
Chapter 233 - Quest Details


Though 'Blood Companion' seemed like it was some sort of overpowered all-round tamer class skill, it in fact had quite a lot of limitations.

After all, the only reason I managed to get both extraordinary creatures as my 'Companion' was due to our relationship as a source donator and a source acceptor, normally, even taming a dog to this level of intimacy would take a lot of time, so in a sense, it was almost impossible to expand my 'Companion' list any time soon…

But that still didn't deny the skill's prowess, even if it was limited to just these two 'Companions' then this was more than enough, since one was a new evolved species that managed to attract a 'Lightning of Recognition' thus having a whole 8+ points in its elemental stat even though it was just born, while the other was a…

'Speaking of which…'

The Pseudo Sky Dragon which was also magnificent that it wasn't a surprise that it shared the 'Lightning of Recognition' as half a true dragon, this second companion of mine did vanish into my body, so since I managed to clarify everything else, it was about time to inspect the dragon-like inscription on my right arm…

[ 'Blood Hibernating Dragon Mark'

Description: A Newborn dragon's ability to hibernate in the blood of his own kin as a form of protection. (Innate Newborn Dragon Ability)

- The Hibernating - 'Newborn Pseudo Sky Dragon'. ]


To think that dragon had such a convenient method to pass through their weakest period, but…

'It doesn't make sense…'

Dragons were supposed to be secluded beings that stayed away from others, not to mention that they wouldn't have another dragon around to protect them…

{It's quite simple…}

'Didn't you say that you are leaving…?'

{Don't be like that, I got a bit of a time on hand and you seemed to be thinking of interesting stuff so I might as well spend it to relieve my bored- ahem, I mean to help you.}


{You are really too introverted… anyway, as I explained before Dragons shed their whole body after they have finally reached the peak and limit of their maturity cycle, but they of course wouldn't do that without precautions…}


{Once a dragon has finally decided that they were going to restart their cycle, they would give a chance to some strong and talented species to receive some of their blood and become one of their kin, but with the condition being a protection contract till the dragon gained its memories back and could fend for itself…}

'Employing babysitters for their own selves…?'

{hmm? What is a 'babysitter'?}

'Nothing, continue…'

{You really don't like to explain stuff, do you? Unlike you I find that quite interesting!}


{Alright, Alright, you are being too boring again, I'm just gonna finish my interesting explanation and leave you and your boring loneliness alone....}


{The accepting kin become some sort of carriers for the weak newborn dragons, your case is also somewhat similar, but your amount of dragon blood is probably a few times more superior than a carrier's, in fact you can count as little sky's big brother! Or… maybe his son? I don't know, let's leave the complicated stuff away, just take care of your brother till he leaves hibernation and becomes less shy, goodbye…}

'See ya…'

Although it was somewhat annoying having this somewhat constant mental connection with the Dragon Ancestor, it at least did a better job at explaining stuff unlike his shameful relative who always slept in my ring…

'Regardless, that makes my job much easier!'

With the dragon now being part of me for the time being, I wouldn't have to worry about taking care of it nor babysit it, at least until it was time for it to come out anyway...

'Well, last thing to check is…'

With the whole 'Hatching' saga done and explained, the only thing left to truly check was the new quest that I received not long ago…

[ 'Demons' Advent'

Description: The Whole 'Lost Realm' is threatened by the corrupt nature of demons and their twisted ideals, it's your mission to remove as much of this threat as possible…

Objective 1:

- Take down the Demon Bases situated in the different domains.

+ 'Demon Base Locator'

* Reward: 1~3 stat point per base.

Objective 2:

- Reveal the demons' hiding place and announce the truth to the world.

* Reward: decided according to contribution. ]


As expected, it seemed like the only way to make stuff easier was to stop the beginnings of the demon invasion so that the actual forces of the domain could still stand a chance against the true invasion that has yet to come, there was always a limit to just how much 10 beta testers could handle anyway…

As such, it did seem like a great option to use the demon bases not only to stop the stealthy infiltrators, but also farm a few levels for both me and Light, not to mention the stat points reward was actually still quite valuable even though it wasn't a huge number as leveling has started to become harder and harder as of late.

[ 'Demon Base Locator'

- Alerts you to any demon base within 10 Km distance of you. ]

'That should be useful… but it's too limited to make quick progress…'

With this partial skill obtained from the quest, I would have to rely on another opportunity to find another demon base, but it would still need me to be either quite lucky or to run through the whole domain and make a full scan...

On the other hand, the second objective seemed to be on another level, after all, while I did manage to do that in the light domain, I could only do it due to my native body's connection and position as the missing prince with my 'uncle' being the emperor himself, but I was totally alone in this domain, so fighting a power on the calibre of the Light Empire would prove impossible through normal means…

'Well, let's put the second objective aside for now…'

While I didn't have all the time in the world, I wasn't that tight on time either, in the worst case scenario, I would just have about one or two months before the demons made any big moves, which could still be used to finish a lot of stuff, so I decided to think about it calmly like I usually did and only think deeply about the next step.

'First is finding people and gathering information…'

Being a guest who had just arrived at the domain, I simply knew close to 0 about the state of affairs in this domain, it's nature, culture and leading power, so it was only right to start making the big decisions after these details have been confirmed, instead of building castles of sand…

'Oh, you fell asleep already…'

Looking at little Light who just kept getting cuter with time, especially in his sleeping pose as he looked to be very comfortable at my arm, I simply took out a piece of cloth and adjusted it to make a small sleeping bag that could be hung around my neck…

'I wouldn't want to wake you up, would I?'

Making sure that the bag is put the correct way so that my fast running wouldn't shake it around, I finally got up from my place in preparation to descend the mountain peak…


'I definitely needed you much earlier in my life…'

Light was just too cute!

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