
Chapter 215 - Possession

[ 'Human (other worlder) Paladin' lv.118

Race: Human (other worlder)

State: post-brainwash, Possesed



Strength: 21.59 (+10)

Constitution: 23.11 (+10)

Agility: 19.258 (+10)

Wisdom: 9.1 (-5) (+5)

Intelligence: 20 (-10) (+10)

Light Element: 18.00

Dark Element (C): 0.00 (+20)


Special skills:

'Light Healing (Intermediate)' lv.2

'Light Sword (Intermediate) lv.1

'Light Barrier (Intermediate)' lv.3

'Demon's possession (Intermediate)' lv.9


…... ]

'Another 'Other Worlder'...?'

It wasn't hard to figure what the 'Other Worlder' part meant, after all, I was an 'Other Worlder' myself…

"This body is actually almost as good as mine!"

'It does kinda make sense now…'

Looking at the stats of this paladin guy, and putting aside the missing piece, 'What is his actual reason for entering the gate?', he was qualified enough to pass the fighting tests, and if by any chance the Trial was Light element related he should also have the ability to pass it.

The possible scenario that happened after that, him entering the demon base, and the 'Overseer' somehow casting 'Possession' on him, taking control of his body, and decisively destroying his own 'Corruption Core' to open the gate to leave the base…

'That's quite plausible…'

"I was originally going to act as the brains of the army considering that I'm possessing the body of a puny human, but now that I feel its actual prowess…" 

'I don't see the other members the head talked about…'

Which means…

'They are either dead or late…'

"Not to mention that a puny bug somehow managed to kill the weakest fifth of the army, I think he needs to… know his place!"

'Let's hope they are just late…'

Evading the half bright-half dark sword waved at me, by the seemingly fast 'Possessed Paladin', I decided to continue stalling for now…

'They should be here soon…'

"Huh? Why are puny humans suddenly this strong?! You can actually rival the speed of this human boosted by my 'Possession'...?"

'Your luck is just too strange, using a player's body to fight another player…'


"What are you laughing at?! You think it's this easy…? If this won't stop you then… ATTACK!"

'Petty… but not too stupid.'

"Let me see how you can deal with quantity th-"

"Oi Mister 'Demon Hunter'!" (Eleya)

"You are late, no time for talking deal with the scattering weaker demons, I have something to do." (Ian)

"Eh? Wh-" (Eleya)

"Mmm." (Ellona)

"Alright alright Ellona, I understand, we just need to cut these horned creatures, right?" (Eleya)

Taking out a bow from her back, almost ten wind arrows had already blasted a few demons' lives…

"Ellona is the leader of our squad for a reason Eleya, just do as she says…" (Mike)

A flash of lightning burst out of his greatsword as soon as he unsheathed it as he suddenly jumped off the cloud!

'I see, I may have still underestimated 'Storm-Bringer'...'

The power of the two was at least double what they should exhibit, a squad made from a wind and a lightning 'Elemental Armament' users coupled with a 'Storm-Bringer' as their booster were indeed quite efficient…

'Not to mention that she hadn't acted herself…'

She seemed to be eyeing the confused 'Possessed Paladin' as she wanted to deal with him but…

"Leave him to me." (Ian)


Surprisingly more smart than her few 'Mms' exhibited, I was finally able to focus on how to deal with the 'Overseer' possessing my fellow player, as I didn't need to worry about the demons scattering or attacking me with the boosted duo's help.

"I understand, it seems like I got the short end this time, but that's not the end, as long as I keep you four occupied here…"

'There's definitely more to this than we thought…'

But it didn't yet reach the point when I would kill this fellow 'Other Worlder' to end it quickly even though I had the ability to…

Especially when the solution seemed to be on the easier side.

'Is it a mental energy possession…?'

[ Item Skill - 'Transformation' activated. ]

[ 'Lightning Cloud' has adapted the (Longsword) form. ]

[ Item Skill - 'Duplication' activated. ]

'Let's get closer.'

Choosing dual sword close combat was my decision as I needed him to be close enough to allow my mental energy to analyse the situation.

"Yes, yes, continue stalling, I have all the time I want anyway! Haha"


Finally hooking my elemental energy into his body, I took a quick look as I reached an understanding.

'He linked his mental energy with his own blood essence…? He completely gave up his original body?'

As if to explain why there were dark cloud smog was all around the body of the 'Possessed Paladin', this 'Possession' seemed to be a bit deeper than just mental energy related…

'Luckily, the main bonder is still mental energy.'

The 'Overseer' was using the fact that our fellow player here has a low wisdom stat to leech into his body, using his own blood essence to take control of the body and start the primary phases of corruption!

In fact, if he was given time, he might have been able to turn the body to be completely his, and be capable of wielding two opposite elements Dark & Light, all while having a human shell to cover his true identity…

'But you chose the wrong opponent…'

After all, mental energy was my playground!

"Well, it was nice chatting with you, but it's time to go, and don't worry, I will send you off." (Ian)

"Stop blabbering and bluffing you fooli-"

[ You have absorbed the blood essence of a 'Demon Commander (Peak Mid-Tier)', purification in progress… ]

[ You have received 21,666,666 EP! ]



"Yes, yes, I can hear you, no need to destroy my ear drums…"

"There has been another report, another special 'Demon gate' has erupted-"


"That's not all! All members who were dispatched there early has also disappeared similar to the other ones who we didn't receive any message from…"

"Haa… sigh, prepare the second squad of the First Special unit, I'm heading out."

"Yes, sir!"

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