felt no fatigue. However, occasionally, he wanted to taste such things again. Sleepiness, lust and hunger were but a few of the desires he had lost. Well he still faced the occasional desire that lasted for mere seconds.

While one might think that he laid on his bed because of such emotions, but that was not the case this time.

He simply felt that lying down would relieve the pressure on his shoulders. He knew that this was only in his mind due to his tireless body. He had no nerves either. It was simply the remnants of his time as a human.

While lazily staring at the ceiling, Ainz's thoughts were focused on Ray.

He mumbled to himself under his breath.

He felt that he talked to himself more often than before, and indeed this was the case.

The pressure of standing at the top of a large organisation that had to be managed in an unknown world bared down on him. And there was the malady of being unable to speak his thoughts to anyone.

"However…. For even the Empire to not be unified…. How troubling. What is Jircniv doing? Isn't he the absolute authority? He should be according to those workers' memories…."

Ainz had gained the seat near an absolute ruler, Jircniv, and believed that it would be peaceful. However, he realised that was not the case.

"General Ray…. Tsk, a subordinate should not betray their master. There probably isn't anyone in Nazarick. But…. If Jircniv learns of such greedy people, I might be pulled into trouble. It might have been a mistake…."

While rolling about on his small bed, he thought of a different matter.

"And the knights seemed terrified."

Ainz recalled the gazes the soldiers gave him as he walked past. No matter how he thought of them, they were not ones of admiration. It was probably not even filled with the worry of upsetting a high ranking noble like himself.

"I have to change my plans too…. It seems I did make a mistake in choosing that spell. I thought that would have been the most effective…. Burning them with a fire spell would have been more glorious. It was quite popular in Yggdrasil too…."

He had never been in the shoes of the average human of this world, and neither did he understand their thoughts. That was why Ainz constantly thought back on his experiences in Yggdrasil. However, that was extremely different from the current world he was in, and now, he had distinctly noticed it.

If he had no diverged from it, his original plan to be called a hero would have worked.

"….How weak. Why are they so scared of magic of that level. It's just an Overrank Magic. The activation time was shortened with a cash item. I did not use any special skills or strengthen it."

Despite muttering to himself, Ainz naturally understood where he had gone wrong.

It was simply a lack of information. And the inability to think from the point of view of humans.

Ever since he had gained this body, humans were [animals]. A human who he had never met could safely be called an [ant]. He had no intention to kill them for fun, but if they got in his way, he would feel not guilt in exterminating them. The village girl who praised his friends was an exception.

Therefore there was a gap between his conscious and the viewpoints of those [animals].

"….It looks like I have to study the lives of normal people in the Empire."

Ainz rarely left Nazarick after the transfer to this world, fearing to stand out and for his safety. However, that brought upon him such a terrible situation.

To avoid such situations in future, he had to live in that world.

There would be many problems in that.

"However, what should I do for a residence? I have no connections, and there don't seem to be property agents…. Should I ask Jircniv…. Or Sebas? How much does a basic house cost in the Empire?"

Once again rolling about on his bead, Ainz grumbled to himself.

"I don't want to waste money."

The treasury had an unfathomable amount of gold coins, and Ainz himself had quite the personal stash. However, he could not freely use them. Firstly, the administration costs of Nazarick, the costs of reviving dead NPCs, and the costs of summoning level 30 or higher monsters took up quite the sum. There were plenty of other reasons too.

That was why Ainz wanted money.

Gaining tax money from his territory, he could use it to summon monsters to protect Nazarick.

However, an Archduke could not simply stay in the room of an inn.

Even Ainz knew that he had to live a life befitting of his station. Even though he had no idea how to do so.

"And…. There should be no problems in throwing territorial management to Demiurge, but am I working him too hard? And apart from that…."

Recalling the various aspects of Nazarick, he could not imagine himself to be able to manage his territory. He did not feel that he could do so. He could barely keep sane just trying to multitask.

"So troublesome. Should I leave it to Kyouhukou? He does have the title of Duke in his name, so he might be surprisingly good. I'll use the secretary Jircniv provided and have Kyouhukou handle things from behind."

Suddenly, he groaned. Using Kyouhukou would be bad.

"Haa. So many difficult things. I should first contact Nazarick and order them to collect those beautiful corpses, and then use intermediaries to summon them. My work is piling up." Ainz laid face down on the bed and whispered. "….I'm excited to see Jircniv's palace. I don't have many chances after all."

He found a slight spark of interest in the depths of his misfortune. With this, he could work hard.

Ainz again rolled about in his bed. At this moment, he felt that he was crushing something hidden in his pockets. He then recalled the letter that he half-heartedly left there.

"Speaking of which, I have yet to read it."

Taking it out of his pocket, he broke the seal to remove the letter. Spreading it out, he tried to read but failed to. The speech in this world was automatically translated by it physical laws, but that did not extend to words.

So the reason why he did not read it there, was because he could not read.

"Oh dear."

Ainz reached into space and took out a pair of glasses. It was the same as the ones Sebas used in the Kingdom's capital.

With it, Ainz read the Emperor's letter. Reading it again and again, Ainz nodded.

"….I see. As expected of Jircniv."

The letter that began with "My dear Ainz", ended with "Your friend, Jircniv.". The summary of its contents was that the generals would have to listen to him. If they disobeyed, it would be taken as treason, and they all had to listen to Ainz's directions.

This time, the generals listened to Ainz's wish and let him lead without problems, but thinking about it, there was no way that they would obey the commands of a man who suddenly appeared. Even if they were just making a show of it. That was why Jircniv had sent him that letter.

Ainz wanted to bow his head at Jircniv's detailed thoughts.

Standing above men meant that it was neccessary to do such beaurucratic things.

The one standing at the top of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, Ainz, was first and foremost a normal person. He was not good at such fine and incomprehensible things.

Ainz strongly believed in this.

He had received a lesson from his better, Jircniv. If he acted like such a man, he might be able to become a better ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

"I have to work hard. I am a noble of the Empire…. And Jircniv's friend. If I observe him from the side, then even I…. Can become an excellent ruler…. Well at least act like one."

If his old friends were here, there would be no problems. They would talk amongst each other to make decisions. Ainz simply had to head the discussion. And several people had received better education than him and were very knowledgeable.

If they were here— If his friends were here, Ainz would not worry about anything.

However, in the present, Ainz—Momon had to rule, preserve and command the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick as its head, and do it perfectly.

Of course, that was not all. As Nazarick's representative, Ainz was what the world saw of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and indirectly, his friends.

He could not stain the memory of his friends.

He would become a suitable ruler. As the master of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

So as to not let down his friends.

Ainz looked off into the distance, as he filled himself with determination.

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