Omega Summoner

Chapter 70 - Pysche Armament Skills: Bow

Adrian is now confusing the lesser troll about his location by actively firing arrows from different directions thereby dis-orienting the troll. It was so confused that it just picked a random path opposite of Adrian and trampled everything that caught its sight regardless if were trees or rocks. Adrian smiled at the easy prey that he managed to encounter. Adrian now getting familiar with his bow Psyche Armament now looks at the skills that are available for the bow.

Skill: Shooting Star

Tier: Legacy

Type: Active

Effect: The mana arrow produced by the Psyche Armament will be charged for five to ten seconds and become empowered. The arrow would deal 300% of the total magic damage and would gain the piercing effect. The arrow travels about 50 meters to 100 meters depending on the time the arrow is charged. This skill could be interrupted during charging. When charging is interrupted the required essence will still be consumed and the cooldown will be cut down in half.

Cooldown: 20 seconds after arrow is released

Cast Time: Instant

Essence Cost: 15 Essence per cast

Skill: Soul Piercer

Tier: Legacy

Type: Toggle

Effect: Arrows will gain the piercing effect and will deal true damage for the duration that the skill is active. Unable to generate essence while the skill is active.

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Essence Cost: 5 Essence per arrow released.

Skill: Orion's Wrath

Tier: Legacy

Type: Active

Effect: Ascend to the sky and fire three Shooting Stars. Each Shooting Star will have 500% of your total attack power as mixed damage. The Shooting Star that is fired will have the maximum range regardless of charging time. You will remain airborne until the skill is finished or you are affected by a status effect. Gain the Far-sight status while airborne

Far-sight: Enhances vision and become able to view everything in sight in a hundred meter radius.

Cooldown: 20 minutes

Cast Time: 2 seconds

Essence Cost: 75 Essence

Adrian nodded at the skills as they were meant as something akin to becoming a sniping archer play-style. As the lesser troll was still rampaging and Adrian following behind it and him assessing the number of essence he managed to get. He managed to hit the troll with about 50 mana arrows and he was rewarded with 50 essence in total. He gets 1 essence per successful hit on the lesser troll. He does not know if this was applicable to all the Psyche Armament but he would find out later when he will test the other two.

Adrian has 50 essence currently and he would try and using the first two skills first because he did not have enough for the third skill yet. Adrian used the first skill and pulled the bow. The arrow then became white in color and had the shape resembling that of a comet. Adrian charged it for the full ten seconds as the lesser troll was about 80 meters away from him by the time he charged the skill since he was immobile when charging the skill. Adrian let the arrow loose and it speed was unparalleled that the lesser troll did not even realize that a hole the size of a basketball was blown through its stomach.

The lesser troll stumbled down due the chunk of damage it received and was hit by the stunned status. A lesser troll is still a troll from Adrian's perspective because when he moved closer to the troll the hole was visibly repairing itself although at a slow rate but the troll's health points remained the same.

Monster: Lesser Troll(Status: Stunned)

Level: 45

HP: 56,265/80,000(70.33%)

Adrian shaved off about 15% of the lesser troll's health points with one attack or specifically skill. The game's system probably factored in the area where the damage was taken which is why the damage was massive. Adrian did not relax as the lesser troll was regenerating the hole albeit slowly. He unhesitatingly used the second skill Soul Piercer. Adrian's mana arrow looked a bit sharper than usual and the bow was shining a bit indicating that the skill was activated. Adrian fired off arrows until he ran out of usable essence and he managed to fire about seven mana arrows.

The seven mana arrows did not disappear when it hit the lesser troll's body instead it pierced holes in its body that were the size of coins. The lesser troll screamed in pain as its natural defenses were breached by this unknown hunter that did not even show its face. It screamed angrily at the bushes as if saying, " Get out and fight me head on coward". Adrian snickered at the lesser troll's attitude. Adrian just continued firing mana arrows until the lesser troll became particles of light and he consumed all his mana. The lesser troll screamed in agony for he did not know why it was facing injustice. It was just enjoying its meal when an unknown assailant started firing arrows at it.

Adrian picked up the loot and looked for his next vict..I mean target. It did not take long for Adrian to spot other lesser trolls in the vicinity. He continuously used the cover of the forest and his sniping skill to kill every lesser troll he had in sight. He was like a hunter that lived in the wilds all his life and was familiar with the woods like it was his backyard. He managed to kill about ten more and managed to level up two times thanks to his three times experience gain. Adrian was feeling refreshed by gaining two more levels that he still continued despite hunting for about five hours in game already. He said one more before going to each his lunch since he has yet to test the last skill.

Adrian was feeling that his body was feeling the hunger and said to himself, " Oh..Whatever" and used the skill Orion's Wrath anyway. The skill action was two seconds because he first tossed the bow upwards to the air and he soon followed. Adrian was standing on what seems like an invisible platform with the pattern of the Orion star formation with a pose like he is ready to fire the arrows anytime. From an outsider's perspective, Adrian looked cool because of the skill effect and his 'master archer' pose that has one of his legs folded slightly which makes his legs form a triangle. Yet, in Adrian's perspective this pose was embarrassing. It felt like he was a superhero or something.

Shaking off his embarrassment, Adrian was amazed by the effect of the Far-sight status because he could see even the ants as long as he focused his field of vision. It did not take long for Adrian to find monsters that were walking about. He pulled the bowstring and automatically it registered a Shooting Star arrow. Adrian's target was not a lesser troll but what looks like a goblin. Actually Adrian was able to activate even his Dark Blue Evil Eye skill in synergy with his Far-sight status which amazed him even more. The monster was more specifically a goblin warrior.

Monster: Goblin Warrior

Level: 48

HP: 55,000/55,000(100%)

Description: An evolved and more powerful version of the goblin species. It looks like a slightly taller version of a goblin but carries a sharp weapon like swords. It is often mistaken for an average goblin due to its uncanny similarities which leads to the deaths of inexperienced adventurers.

Finally Adrian saw one of the most common fantasy monsters ever created even though it's an evolved form. It still counts as a goblin. Thankfully the goblin warrior did not have as much health as that of the lesser troll but it does wear something akin to leather armor but in Adrian's perspective, the goblin warrior's head is unprotected which is why he would aim for a head shot. Adrian pulled the bowstring and imagined a comfortable shooting position and like the platform he was standing on received an order it tilted a bit to the side which surprised Adrian. He was tilted 45 degrees in the air and he was not even using his wings to fly.

Adrian was defying gravity from his perspective but he found it interesting as the platform seems to respond to his thoughts which he deeply appreciates. Adrian fired the arrow and the Shooting Star was seen dropping at a fast speed from the sky. The goblin warrior as if sensing something coming towards it from above, instinctively looked up. The goblin warrior did not even notice what hit it was its whole head was blown or by the attack it received head on since it was not wearing a helmet. Adrian received a system notification indicating that he killed the goblin warrior.

[You have dealt devastating damage to the Goblin Warrior by aiming at its vital spot.]

[You have gained experience.]

"Wow! I never thought it was that powerful. Piercing attacks sure are scary." Adrian said as he looked for more targets for the two more Shooting Stars he could fire. Unknown to him, something was eyeing him from above the clouds.

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