“An idea?” Shaeula asked, losing concentration, her blades of wind scattering into the air in a flash of verdant light. “You do have an excellent grasp of the power of wind, so I shall listen to your plan-plan.”
I called over the Kamaitachi as well, and we sat in a circle. “I saw you sharing wind energy between each other during the end of the fight with the Wyrm. That was a genius move, not that I would expect anything less from you, Shaeula. So that got me thinking… elemental energy and aether is a limited resource that we seem to have more of during this etheric tide. But we need to gather and use it to improve our skills. So I thought, if we cycled the energy between us, like you two did, then we can train that much harder. It would surely improve our skills too, as our combined attack on the wyrm was challenging, but I felt my talents improving as we used it.”
“Hmm, I see. Yes, that does seem like an excellent way to increase my proficiency in wind handling, while you can benefit from my greater ability to refine and produce the energies-energies.” Shaeula nodded her approval. “A cunning move indeed, not that I would expect anything less from you Akio.” She returned my words with a cute grin.
While Grulgor watched, disinterested, we began. I would start, drawing in and generating as much aether and wind energy as I could. I would then shape it into compressed blades and drills, trying to keep the shining green light of the elemental energy as faint as possible. I quickly discovered I could mask it by using aether, but it was much harder to make it invisible without that crutch, even knowing that the air itself I was compressing and shaping was colourless. Once I started to lose my grip on the energies I would reshape it to a mass of pure power, trying to reduce wastage as much as possible, which was even harder, bringing sweat to my brow as I struggled. Shaeula would then absorb it from me, and do similar exercises, before passing it to her Kamaitachi, who would then return it to me once more. Those that weren’t currently using the energy would work on absorbing and generating more, to keep the flow topped up.
Factory line-style training. It’s tough but better than training alone…
After many hours of this I was drenched in sweat, and my whole network was prickling even more painfully, but it felt good, similar to the tightness in my muscles when I went jogging or worked with weights. In a way it was quite an addictive feeling. The Kamaitachi had bowed out several hours earlier, exhausted, but Shaeula was still going strong, and was currently trying to make her compressed blades of air invisible. She could do it by using aether as well, though she found directing it a struggle, as Fae had aether flowing through them like mortals such as I had blood and air flowing through us, so they didn’t really understand the concept of using it for specific purposes, rather they just used it instinctively. However, being able to form a Material body allowed her to feel it in a different way to her more ethereal kin.
With my guidance she has begun to see the ways she can manipulate it consciously. That should magnify her prowess. Maybe I was doing her a disservice comparing her to Grulgor in terms of strength. Properly used Shaeula could be a beast in combat…
“Not bad.” I applauded, as several blades shimmered out of existence. “Still, don’t get too comfortable with using aether for this. We should be able to do it with just the wind energy, as the air we are manipulating is transparent. I wouldn’t want to stunt our growth by relying on easy shortcuts.”
“Easy?” Shaeula complained, starting to lose her grip on the highly compressed wind and the aether shrouding it. Jade wisps were rising, fading away, so I tried to draw in as much of it as I could. “This is hardly easy. None of the Seelie that I know would use the natural energy of the Astral in this way-way. Still I cannot deny that it is effective. It will prove a trump card for me should I ever need to battle other Fae-Fae.“ She struggled to regain control, cycling her wind into a compressed ball, the light of aether shimmering.
I watched her shape the wind into drills, blades and vibrating strings, before she finally released her grip, passing the torch to me. Closing my eyes to concentrate I wrung my tired mind and body out, drawing in what elemental energy and aether I could, though about half of it had escaped, lost to us. Combining what I had salvaged with the energy I had gathered while Shaeula struggled I formed an image of a series of fine wires formed from extremely thin vibrating wind. The image was difficult to maintain, requiring me to spend aether to stabilise it in places, but after some struggle I had the near-invisible wires around me.
“I think I’ve got it.” I panted, the stress of keeping the wires intact intense. “At least if the area is small I can largely supress the glow.”
Shaeula applauded, her eyes glowing amber. “Very well done. I can not-not see the wind unless I use my mystic vision. Were I to charge you recklessly then I would be shredded to pieces. Now you must learn to draw out as much wind energy from your heart chakra as I do, as the drain of elemental energy you are using is great-great.”
I had to agree. I doubted I would be able to maintain the wire defence for more than a few minutes. As I went to reply a great snort came from behind me.
“Bah. Grul wonders what you are doing. To be strong you must work your body. Grul says you should be fighting to grow stronger.”
Turning to face Grulgor, who had largely recovered over the many hours we had been training, I sighed. Yes, he’s a muscle-brain all right…
“I would not expect a brute like you to understand the subtleties of combat.” Shaeula scoffed, crossing her arms in a haughty fashion. Turning back to me she smiled slyly. “Our master Akio will demonstrate just how effective this can be. A mock battle will be a good test of his control.”
Damn, that’s cold.
Grulgor smirked in pleasure. “Grul is always ready to battle. Very well master, show Grul what you have done while Grul was bored.”
He surged forwards, though at least he was unarmed, and the rocky armour on his limbs and torso had not yet recovered. Thinking fast I used aether to accelerate backwards, and I lashed out with several blades of wind, shining a verdant emerald as they hummed through the air.
“Useless, useless, useless!” Grulgor roared as he dodged the first blade and swatted aside the second and third taking minor injuries in the process.
Got you. As Grulgor surged at me he suddenly stopped, blood bursting from his body, one arm coming clean off at the elbow with a whine like an industrial bone-saw. Damn, it’s lucky he can regenerate…
As that thought crossed my mind many of the strings vanished, the stress of holding them against the weight and power of Grulgor too draining, but luckily he had halted, blood spraying down his neck. Another step and the vibrating string cutter would have severed his windpipe and spine.
Grulgor backed away slowly, blood pooling from the many deep cuts across his body. As he did so I let the last of the strings disperse, my energy spent. Either we need to stockpile tons of energy in the Silo or I need to improve my heart chakra. No, really we need to do both if this attack is going to be usable more than once…
Grulgor bent down on trembling legs and picked up the fallen arm, holding it to the stump. “Grul says that attack was strong. Grul is confused.”
“Well, an invisible attack isn’t going to surprise everyone, but an attack that is masked by visible attacks will often land.” I explained. “You saw the wind blades and that distracted you from the invisible wall surrounding me. Strength isn’t just in physical power, though you are right I do need to improve that too.”
“With strength like that Grul thinks you should have sliced up the big snake.” He pouted, wounds slowly sealing.
“It wouldn’t have worked, the wyrm was too large, and I hadn’t practised this enough. I’d have done a lot of flesh wounds I’m sure, but then we’d be helpless. Knowing when to be subtle and when to break out the powerful attacks is also an important part of combat. Anyway, you should heal up again. Sorry about that.”
Grul shrugged. “Grul will be fine. But Grul will not fall for cheap tricks next time.”
Shaeula laughed loudly. “I doubt that very much, brute. Our master Akio is as wily as any weasel.”
As they began to bicker again I yawned. Using such skilled techniques had really drained me. “I think it’s time we take a break, right?”
“That’s it, I can’t do any more.” I slumped down, the last of the energy leaving me. “We’ve been at this for what must be days.”
“Indeed.” Shaeula agreed, looking similarly worn out. “I am not used to such rigorous practice, though I feel it has been worthwhile training in the abundance of the etheric tides-tides. Shall we return to the Material?”
“I think so.” I turned to Grulgor, who had woken up from a long rest a short while ago, looking almost whole again. “Shaeula and I are returning to the Material plane. I leave you in charge of the defence here until we return. Liaise with the weaselkin led by the Kamaitachi and try and reclaim your old Territory by the bridge for us. Don’t push out too far and leave us undefended though. Who knows when the Raven Knight might strike?”
“Grul will handle it.” He slammed a huge fist against his now rocky chest. “Come back safe master.”
I nodded, and with that Shaeula and I returned to the Material plane. The light of early dawn was streaming in through the window, showing just how long we had spent in the Boundary. No wonder I’m so tired.
Beside me Shaeula stifled a yawn, looking around with bleary eyes. “So, I have returned here-here.” She muttered.
“You want to grab a couple of hours’ sleep? It should clear our heads and refresh us.” I asked, and she nodded. Ignoring the fact that a girl was lying beside me I closed my eyes, and due to my mental exhaustion I was soon asleep…
I woke up about three hours later, and it was now early morning. Feeling more refreshed I got up quietly, leaving the gently snoring Shaeula to her rest. Turning on my computer I decided to finish up the last few jobs I had outstanding and get them all sent back to my employers. I was just finishing this up around an hour later when Shaeula woke up.
“Morning princess.” I said to her as she yawned, sitting up. “Do you want some breakfast?”
She nodded so I cooked something up quickly. She wolfed it down, washing it down with orange juice. It’s too early in the day for beer. I had some myself, and then went back to finishing my work. Shaeula had turned on the TV and was changing the channel, looking for something she would like.
“You know, maybe you should try out the games console. You might find it fun.” I had set it up previously, so it didn’t take long for Shaeula to be sitting in front of it, controller clutched in her small hands, at the title screen of a very popular modern RPG.
“So what do I do with this-this?” she asked, tilting the controller one way then another in her hands.
“You’ll soon work it out.” I chuckled. “Basically it’s a fun game where you build up your skills and magic through battles and training. Really it’s a bit like what we are doing in the Boundary. It’s got some fun characters and interesting set-piece battles, so have a go and see what you think. But before you do, can I have the blessing of fortunate winds? I’d like to make some more money for our plan.”
Shaeula nodded and the wind enveloped me, seeping into me through my chakra network. As she began to play, occasionally asking me questions about what to do, I opened the roulette app and began spinning…
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