Chapter 221


Arent you asking for that a bit too late? You should have at least asked before you ran away.

Im sorry. I did it impulsively.

Well, thats all right. Im going back to the Imperial Clairaut soon anyway If you dont want to be examined by Edgar, I will gladly do what you ask for.

Are you going back?

Levi nodded while she mixed the herbs with the water. Even though Lil didnt have many conversations with Levi or built a deep bond with her, she felt sad for no reason. At the same time, Lil now realised she had never truly expressed her gratitude or sincerity to Levi, so she asked again with regret.

When are you going back?

I need to be back in a month, so I have to leave in at least two weeks.

You mustve had a lot of hardships because of me. I didnt even have the chance to repay you as Ive been so busy

Thats all right, I dont need a reward anyway. Your case was a great experience for me too. It was like witnessing a miracle, anyone who studies medicine wouldve liked to experience that. Im actually the one who should thank you for your courageous recovery.

Thank you for everything, Levi.

Instead of answering, Levi handed over the glass of water with medicine. The familiar smell stung Lils nostrils. Lil held her breath and tipped the glass. After finishing taking her medicine, Levi grabbed Lils hand.

Whenever you thank me, please speak more casually. I really cant stand that excessive respect.


But if you want to draw this line because we cant be friends, then feel free to keep doing that.

Its not like that, I just feel deeply indebted to you as my doctor rather than a friend

Then why dont you feel like were friends now? Weve been taking so many walks together. And I didnt just tell anyone about my rejection of Linhardts marriage proposal. Its a story that only a very few people close to me know.

Lil realised it a beat too late.

Thats why she told me such personal stories during my rehab walks

Lil hadnt made new friends in years and had forgotten all about it.

Its been a long time since Ive had a pleasant conversation with someone I thought of as a friend.

This made her suddenly remember an old friend who was still at Sesbrons court.

Im sorry. I didnt notice

Levi stared at Lil with her eyes clearly expressive of the answer she was hoping for. Lil eventually wrinkled her nose and replied.

I can be quite clueless

Really? Well, seeing how slow you pick things up, you mustve been having a hard time.

Im sorry Im so sorry.

By the way, Lil, can I ask you a personal question? Just one.

Lil shivered in anticipation when she was met with eyes glimmering with hope.

What is it?

Levi, now smiling, wrapped Lils hands in both of her hands.

You know, I really like you and I think that youre pretty cool too. You know how to shoot and can wield a sword. One time I noticed you sneaking out in the middle of the night, so I followed you to give you a good scolding. Only to be caught off guard when I saw the way you took out a crossbow and positioned it in your arms. I was so taken aback that I hid behind the door and watched. You were obviously practising, but it didnt appear to be working because your muscles were still stiff. It was then that I understood why you were so obsessed with meat all the time.

As rifles arent suitable for practising at night because the sound of the gunshot would wake the whole mansion, I practised with a crossbow to avoid being noticed I never expected that Levi herself would know all about it

Lil looked away in embarrassment at the thought that her clumsy practice sessions had been seen by others.

Oh, did you see that?

I also saw you sparring with Edgar by chance. Its the first time Ive met someone like you, so Im truly amazed. If only you had looked a little less busy, I wouldve bothered you some more. Its a pity So before I go, I wanted to ask you this question.


Levi rolled her eyes as if trying to pry into Lil soul. The latter just waited patiently for Levis busily moving eyes to calm down again. Soon enough, Levi opened her mouth cautiously.

Your real name. I actually dont know much about how the imperial aristocrats world works, mostly because I dont have someone to talk to about that, but Im quick-witted enough to not ask you for your last name. Id just like to remember the real you.

It was an ardent gaze that couldnt be refused. Lil looked at the flowers with a sigh, then awkwardly pronounced her real name.

Lil Liloa.

Levi was delighted and clapped her hands like a bird flapping its wings.

Liloa. Ill remember that. When I come back to Roahn later, lets talk a little longer then, all right?


The Devito Harbour was clear.

At dawn, when the sun had just risen, the marina was still quiet. As Lil passed by, she noticed the sea dyed by morning light and small yachts moored at the dock, rolling on the shallow waves. The smell of well-cooked fish, the aroma of wine, as well as the heat from the bonfire all filled Lils nose. People gathered around a fire exchanged greetings, while young errand boys from the flower market stands were busy delivering morning bouquets.

Lil drew her collar up. The tip of her nose felt cold, possibly because she was used to living in the South or because the morning was simply chilly. Looking straight ahead, she spotted Gualtiero, which was from her position not much bigger than the size of a fingernail, on a hill on the far outskirts.

She walked through an alley and came out to the other side of the port which was bustling with auctions of live seafood and other imported goods. Crowds of seagulls flew closely around and behind the roaring crowds, looking for fish or grain that had fallen to the ground. When a wagon perilously approached from the other side while trying to meticulously avoid the street vendors and people, the flock of seagulls fluttered up in unison.

As the birds chirped and flew overhead, the carriage rattled past her. Lil swerved to avoid a shower of stale water splashing due to the wagons wheels hitting a puddle. Its black water sprang up and flew through the air like waves. After being distracted by such an incident, Lil was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a man leaning against the stake next to her. Although the man appeared to be a beggar at first glance, she then noticed that he wore fine but sloppy clothes, as if they had been washed a long time ago. The man remained motionless despite being hit by the stale water.

He must be used to it Come to think of it In a city of this size, there are bound to be homeless people. Actually, it wont be anything special even if there are quite a lot

Just as Lil was about to move forward, she suddenly felt a faint sense of dj vu when she saw the mans face

No way But No two people could possibly look alike that much. And most of all, that mountain-like size is unique only to him

Lil had already passed the man but retraced her steps until she was in front of him again. His supposedly red hair had turned almost black, probably due to dirtwater and dust, and his beard had grown thick like a bush. Everything about him appeared to be rugged.


Although the man flinched, he merely opened the bottle he was holding and drank it.

Youve come to the wrong place.

Why is Commodore Sagastar standing here like this? He looks like he hasnt washed for days, no, weeks even. I knew he would be in shock from what happened, but I never expected him to be as devastated as this. Can it perhaps be that there hasnt been a response from the Retiro residence to inform him of my condition?

Lil tapped him on the shoulder out of gratitude for her unexpected luckthough the same couldnt be said for Sagastar.

Just go on your way

While Sagastar looked down at Lil, his hand abruptly stopped pouring out the drink. Lil returned his gaze by raising the brim of her hat, which had concealed most of her face.

M-M-Miss Liloa?

Im still in a bit of a pickle here, so Id like you to keep my name quiet, Commodore.

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