Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 1 82 part3

Hi guys, sorry for the late release. Greenfish needed time to edit this, but thanks to that, Chapter 83 is now ready for editing. So it should be coming out shortly.

Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san Part 3

Translators: Frostfire10

Editor: Greenfish

The Fortress City E-Rantel had three layers of walls, fitting for its name. The gate attached to the outermost wall was the most gigantic, and anyone who stood in front of it would be filled with severe apprehension.

It was not rare to see travellers with their mouths open in shock in front of the gate. It was known as the gate that could repel even the Empire.

At the side of the gate was a holding station where several guards stood in the shade, boredom showing on their faces.

For a city that may be at the front lines, the guards seem to be considerably lax, but those stationed at the station were only checking people. Since their job was to check for the smuggling of illegal goods or spies, if there was no one entering, they had no work to do.

It was true that the guards working here had a special sense and could be called elites amongst the guards. It was questionable letting such elite guards waste their time here. However, documentation is an important job, one that the regular guards could not do. Having them here would be an even greater waste.

And if there was no one entering the city, it was natural that they had nothing to do.

There was the question of the security of the surrounding areas, but that is handled by sentries at the top of the wall. This was to allow the inspecting guards to focus on their jobs.

Thus general guards like them with no work to do— Well they could not play card games, they did not try to hide their whistling.

Of course, they were free now but when it got busy it got very busy. Especially in early mornings when the gate open, they were so busy that they destroyed several writing brushes.

Around the time that the sun was almost at its zenith and it was getting hotter.

One of the guards placed his elbows on the desk, stared out the window in a bored manner, and thus noticed a carriage heading towards E-Rantel with a rhythmical "clip clop". There was one girl at the rider's seat. The carriage had no covering but no other figures could be seen inside.

The woman was wearing no armaments. Thus the logical answer was—

Which village is she from?

—As the guard thought this, he cocked his head to the side.

It was not rare for humans from nearby villagers to visit. However it was different when that person was a sole female. Even the surroundings of E-Rantel had bandits and monsters. So no one could come alone.

Holding on to this question in his head, he looked at the horse. And then he was confused all over again.

The horse was a fine one. There was no way a simple village girl could have one. It's grooming and physique made one think that it was a warhorse.

Even if one could find a warhorse, it would be extremely expensive. And any normal person who tried to buy one would find it impossible. Excluding special cavalry units like wyverns and griffons, this was the pinnacle of mounts and was extremely difficult to get.

Someone who could own such a carriage would at least be someone who had connections.

One might think of stealing it, but retributions would definitely occur if something of that magnitude was stolen. It was to the point that even bandits would refrain from touching someone riding a warhorse.

There was no way that a village girl could own a war horse with that much value. Thus she simply had the appearance of a village girl, her true stature being completely different.

A hint at this was that she was travelling alone. It shows that she has confidence in her own strength, and had no need to depend greatly on equipments.

One profession fit the bill. Magic casters.

That was a logical possibility. Magic casters were a very coveted profession. As adventurers they would have connections and money, and could probably get warhorses.

"Is she some kind of magic caster?"

His colleague next to him came to the same conclusion and voiced it.


The guard raised an eyebrow and replied.

To Spellcasters, magic was their weapon, and they could be more dangerous that a fully equipped warrior. And they were difficult to investigate.

Firstly, although magic is a weapon, they cannot check for it. As such, one can never be sure exactly how dangerous they are.

Secondly, it is extremely difficult to discover their possessions if they hide it with magic.

Thirdly is that there are many speciality magic items that will cause a lot of troublesome paperwork.

Honestly, they are the most painful people to inspect and check for goods. Thus they work together with personnel from the Magician's Guild but….

"Do we have to call him? I don't want to."

"It can't be helped. If a problem occurs after we label her as a non-magic caster, it will be dangerous."

"It would be nice if magic casters dressed up as such."

"Such as holding a mysterious staff and wearing a mysterious robe?"

"Yup. That would definitely be a magic caster."

Both of them laughed as the sitting guard stood up. They had to get ready to welcome the girl who may be a magic caster.

As the guards watched, the carriage approched the gate and stopped.

The girl got off from the rider's seat. Sweat trickled down her face, making it obvious that she had travelled beneath the sun's rays. She wore long sleeves and long pants, probably to avoid a tan. They were not of good quality. She seemed to be a simple village girl.

But there was the possibility that she has another identity or is trying to hide something.

The guard walked towards the girl without hesitation.

"Firstly there are various things I would like to ask, could we do it over there?"

"Yes. I do not mind."

The guards brought the girl to the station.

On guard from mental magic like charm, another guard followed the two from several metres away. The other guards were watching the girl, making sure she was not making any suspicious moves.

As if feeling the strong sense of caution, the girl tilted her head.

"….Is something wrong?"

"Eh? Ah, nothing at all."

Being able to feel this strange atmosphere meant that she was not a nobody. While thinking that, the guard entered the station.

The station was not in direct sunlight and was much cooler than the outside.

Feeling the cool but not chilly air, the girl let out a sigh.

"Then please take a seat."


The girl sat on one of the chairs in the room.

"First, let's hear your name and where you came from."

"Yes. Enri Emmot. I have come from Carne Village that is near the Forest of Tom." (TL: I know it's the Forest of Tob but the author…."

The guards exchanged looks and one walked out of the room. He was going to check if she was in the register.

In the Kingdom, there was a register that was used to manage the citizens.

In short it was a mess; information regarding the life or death of a person often arrived late or was overlooked. It was thus a common occurrence for a dead person to be thought alive. And if they were from a distant city, the information was even later, and even more overlooked.

They were managing the population of the Kingdom with that register, but there were several tens of thousands of individuals.

Thus it would be bad if they relied on it too much, but it did help to a certain extent.

Even though the register was not awfully reliable, it had quite the volume. Thus it took some time to flip through it. The guard knew that well and decided to move on to something else first.

"For now, please pay the admission fee into the city. It's two coppers for a human and four for a horse."


The girl took out a dirty looking pouch bag from her waist and loosened the mouth. She took out six coins. She then passed the shimmering coins to the guard.

Confirming the coins placed upon his leather gloves, the guard nodded and placed the coins next to him.

"It is the proper amount. Next is the reason for why you came to E-Rantel."

"Yes. I have come to sell herbs."

The guard looked outside at the carriage. Some of the guards were in the midst of moving pots.

"Could you please tell me the name of the herb and the number of pots?"

"Yes. Four pots of Nyukuri, and six pots of Erierish."

"Six pots of Erierish?"


Pride was written all over her face. Seeing that, the guard nodded in understanding.

Since he was posted to this station, it was natural for the guard to have some knowledge of herbs. He naturally knew of the Erierish that Enri mentioned.

Erierish was a herb that could only be collected for a short period of time, and was necessary for all healing potions. Thus it had an extremely high price.

Having six pots, considering the volume of those pots, could easily fetch 100 gold pieces.

"So, where do you plan to go?"

"There is someone I always sell to to."

"Is that so…."

The guard decided that nothing further was necessary. His job was to prevent dangerous items from entering, and chasing items already inside was out of his job scope. The herbs this time were not the case, but if it were possible ingredients for pleasurable drugs, it would take a lot more questioning to get through.

The guard nodded and looked away from Enri.

The herbs she mentioned were all for daily use and were not dangerous.

There was nothing suspicious about her words. Enri's expression also showed no signs of lying.

After checking that there was nothing hidden in the pots and that they really were the herbs she mentioned, their job had finished. The next thing to do was predetermined.

At that moment, the other guard came back and shook his head once.

This meant that there was a record of the woman named Enri.

The guard nodded in response.

However, the only thing recorded in the ledger was that a girl called Enri was born in Carne Village. There was no proof that the girl in front of him was Enri, and there was nothing about how Enri had lived.

She might be someone who was using the name of Enri. Or maybe as a result of being thrust into a world of killing, the person known as Enri might have become someone drenched in blood.

That was why a final check was necessary.

"Understood. Then could you please call in that person?"

The guard nodded and left the room again.

"We will be checking your luggage now, is that fine?"


Enri frowned in surprise. The guard panickedly tried to explain himself.

"Umm, it's not like there is a problem. Unfortunately this is part of the law. It's not anything important so please calm down."

"….If that is the case, then I understand."

Seeing that Enri understood, the guard secretly sighed in relief. It was not wise to anger someone who may be a magic caster.

Enri and the guard. As the two stopped speaking, silence fell. When the two could bear the silence no longer and wanted to talk about something, the guard from earlier, as well as another man, entered.

He was a magic caster.

He had a sharp nose, and sweat beaded down his pale face. His chicken-like fingers clutched a staff. He had a strange triangular hat on his head and a hot black robe draped over his body.

The guard personally thought that it would be fine to take it off if it were hot, but the magic caster might have an attachment to it, and he did not try to remove any of it. Thus, immediately after the magic caster entered, the temperature of the room increased a few degrees.

"Is it that girl?"

The magic caster's quiet voice made one feel extreme incongruity.

He seemed to be in his late twenties, but his extremely hoarse voice made it difficult to tell. Was his appearance misleading, or was his voice that dry?


Enri looked between the magic caster and the guard in surprise. The guard felt that it was normal for her to be and nodded to himself. Even the guard was surprised the first time he heard the magic caster's voice.

"He is a magic caster that has come from the Magician's Guild. He is doing a simple check, so please wait a bit." The guard sent a signal to the magic caster and bowed to him. "If you please."

"Of course."

The magic caster took a step forward and faced Enri. He then chanted magic.

"<Detect Magic>"

The magic caster's eyes narrowed. It was as if he were a beast that found its prey. Even though the guard wanted to get into a battle stance, but Enri showed no surprise.

The guard saw this and felt that his guess was on the mark.

There was no way that a simple village girl could remain calm after being faced with such a gaze. If she did not at least fight monsters, there was no way she could bear this gaze.

Basically this girl called Enri has experienced battles of life and death. From that, the chance that she was a magic caster got higher.

"You cannot hide it from my eyes. You are secretly carrying a piece of magic equipment. Around your waist."

Enri was surprised and looked at her waist.

The guard readied himself. The guard knew the range of a weapon like a sword, but nothing about magic weapons. Like how humans feared the unknown, so did the guard.

"Is it this?"

What Enri took out from under her clothes was a small horn that could be hidden with her two hands. It looked shabby, and if the guard saw it he would think nothing of it.

"….Is this a magic item?"

"Correct. Do not be fooled by its appearance. This has quite the magic power imbued inside."

The guard gazed at it in wonder. This magic caster said that this was quite the item. How much power did it possess?

The guard, thinking that the shabby appearance was an intentional disguise, felt a chill like he was stabbed.

"Ah, that is —"

"There is no point. My magic sees through everything."

The magic caster interrupted Enri and activated another magic.

"<Appraisal Magic Item>"

Silence fell over the room.

The magic caster was silent, the guard who was waiting for an answer was silent, and even Enri was silent.

It took about 30 seconds. It felt longer than that, but the magic caster finally opened his mouth.

"Is this a magic item that can summon a horde of goblins?"


Enri spoke in surprise.

"I see…. So you intend to use this in the city…."

"I do not!"

"Hmm…. Guard."

"What is it?"

"This is a magic item that can summon and command goblins. It is unclear how many it can summon, but it is not that dangerous of an item. But should there suddenly be goblins rampaging through the city, this person should be taken in for questioning."

"Is that so?"

"Anyway she does not have anything that would be immediately dangerous, and does not seem to be smuggling in anything. I believe that there are no problems."

The magic caster had far more knowledge about magic items. If such a person said it was fine, there was no need to raise an opposing opinion, and accepting it would be the best.

"Understood. Thank you for your cooperation, Enri-san. This is it."


The guard asked the magic caster who was about to say something.

"What is it?"

"No, it's fine. It's nothing important. The rest is your job."

"….Is that so?"

The guard was not satisfied, but he could think of no reason to keep her any longer. If he looked outside, he would find that the luggage checks have been completed with no problem.

"Then Enri-san. Welcome to E-Rantel."

As Enri passed through the gate and looked at the city, the guard asked the magic caster.

"….Was it an amazing item?"

"Hmm….It's evaluation depends on the number of goblins…. But it is nothing weak."

A girl who had a carriage and owned what might be an amazing magic item.

The guard felt that his interest piqued and asked the magic caster.

"What exactly is she?"

The magic caster took out a handkerchief from under his robes and wiped the sweat on his face. As the handkerchief darkened from the sweat, the magic caster finally spoke.

"Two options."


As if he were a teacher explaining something to a dumb student, the magic caster continued.

"Since she came here alone, this is the first option. She has confidence in her own strength— Well, as a magic caster. Thus the lack of companions. That is one possibility"

"And the second. She is travelling alone because she has a magic item. If it is the former it is simple. We can understand if she is a simple magic caster."

"Isn't she too young?"

The guard had heard that since magic casters had to learn many things, it often took years for them to master the basics. Thus Enri was too young to be a magic caster.

"….I do not think she is that powerful, but remember this. In the case of a magic caster, it is possible for their appearance and age to not match. For example a powerful magic caster, the Head Magic Caster of the Empire. The strongest magic caster of humanity is over 200 years old, but he looks like he's in his forties."

"Basically she is—!"

"Do not panic."

In response to the agitated guard, the magic caster shook his head in annoyance.

"I said it earlier. It do not think she is that strong. It is not the case that young but promising magic casters do not exist. Especially if they have studied in the Empire's institutions. It is often the case that there are many young magic casters in the Empire with magic items."

"Is that so…."

The guard decided to engrave this in his memory. It was necessary to consider the possibility of a young person being a magic caster.

"It is simple if she is just a magic caster. However, in the second case. If she were indeed just a village girl with a magic item, it will be troublesome."

"Why? I believe it is easier to accept if she is a simple village girl though? And that she travelled alone with the help of the magic item."

Listening to the guard's question, the magic caster sighed. Feeling the magic caster's gaze like he was dealing with an idiot, the guard quashed the feeling of rage that boiled up in him. Understanding that, to him, he probably was an idiot, and that his personality was like this in the first place.

"On the contrary, if she is a village girl, there is someone behind her who can easily give her such a magic item."

"….Isn't that jumping to conclusions? It might be passed down through her family or something…."

"How did she get such an item? That is a one use item. It would be better to reserve it rather than to walk around with it."

"True…. Considering that, there might be someone supporting her from behind."

Then everything made sense. However if that was the case, were the magic caster's words of it being troublesome refer to the one behind her?

"If there is someone behind her…. That girl is not just anyone."


"….Could a simple village girl borrow a magic item that costs at least several thousand gold coins?"

"Several thousand?!"

A shout of shock left the guard's mouth.

The guard of course knew that magic items were expensive. However the most expensive potions in the station were at most 150 gold. Comparing the two was a foolish endeavor.

Adventurers could possibly carry such an item. However they had to be high ranked, blessed by fortune and had a patron behind them.

"Basically that person does not think much about handing over such an item, or that that person wants that girl to be protected."


The guard silently looked for Enri's figure in the city. Of course, she was nowhere to be found.

"Should we follow her?"

"That is…. Something you should not be asking me. You should decide that. However it would be better not to anger her."

"I see…."

Hearing that, the guard looked again at Enri's back. Of course, the conclusion was the same.

The guard recalled Enri's face and engraved it in his heart. There would probably be no problem when she leaves, but should she come again, he felt that something would happen.

Enri continued on the road as the carriage shook.

E-Rantel was split into three sections. The centremost was where the majority of people stayed. The image that one imagined of a town would be best reflected here.

She was looking for a certain shop— One that was told to her by the village chief.

Her destination. It was the home of the most famous herbalist in E-Rantel, Lizzie Bareare.

It was normal for craftsmen to have a union guild. This was to avoid stealing business, and to regulate the prices for goods and services. However, the number of herbalists is usually too low and thus a guild is impossible.

However E-Rantel was a fortress city, and the number of herbalists was high. There hence existed something like a herbalist's guild.

The reason Enri was going to Lizzie Bareare's house was that she was like the guildmaster of the small herbalist's guild, and managed the flow of potions and herbs.

If she had connections with a herbalist, she would not need to go to Lizzie Bareare's house, but unfortunately Carne Village had no such connections. Thus it was basic to sell the herbs at her house.

There was a strange smell wafting along this road.

The warhorse showed some signs of not liking where it was going, but with Enri at the reigns, it plowed onwards.

The smell in the air was of medicine and crushed herbs. This was the proof that this area had many herbalists.

As Enri looked around, she moved forward. She then stopped the carriage at the largest house in the area.

In contrast to the other houses where there were production areas behind the shophouses, this building was a production house next to a production house next to a production house.


Enri was a bit uncertain as she stopped the carriage in front and came down from the rider's seat.

There were words next to the door, but Enri could not read. Despite her uncertainty, she knocked several times.

There was no reply.

She knocked again.

There was still no reply.

If there was no response the next time she tried, she would have to come back another time. Enri thought that and knocked again.

She heard a thumping noise from the other side of the door. And with force, the door was opened.


A woman in unkempt work clothes appeared, stained with the juices of herbs. She spoke with an aggressive voice.

Her red hair was in a mess and covered half of her face. A pair of muddled eyes could be seen between the gaps. There were large eyebags underneath.

Her half open eyes moved to look at Enri.

Her face was good. However her eyes were very grim, causing her to feel more scary than beautiful. It was as if she were a beast hungry for blood.

In addition, her appearance gives an illusion of age. She might have been the same age or a bit older than Enri.

That woman spoke. There was no hint of friendliness in her words. It was full of hostility.

"Who're you?"


"We are currently veerrry busy right now. Come later."


"Aaan? Did you not hear me? Ah?"

"Ah, no—"

"Hurry up, I'm tired! Do you want to ask me what time I woke up? Huh! Ah?"


This was bad. She did not intend to listen.

Enri deduced that and began to wonder where she could kill time.

"Could you stop it there?"

A different came from inside. It was a man's.

Hearing that, the girl's attitude did a 180. Enri was looking right at her, eyes wide in shock. It was like seeing a girl before and after she put on countless amounts of makeup.

Firstly, her eyes opened. Her dead eyes from earlier began to sparkle with light. Her corpse-like skin began to blush red.

Standing before Enri was a girl younger than her. And a beautiful one at that.


Frantically combing her disarrayed hair, the girl looked back.

"So you were here."

Her tone of voice was completely different. It was as if the person from earlier was an illusion. For a moment it looked as if there was a flower blossoming behind her.

"Yes. I understand that you are tired but she seems to be a customer."

"That's true. I went a bit too far."

Clumsily placing her hand on her cheek, she smiled at the man. Behind her, Enri was shocked at this change.

"Please enter. Now, come in."

Pulled in by the now extremely friendly girl, Enri entered the house. However, she could not yet enter. Enri frantically tried to resist the girl pulling her.

"—The luggage in the carriage."


Releasing Enri, the girl looked at the luggage in Enri's carriage.

"They are pots, are there herbs in the pots?"

"Eh. Yes."

"Then it's fine. Even if you bring it, we do not have anyone who can buy it from you. You should know some merchants right."

The problem was not solved at all.

Enri thought that, but she had no intention of resisting the force pulling her in and she entered the house.

The room was dim and Enri's eyes could not make anything out until they adjusted. Blinking several times, she made out a room that did not feel like a store.

The room itself was not large.

At best it was a reception room to talk with customers. There were two long benches in the centre facing each other, and shelves full of parchment lined the walls. A potted plant was placed in the corner of the room.

Inside the room. There was a man. He was a normal man that had no special attractive features.

Since there was no other man inside, the reason for her change was definitely him. Even though he was inside, he wore rough gauntlets. Enri felt that she had seen those somewhere, but she had little knowledge about such things.

"Fey. I'll bring in the luggage."

"Eh? Is that fine?"

"I don't mind. It will help Lizzie."

"Then please do."

He nodded at the smiling girl— Fey, slipped past the two of them and left the room. Fey's sparkling eyes seemed to chase his figure.

Enri felt a strangeness from the man's tone. It was as if his age or gender did not match. However she had no reason to act against the man. In addition should that be his original voice or should he mind it, it would be extremely bad. Since Enri came to sell items, she should not place herself in an unfavourable position.

Enri thought that and began to start the business negotiations.


"Nn? What?"

Fey asked without looking away from the man's back.

"I came to sell herbs but…."

"Hmm? Ah, herbs. Yes. Ahh."

For the first time, Fey looked at Enri and began thinking. The reason why her gaze moved probably had something to do with the man that left.

"Herbs…. This may be difficult."

Enri frowned. She wondered if there was a large purchase from somewhere, causing them to have a large stock of herbs.


"Isn't it fine?"

One wondered when did he return. He carried a pot easily with his two hands as he spoke.

"Why don't you buy it? We will use this much."

Saying that, he placed a pot down and left again. Fey looked inside for an instant and nodded.

"True. Yup, yes. We can't reach that place. Yup, umm who are you?"

"I am Enri of Carne Village."

"Ah, someone from Carne Village!"

Fey smiled and pointed at a long bench in the middle of the room. The two of them sat down facing each other.

"Umm how many how you brought?"

"Four pots of Nyukuri, four pots of Ajiina and six pots of Erierish."

"Six pots of Erierish!" Fey raised her voice in surprise. "That's amazing…. Good job. Since you're from Carne Village the quality is there…. Are all the pots of that size?"

Fey pointed to the pot that the man had brought. There were already six there.

"Yes. That is true."

"Then…. You are someone from Carne Village…. How about 126 gold and 7 silver pieces?"

"Eh! Please do!"

This was an amount of money Enri had never even heard of. Well if she excluded the amount offered by Ainz the great magic caster.

"Then that's fine."

"Yes…. By the way is that person your lover?"


Enri felt uher curiosity well up after feeling the relief of completing a deal. She asked Fey a question, causing Fey to be at a loss for words, wonder who she was talking about, and then blush.

"Eh? Ehehehehe. You saw it that way? Ehehehehe. Even if you tell me this I won't give you anymore. Ehehehehe."

Rather than flattery it was more of a question.

However she did not say this. Even she knew how to read the atmosphere. No, there would be no human that was able to do such a thing in front of the self-absorbed Fey.

Enri was secretly relieved. That she did not have to ask if she was an employee.

Fey's face moved close to Enri's as she lowered her voice.

"We have not gone that far. But I'm going for it."

"Is that so…."

"Well his face is not that good. But he's very strong. I was saved…. Ehehehehe."

"Is that so…."

Enri had an interest in the love stories of other girls. However even she pulled away after seeing Fey's drooling face. In addition, even though her expression had changed considerably after they first met, the circles beneath her eyes were still present. Now she looked like a mentally ill.

"….We are doing business now, sorry about that."

"Eh? Ah, yes!"

Suddenly spoken to, a strange cry came from Fey. The man and Enri both widened their eyes. However, he ignored this and continued talking.

"….Umm I carried in all the pots."

"T, thank you very much!"

Fey flushed with shame as she replied.

"I don't mind what you said earlier, Fey."

"Ah, emm you are really strong. I really admire you."


Hearing Fey's words, the man glanced at his hands covered by gauntlets. He then shrugged.

"Well now. Lizzie is working non-stop, and the two should take a break now right?"

"Thanks for worrying. Once this deal if over I'll tell Obaa-chan."

"….If we are buying the pots, bring them to the herbs section."

"Can I ask that of you?"


In contrast to the sparkling eyes and expression of Fey, the man reacted mildly.

How should she put it, there seemed to be no hope.

Enri struggled to prevent her thought of them being complete opposites from showing on her face.

As the man left, Fey's gaze fell back on Enri.

"Anyway, can I pay in common gold coins?"

"Ah, I do not mind."

Being paid in gold coins would be extremely heavy, but it could not be helped. Since she knew what she was going to do with the money, she thought it would also be fine to be paid in gems, but being paid in coins was basic.

"Then I'll go bring it in."

Fey said this and stood up. It was not just Enri's imagination that she shot out like a bullet. She flew through the door as if to chase after the man. However—

—Suddenly, the door to the outside was opened. Two women entered.


It was a languid voice, that was full of arrogance.

Enri's gaze fell on the woman who spoke, or rather, a certain part of her.

She was thrusting out her chest in front of her. In addition, she wore thin clothes showing her whole body line, causing further attention to be drawn to her chest. She had a curvaceous body.

Her brown hair went below her shoulders and was done in a sauvage. Her drooping eyes along with her face gave her a feeling of warmth. She was in her mid-twenties, and a smell of perfume wafted off of the woman who did her makeup well.

"….What do you want, whore."

The freezing cold voice rang in the room.

"Uwa that's mean, Fey-chan. Umm I came to see him."

A heart mark was attached to the end of her words. No, Enri was just imagining it. Fey waved her hands as if hitting something in the air.

She then sent a sharp gaze in her direction.

"He is busy with work. Don't be a bother and go home. I'll give you a medicine that works on STDs."

"….That's mean, Fey-chan."

While the woman's tone did not change, Enri sensed a strange emotion welling up in her eyes.

"Eh, what? This is…."


While they had came in together, the woman who had not spoken until now opened her mouth.

She was completely different from the other woman.

In short, she was a warrior.

She was in her twenties, her red hair cut to a length easy to move in. However favourably one looked at it, it was not cut well; it looked like a bird's nest.

Her face was not bad, but her eyes were sharp and she wore no makeup. Her skin was tanned a healthy brown.

That woman waved at Enri to come over.

"Umm, it would be best not to get involved."

"Ah, yes."

Scurrying towards the female warrior and looking back, she saw that the distance between Fey and the woman had shrunk tremendously.

"Is the master inside?"

"Ah, yes."

Enri was confused who she was referring to, but realising that it was the man, she replied.

"Is that so, we're in trouble."

"Is that bad?"

"This is very bad. The two of them will not end with just slaps." The female warrior looked at Enri and whispered. "They'll beat each other."

"Eh…. P, please stop them!"

"No way…. The two of them have powerful connections. If it's the two of them, they will stop after they beat each other."

As Enri and the female warrior watched in worry, Fey and the woman closed in on each other, and the two's forehead met.

"Want to go at it."

"I don't mind."

The instant the two of them formed fists—

—The bell rang as the man entered.



With a heart mark, the woman skipped towards the man, and Fey stumbled forward in that moment.

Since the woman was jumping and pushing on it with her body at the same time, her ample bosom was smushed considerably.

However his expression had no change.


Enri had some knowledge of men. The men that Enri knew would not be able to remain calm after receiving such an attack.

It was as if he were handling a troubling coworker.

"Well I like that c-o-o-l part of you."

She placed her finger on the man's chest and seemed to write something on it.

"Why are you—"

"—Wait, get away from him!"

With a scream of anger, Fei ran towards the woman. Seeing this, Enri and the female warrior sighed.

"What is this?"

"This is their daily life."

"This seems like a pain."

"Yup, very."

The two of them sighed again.

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