Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 1 63 part3

The Capital City of the Kingdom Part 3

Traslators: Frostfire10, Skythewood

Around six days later, Sebas opened the main door. He had just returned from the Magician's Guild after purchasing another scroll and recorded all the requests at the Adventurer's Guild, a day of information collection.

He passed through the door and entered the house. Several days ago, Solution would have come to greet him. However—

"Welcome… back… Sebas…ma."

This task was now handed to the soft-spoken girl in the maid outfit whose long skirt covered her legs.

The day after he had picked up Tsuare, there had been a discussion, and it had been decided that she would work in this house.

They could have treated her as a guest, but Tsuare refused. She said that she felt uneasy about being treated as a guest on top of being rescued by Sebas. While it did not properly qualify as repaying his kindness, she hoped that she could do something to help around the house.

After seeing what her true intentions were, he began to feel uneasy as well.

In other words, she understood that her position here was precarious—that she was a source of trouble for this home—and so she wanted to work as hard as she could to avoid being discarded.

Of course, Sebas had told Tsuare that he would not abandon her. If he was the sort who could discard someone with nobody else to turn to, he would never have rescued her in the first place.

However, he lacked the persuasive power to heal the wounds in Tsuare's heart.

"I'm back, Tsuare. Did work go well?"

Tsuare nodded.

Her hair was neatly trimmed and she wore a little white headdress which shook with her nod.

"It went… well."

"Is that so. That's good to hear."

She seemed as gloomy as always and her expression hardly changed, but being able to live as a human being had gradually eased the fear which gripped her, and she could speak much more clearly now.

Sebas walked, and Tsuare walked with him.

Technically speaking, it would be a violation of maidservant etiquette for her to walk beside Sebas, her superior. However, Tsuare had never been trained as a maid and did not understand those formalities, and Sebas did not wish to educate her in such matters.

"What are we having today?"

"Po… potato… stew…"

"I see. I look forward to that, then. Your food is delicious, Tsuare."

She blushed and lowered her face as Sebas praised her with a smile. Her hands nervously grasped at her maid uniform's apron.

"You, you are too… kind…"

"No, no, I meant that. I know nothing about cooking, so you've done me a great favor."

"That is not tr…."

Tsuare felt embarrassed and mumbled her words. However, Sebas indeed felt grateful to Tsuare.

Since they had a certain magic item, Sebas nor Solution had a need to eat, and only did so for appearances. However, Sebas nor Solution could cook, and they had to purchase food from outside.

Not having to bring back such prepared food erased one troublesome thing from the list and was a good thing.

"Do you have enough ingredients? Tell me if there's anything you'd like me to buy."

"Yes. I… will ask you… when I do."

Tsuare could move around normally within the house and in front of Sebas, but she still had an aversion to the outside world. Since she could not work outdoors, Sebas had taken on the task of shopping for ingredients and so on.

Tsuare's cooking was hardly a gourmet spread. She made simple, everyday dishes. Since these dishes did not require expensive ingredients, they were easily obtained at the markets. Sebas had also learned about said ingredients in the market and the food and beverage of this world, which he considered to be killing two birds with one stone.

A flash of inspiration suddenly struck Sebas.

"…We'll go shopping together afterwards."

A look of shock appeared on Tsuare's face. She shook her head timidly.

"I, I think… I'll pass…"

Sebas thought, As I expected, but he did not voice it.

In the past few days, she seemed to have recovered her spirit. However, it was far too fast. The worry of being abandoned by Sebas caused him to predict that she would overwork herself, but he had to adjust his predictions when faced with reality.

Tsuare had refused to do anything which might involve going outside ever since she had started working.

She had taken this house to be an absolute defense of sorts, in order to suppress the fear within her. In other words, she had drawn a line to tell herself that this place was different from the outside world, which had hurt her. That was the only way she could function normally.

However, if that kept up, Tsuare would never be able to leave the house.

Sebas understood that it was very cruel to expect Tsuare to walk amongst the masses given her mental condition. He should have spent more time to help her get used to being around others again, but that naturally required time.

Sebas did not intend to hide here or spend the rest of his life in this place. He was an outsider who had only infiltrated this city in order to gather information.

If Ainz issued the order to withdraw—

It was not clear what would happen to Tsuare at that time, but he should do his best to give her several options.

Sebas stopped moving and looked directly at Tsuare. She blushed and lowered her head shyly, but Sebas took his cheeks in both his hands and raised her face.

"Tsuare, I understand your fears. However, I hope you will relax. I, Sebas, will protect you. I will crush any and all dangers which draw near and ensure you will not be harmed."


"Tsuare, please step outside with me. If you're afraid, you can close your eyes."


As Tsuare hesitated, Sebas held her hands tightly. What he said next was terribly unfair to her.

"Are you willing to trust me, Tsuare?"

Silence filled the corridor, and time slowly passed them by. In the end, Tsuare's eyes grew moist, and her tender, pink lips parted to reveal her pearly white teeth.

"…Sebas-sama… you are too cunning… When you… put it like that… how could I refuse?"

She then threw herself into his bosom. Sebas gently hugged her quivering shoulders.

"Please be at ease. In all the world there are only 41 people stronger than me."

"Is… that… a lot?"

The figure he had chosen made Tsuare think that Sebas was merely cracking a joke to reassure her, and so she smiled. Sebas saw this, and smiled back without saying anything.

Sebas released his hand that was hugging her and began walking.

Tsuare made a lonely face and rubbed the shoulder Sebas was touching, but he acted as if he did not see it.

Sebas knew Tsuare had some faint semblance of attraction to him. However, Sebas felt that it was more like gratitude to him for saving her from her torment. It was similar to brainwashing, or the trust she placed in someone who was reliable.

In addition, Sebas was an old man, and perhaps Tsuare had confused her sense of familial kinship with romantic love.

Even if Tsuare did feel genuine love for Sebas, he did not feel that he could adequately return it.

After all, he had been hiding so many things from her.

"Then I shall come to get you after discussing a few things with the Young Mistress."


Tsuare's mood turned gloomy. Sebas knew why, but he kept quiet about it.

Solution had hardly met with Tsuare before. At the very most she had glanced at her in passing and left without saying a word. Anyone would feel uneasy about being ignored like that, and in Tsuare's case she would probably be terrified.

"It's fine. The Young Mistress is like that to everyone. It isn't as though she has it out for you…. But Ojou-sama has quite the bad personality, but I did not tell you this."

Sebas smiled, and after finishing his half-joking words, the unease on Tsuare's face lightened somewhat.

"She often throws tantrums when she sees cute girls."

"…I… How could I… I'm nothing like… the Mistress…"

Tsuare frantically waved her hands.

Compared to Solution who had a beauty that would enrapture those of even the same gender, she thought that she could not even be compared. Tsuare indeed had a pretty face, but it was not much when faced with Solution's.

However, beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

"In terms of looks, I would prefer you compared to the Young Mistress."

"What! How could…"

Tsuare's face was burning red as she lowered it. Sebas looked kindly upon her, and then he saw her expression change and her brows furrow.

"And I… I'm… filthy…"

Tsuare's attitude made a complete turn, and her faced turned dark. Sebas sighed. He looked straight ahead and spoke. As the volume of the footsteps had been lowered, the words of Sebas reached Tsuare very clearly.

"Indeed, that is the case with gems. Unmarked ones are worth more, and they are considered purer." Tsuare's face fell even further as she heard those words. "However—people are not gemstones."

Tsuare's face lifted and looked at Sebas' face. His serious face.

"Tsuare, you seem to consider yourself dirty. But who can judge the purity of a human being? There are clearly defined standards for precious stones… but who will set the standards for a human being's virtue? Is there some common value to surpass? Some public opinion that must be adhered to? Does that mean everyone else's thoughts and opinions can be discarded?" Sebas paused here, and then he continued. "Every person has a different definition of beauty. If beauty cannot be determined by one’s appearance, then in my opinion, we cannot determine beauty by what people have experienced, but by how they are inside.. I do not know what you have been through and I have only spent a few days with you, but what I know is that the person inside you is the furthest thing from being filthy that I can imagine."

Sebas closed his mouth, and the footsteps echoing along the corridor filled the world. Tsuare seemed to have made up her mind, and she spoke.

"…If… you feel I am pure… then embr—"

Sebas' footsteps stopped. In front of him was the most beautiful and extravagant door in the entire mansion. Tsuare cut off her words, and recalled who was inside.

"Tsuare. I will see you later."

Leaving Tsuare who bowed with a lonely face, Sebas knocked on the door. He opened the door without waiting for an answer. As he slowly closed the door, Sebas thought about Tsuare's last words.

If he was right, her next words would be [embrace] or something along that line. (TL Note: She used the word "Daku" which can mean hug or to have sex.)

"How troubling."

"What is?"

This house was rented, so it did not have much furniture despite its many rooms. However, this room was filled with stylish furniture, enough to impress any guest who came. However, anyone who knew anything would realize that none of the furniture here was a venerable antique, and that the entire room was all style and no substance.

"Forgive my soliloquy. Ojou-sama, I have returned."

"…Thank you, Sebas."

Solution, the false mistress of the manor, had a airheaded expression on her face as she lounged on the sofa in the center of the room. However, that was merely an act. That was because Tsuare the outsider was also in the house, so she had to put on the mask of a haughty heiress.

Solution's eyes left Sebas and went to the door.

"…She has left, I take it?"

"So it would seem."

The two of them looked at each others' faces, and Solution spoke in a normal tone.

"When are you going to get rid of her?"

Solution always asked the same question whenever they met, and Sebas always gave her the same answer.

"When the time comes."

Under normal circumstances, that would be the end of it. Solution would sigh deliberately, and then drop the matter. However, Solution did not seem inclined to let it go today, and she continued asking:

"…Could you give me a clear indication on when 'the time' will be? For all we know, hiding that human might bring trouble upon us. Does that not violate Ainz-sama's orders?"

"There have been no problems until now… Fearing a human and the problems they might make is hardly the attitude which a servant of Ainz-sama ought to have."

Silence fell between Sebas and Solution.

Sebas quietly exhaled.

The situation was very bad.

Solution had no expression on her face, but Sebas could tell she was boiling mad at him. And it was slowly getting stronger.

Solution had not made any move to harm Tsuare until now due to being forcibly restrained by Sebas. However, if things remained as they were, it might not endure for long.

Sebas was keenly aware that time was running out. Sebas gritted his teeth.

"…Sebas-sama. Once that human violates the orders Ainz-sama has set forth—"

"—She will be dealt with."

Sebas ended the sentence himself without giving Solution a chance to continue speaking. She turned an emotionless look on him, and then nodded to indicate that she understood.

"Then I will say no more. Sebas-sama, please do not forget the words you have just said."

"Of course not, Solution."


Solution's hushed tone hid emotions so powerful that they made Sebas stop in his tracks.

"…Still, Sebas-sama. Should we not report Tsuare (that) to Ainz-sama?"

"…." Sebas fell silent. After a few seconds, he answered. "I think it will be fine. I am uneasy about wasting Ainz-sama's time on an insignificant human."

"…Entoma and the others regularly contact you with [Message] spells every day. Why not bring it up while you are in contact with them?"


"Is there something you wish to hide?"

"How could that be? I harbor no such thoughts. I would never dream of—"

"Then…." Solution realised her words would elicit the same response, and chose different ones—Ones that would blow him away. "….So due to a selfish decision, you are not reporting to Ainz-sama?"

The air between them grew tense.

Sebas knew that Solution was deliberately picking at this topic, and he was keenly aware that he was in danger himself.

All the existences in Nazarick gave their absolute loyalty to [Ainz Ooal Gown], the 41 Supreme Beings. At the forefront would be Shalltear and Demiurge who could be said to think of nothing else. Naturally, Sebas was one of them.

That said, he still felt that it was wrong to abandon a pitiful being just because he was afraid of danger.

However, he also understood that most of those in Nazarick would not approve of that course of action.

No, he only thought he understood. Solution's attitude from a few seconds ago had clearly informed him of the full extent of his naivete.

Depending on the situation, she would not even hesistate to erase the problem caused by Sebas, who was the highest ranking official involved in Nazarick's internal affairs, a position given to him by the 41 Supreme Beings.

—Sebas smiled.

As she saw that smile, Solution's eyes filled with surprise.

"…Of course. It was not for personal gain that I did not report this to Ainz-sama."

"Is there anything to support that?"

"It is not all but, I highly praise her ability to cook."

"You mean to say… her cooking?"

It was as though there was a question mark atop Solution's head.

"Yes. In addition, would it not be suspicious if only two people lived in such a large home?"


Solution had no choice but to agree with that point. Anyone would find it strange that such a large house was hardly occupied, for all the money spent on it.

"I feel that we need a few people around. Besides, would it not be bad if we could not serve a single dish if guests arrived?"

"…That is to say, you are using that human as camouflage?"


"But why did you have to use that particular human…"

"Tsuare is grateful to me. Even if there are strange occurrences, she would not leak the. If we hire a loose-lipped person, would they not speak of the strangeness of this mansion's occupants."

"…….." Solution thought briefly on the matter and then nodded. "Indeed."

"Just so. This is merely a deception, so there is no need to specially seek Ainz-sama's permission to do so. For all we know, he might chastise us and say, 'Figure these small things out yourself'."


"Can you accept that?"

"…I understand."

There were lots of things she could not accept, but Solution adopted the stance that it would be fine and nodded.

"Now, is this all?" Sebas confirmed Solution had nodded before continuing. "After eating I am thinking of bringing Tsuare out. I leave the house sitting to you."

"Understood, Sebas-sama."

Sebas left the room. He did not look back at the sharp gaze Solution sent at him, and left as if escaping from it all.

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