Omega Summoner

Chapter 144 - Getting Two Fragments II

Makiling clapped her hands once again. The three individuals was once again swallowed by the plant with sharp teeth. When the two friends saw light, they are once again located in the restaurant.

"Good luck in your endeavors Champion of the Twin Gods." Makiling said as her body became vines and retracted below the tree floor.

The elf server once again opened the door and business resumed on the restaurant. Adrian is still creeped out about the whole scenario even if he already experience it once. For Levin Cloud though it was a new experience.

"Creepy" Levin Cloud muttered.

"You were the one who invited me here in the first place." Adrian stated.

"They serve good food here so I really wanted to come. It is a secret spot though and is a bit shabby compared to other establishments. So what is your plan for getting the last fragment located in Neo Alfheim?" Levin Cloud muttered.

"We just waltz right in like we own the place." Adrian said.

"You do know that only I could do that right. Even I would not be able to get you inside." Levin Cloud muttered.

"It is very easy. You just need to get me a sample of any DNA of the researchers. We lure one of them and I would do the rest." Adrian said nonchalantly.

"So you are into kidnapping now. Man, you became a monster. What are you going to use the DNA for anyway?" Levin Cloud said dramatically.

"Very funny. We would just trap the guy in a shadow dimension. I will not hurt him or her…much…depends whether they struggle. I need the DNA for something. You will see later." Adrian said with a stoic face.

"Why don't we sneak when the researchers are out? I will give you the hair strand so you could go inside with me." Levin Cloud said.

"Wow! Your plan is better. Let us do yours." Adrian said.

The two friends then walked towards the Church of Life. The guards only looked towards Adrian and did not notice anything unusual. Levin Cloud led Adrian to the room that his teacher assigned to him. Everything was smooth until Adrian saw an old elf inside the room.

"Teacher! You are here!" Levin Cloud exclaimed in shock as he did not expect his teacher to be in the room.

"Oh! And who is your interesting companion with you?" Elder Willow said as he stared down Adrian.

Adrian felt this intense stare from the old elf despite him looking at him with an amiable face. Adrian felt naked in front of the elder. He felt that the elder could see through Adrian's disguise.

"This is my friend, Equinox. I was just showing him my room here in the Church of Life." Levin Cloud said and gulped right after.

Elder Willow walked towards the entrance. Elder Willow intentionally walked besides Adrian. The latter felt a chill down his spine.

"You have a very interesting friend my dear student." Elder Willow said. Elder Willow flicked his hand a green energy barrier engulf the whole room.

"I did not think that you were friends with a Daemos." Elder Willow said and a great deal of pressure was exerted towards Adrian.

Adrian felt immense pressure from Elder Willow. He felt so heavy as if the gravity became so intense. If he was not a greater demon then he might have passed out by now. Adrian tried to bear the pressure but ultimately lost. Adrian was forced to kneel down with sweat trickling from his face. Even Adrian's glamour wore off.

"Uhm..Teacher, what are you doing?" Levin Cloud said as even he felt some pressure but not to the extent Adrian was experiencing.

The pressure emitted by Elder Willow suddenly vanished and both friends could finally breathe. Adrian though felt immensely scared. He has never experienced something like that in his gaming experience. Adrian gauged that Elder Willow would be able to contend with one of the Elders of the Daemos race.

"I was just testing your friend's capabilities. I would not outright harm someone chosen by Gaea herself." Elder Willow stated with a smile plastered on his face.

Adrian fixed his breathing and stood up.

"How did you find out esteemed elder?" Adrian asked politely.

"You radiate the aura of life as if it was clothes on you but you also have another aura with you." Elder Willow replied.

"If you know about that teacher then why did you attack him? Are you not afraid that Gaea might punish you?" Levin Cloud said.

"I was not punishing him. I just wanted to know the capabilities of the current Champion of the Twin Gods. Oh! I must not mention that here as it is taboo. But who would hear anyway. Hohoho!" Elder Willow said as he laughed a little.

"This elder is more than meets the eye. He knows of the relationship of the Goddess of Life Gaea and the God of Death Abaddon." Adrian thought.

"What brings you here, Equinox?" Elder Willow asked.

The two looked at each other and both do not want to answer. They were afraid to be punished once more.

"Do not worry. I have set a protection inside the room so no one can spy on us. Besides, this is a rare chance for me to hear a champion's request. Our church has yet to get a champion. No one has passed the test in hundreds of years." Elder Willow stated.

"Tell teacher. He is very trustworthy. He is the most forgiving in the church unlike other radical priests." Levin Cloud said to Adrian.

Adrian sighed and gave in. What else could he do in this situation?

"I need to retrieve the Crown Fragment of the Undead King so that I could get the vow of loyalty from the Undead King." Adrian confessed.

"I see. It is a tall task because it would certainly be helpful if the Undead King pledges allegiance to the Twin Gods. It has been said that the Undead King wields intense might." Elder Willow replied.

"Will you help us teacher?" Levin Cloud asked.

"Of course. A friend of my student is like a student to me as well. If is the champion chosen by our Goddess Gaea then all the more reason. Should we blame it to the demon that the Church of Light is saying?" Elder Willow said.

Adrian recast Glamour onto himself. The three then planned what to do. They even executed it right away after the planning phase.

A few moments later…..

"A demon possessed stole the fragment!" Elder Willow shouted.

The elven paladins came and saw Elder Willow clutching his stomach.

"Elder! Are you okay!?" the elven paladins shouted.

"I am fine. I managed to fend off its attacks. I was not able to stop it from taking the fragment. Look for it! It might not have escaped far." Elder Willow stated.

"Some of you escort the elder. I will personally lead the pursuit." An elf paladin that looked like a captain ordered.

Once all the individuals got out of the room, two individuals are rising from the shadows.

"Your teacher is a great actor. Maybe I should take some acting lessons from him." Adrian stated.

"Do not waste any more time and get out of here. They might put this place on lock down." Levin Cloud warned.

"Okay then adios amigo." Adrian said and tore a scroll.


In a sealed mountain top, a man in a pitch black cloak was once again visiting someone.

"It seems you have recovered a little Vel'drix. I hope you will keep your end of the bargain." Eldritch who was the top player in the magician ranking said.

"I will keep my end of the deal human. I do not break deals but if you betray me then you better have a hole to crawl into." Vel'drix said and the voice sounded like Argent but it had an echo.

"With how weak you are now, it would still take a year for you to fully recover. Be thankful that I shortened your recuperating time." Eldritch said.

"If those despicable Twin Gods did not do the great me dirty then an entire continent would have been beneath my feet." Vel'drix said with intense hatred.

Vel'drix has now fully consumed Argent's soul. The dark god was now wearing Argent's body but some features have changed. Her hair now became tentacles that wriggle in the air as if they have a mind of their own.

Her eyes are now like those of an octopus. There were also visible tattoos scattered throughout his body. Vel'drix has now full control of Argent's body. The fusing process was made faster due to Eldritch. Although they pose no threat right now, no one could foretell the future.

"Even if it will take a long time, I will persevere. It would be very entertaining to see a world of pure unbridled evil. Where chaos is the norm and order is but a pipe dream." Eldritch thought as he grinned like a madman.

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