
Chapter 295: A New School of Thought

# 295. A New School of Thought

Arhat Du'e clasped his hands together, and a sound like the ringing of a morning bell echoed: "Clear away all vexations, and the Buddha heart shall be serene."

The crazed monk seemed as if struck by a heavy blow, his movements stilled. Then, he slowly sat down, crossing his legs in meditation. Though his face still bore traces of inner struggle, he no longer appeared consumed by madness.

Arhat Du'e withdrew his gaze and lifted his head to look toward the Buddha mountain in the mystical realm. His weathered face, rarely expressive, now showed an unmistakable anger.


*This really is a fragment of obsession left behind by a Bodhisattva. I merely proposed a vague concept, yet he seems to have inferred a lot from it!*

*In Jiuzhou, the Buddhist sect seems to place more emphasis on power and attaining Phala rather than on true Buddhist teachings... Perhaps it differs from the Theravada of my world, but it certainly falls short of Mahayana.*

*At the very least, they have no concept of Mahayana Buddhism.*

Seeing the old monk standing in stunned silence, appearing to have grasped some insight, Xu Qi'an figured that he had likely passed this stage.

“What just happened? Why did that monk suddenly go mad…?”

“Could it have been something that Silver Gong said earlier?”

“Could mere words have such power? Don’t talk nonsense.”

The common folk had no understanding of the terms “Mahayana Buddhism” and “Hinayana Buddhism,” so they were perplexed by the monk’s sudden madness. Not everyone had heard the monk's mutterings just before he lost control.

At this moment, the old monk suddenly smiled with profound enlightenment, his body radiating an aura of Buddha's wisdom.

“Thank you, benefactor, for clearing my doubts. I have achieved complete understanding,” the old monk said, smiling and clasping his hands together.

*You really achieved enlightenment?! I can’t believe that with just a few random words, I helped a great monk achieve full realisation…* Xu Qi'an felt conflicted.

Before he could respond, the old monk continued, “When Wenyin was still a fourth-rank Sadhu, he was puzzled as to why he could not become a Buddha.

“This obsession lingered in his heart for countless years. As his life was nearing its end, he finally realised that there is only one Buddha in the world, and that is the Buddha himself. So, he cleaved me from his mind, and attained the Phala of a Bodhisattva.

“I have sat in this secret realm for many years, unable to comprehend how to become a Buddha or why I could not.”

The old monk gazed intently at Xu Qi'an, but it was as though he was looking past him to see himself in the distant Western Regions. Finally, he clasped his hands together again and said to himself:

“I am Buddha, and Buddha is me. Amitabha!”

Wenyin’s obsession had been to transcend his rank and become a peer to the Buddha.

Now, he had finally realised that becoming a Buddha had nothing to do with ranks.

“Thank you for your guidance, benefactor.”

“Master, you have attained enlightenment through your own nature; this is not due to me,” Xu Qi'an replied sincerely.

While his words had triggered the monks enlightenment, it was his vast experiences and deep contemplation that made the clouds scatter, and all become clear.

It was just like the brief conversation earlier—ordinary people heard it with no particular reaction, but to the monks, it was like the ringing of a great bell. They understood immediately, and it resonated deeply within them, expanding into a greater realisation.

Suddenly, a breeze stirred within the secret realm, and the old monk dissolved into a wisp of azure smoke, disappearing without a trace.


The Bodhi tree swayed, and green Bodhi fruits appeared, hanging heavily from its branches.

These fruits emitted a radiant green glow, and anyone could tell at a glance that they were extraordinary.

The Buddha realm was utterly silent, with only the faint rustling of the Bodhi tree. However, outside the realm, the crowd was growing noisy.

By this point, the people of the capital were not just shocked—they found the whole situation utterly incredible.

If they hadn’t misheard or mis-seen, it appeared that this Silver Gong had guided the old monk into enlightenment. In gratitude, the monk had even thanked him.

A martial artist, enlightening a high monk and allowing him to attain complete realisation?!

Such an absurd and bizarre scene left the people of the capital utterly speechless.

“What on earth did he say?”

On top of a restaurant, Chu Yuanzhen asked Master Hengyuan, who was standing beside him.

“Like seeing flowers through mist... Like seeing flowers through mist... Sir Xu, please explain it more clearly... explain it more clearly...” Master Hengyuan muttered as though in a daze.

*Xu Ningyan’s words have had such a profound impact on the monks of the Buddhist sect?* Chu Yuanzhen was astonished.


*Have I passed this stage?...* Xu Qi'an felt a flicker of joy, though he was reluctant to leave the sight of the lush green Bodhi fruits.

Better head to the temple at the mountain’s peak first, he thought.

Just as he turned to leave, a booming voice echoed throughout Buddha Mountain.

“What is Mahayana Buddhism, and what is Hinayana Buddhism? Benefactor Xu, please explain before you go.”

Outside, everyone turned in surprise to look at Arhat Du'e. No one had expected an esteemed Arhat to intervene in this contest of minds.

But at this moment, Arhat Du'e’s expression was so serious, so grave, that it made people feel as though the sky was about to collapse. No one dared to raise their voice or reprimand him.

*What exactly are Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism?*

*We don’t understand any of it.*

The common folk were confused, but among the upper echelons of power in the capital, some were starting to grasp a little of what was going on.

Such as Wei Yuan, such as Prime Minster Wang.

*That’s Arhat Du'e’s voice… It seems the outside world can indeed hear my words and see my actions. But why would he directly intervene in this debate?*

Xu Qi'an frowned and let out a cold snort. “Master, may I ask, what is a Buddha?”

“Before the Buddha, for 720,368 years, no one became Buddha. After the Buddha, for 3,491 years, no one became Buddha.

“The Buddha is the Buddha. How could all people become Buddhas?”

Arhat Du'e’s voice carried an interrogative tone.

*So, in this world, the Buddhist sect has existed for 3,491 years. But why hasn’t the concept of Mahayana Buddhism emerged here?*

Xu Qi'an pondered for a moment and came to a conclusion: In the world of Jiuzhou, strength reigns supreme, and cultivation ranks are paramount. Whoever has the strongest fist is the one in charge, which has stifled the development of different schools of thought.

*In my world, by contrast, we are all ordinary mortals. It’s the clash of ideas, not power, that drives growth.*

*A difference in environment makes a difference in development.*

*Since that’s the case, I’ll explain what Mahayana Buddhism is… or at least my understanding of it,* Xu Qi'an thought before responding in a serious tone:

“So, in the eyes of the Buddhist disciples of this world, Buddha is the Buddha, but the Buddha is not Buddha. To me, this idea is utterly laughable.”

This statement was so convoluted that, aside from the Buddhist monks outside, no one understood it.

Monk Jingchen couldn't help but interject, "What's so laughable? You must explain clearly."

Arhat Du'e glanced at him, said nothing, and shifted his gaze back to Xu Qi'an.

“Of course it's laughable. Take the Arcanists of the Sitianjian as an example: the Jianzheng is a First-rank Arcanist, but First-rank Arcanists are not the Jianzheng. This is a universally accepted fact, right? Yet, in your Buddhist sect, you equate Buddha with *the* Buddha. Isn't that absurd and strange?

"Shouldn't 'Buddha' represent a supreme Phala, rather than just one individual?"

Such words were nothing short of blasphemy. The Buddha was the founding patriarch of the Buddhist sect, the only Buddha, the one they worshipped.

An exalted, god-like figure — shouldn't they indeed be the only Buddha?

But Xu Qi'an's words held a certain logic, which left the monks speechless for a moment.

Xu Qi'an continued, "So, I would like to ask the master, what exactly is Buddha? Is it merely a way to gain power, or is it a way of thought?"

Arhat Du'e's expression remained stern, but his eyes softened, no longer angry. After a moment of serious thought, he replied, "Both."

"That's why I say, this is where the distinction between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism lies," Xu Qi'an stated firmly.

The monks below exchanged confused glances, itching to hear the entirety of Xu Qi'an's theory.

In the Stargazing Tower, on the Bagua Platform, the Jianzheng's eyes widened as he mumbled to himself, "That son of a bitch dares say anything! This is bad, this is really bad..."

The Emperor Yuanjing turned and asked, "What did you say, Jianzheng?"

The Jianzheng smiled, "Your Majesty, Xu Qi'an has given you a grand gift."

Yuanjing frowned, puzzled.

But the Jianzheng offered no further explanation.

Wei Yuan slowly stood up, his hands clenched into fists under his long sleeves. It seemed he had come to a realisation.

"Remarkable..." Prime Minister Wang muttered under his breath.

*Remarkable?!* Miss Wang looked over, surprised, wanting to ask, but seeing her father so focused, she swallowed her curiosity.

“At present, in the Buddhist sect, strength is paramount, and rank is utmost. Every cultivator of the Buddhist path ultimately seeks to achieve phala, whether Arhat or Bodhisattva. In short, they seek to free themselves from samsara. As for freeing all sentient beings, that comes secondary. Master Du’e, am I correct?”

Arhat Du'e remained silent for a long while before pressing his hands together in acknowledgement.

This was his tacit agreement.

"Therefore, with strength paramount, rank utmost, and the Buddha as Buddha, I call this Hinayana Buddhism." Xu Qi'an gazed at the sky and declared loudly:

"Master Du'e, esteemed monks, am I wrong?"

A monk objected, "If this is Hinayana Buddhism, then what is Mahayana Buddhism? Are you saying it’s that 'everyone can become Buddha' nonsense? That's absurd."

"You find it absurd because you practice Hinayana Buddhism, which fundamentally esteems rank above all; benefit for oneself. But what if instead the heart is utmost?" Xu Qi'an posed.

"The heart is utmost?" Arhat Du'e murmured the phrase, pressing his hands together. "Please enlighten us, benefactor."

"In your view, there is only one Buddha, the Buddha himself, and people cannot become Buddhas—they can only attain Bodhisattva or Arhat Phala. But, don’t forget—was the Buddha born as a Buddha?" Xu Qi'an expounded confidently.

“I believe everyone has Buddha-nature; it's just obscured by the mundane world's impurities. But through cultivation, one can see their true self, and thus, everyone can become a Buddha.

"Master, to see self is to see Buddha!"


Suddenly, a bolt of thunder cracked across the sky, accompanied by a faint sound of chanting.

Everyone was shocked to see that Arhat Du'e’s entire body began to glow with a golden light, resonating with the strange phenomena in the heavens.

In the Buddhist sect, this signified a moment of enlightenment.

"To self is to see Buddha, to self is to see Buddha..." Arhat Du'e was immersed in a profound state, his mind drunk in the revelation.

A voice echoed within him: _Why is the Buddha, Buddha? Why can't I be Buddha?_

*No,* everyone *can become Buddha.*

This Buddha was not the rank of Buddha in cultivation, but rather, an inner Buddha.

Xu Qi'an’s words, though they might seem merely reasonable to outsiders, struck Arhat Du'e—a long-time practitioner of Buddhism—like a thunderclap.

*Is Buddha truly determined solely by power?*

*Can Buddha truly only be the Buddha?*

*How narrow-minded is such thinking!*

If this were the case, then "Buddha's light shining across Jiuzhou" would be nothing more than an empty phrase. Only if everyone could become a Buddha would Buddha’s light truly illuminate the world.

This was the true essence of Buddhism.

The Buddha represented the pinnacle of the Buddhist system, but Buddhist teachings should not be confined to the Buddha alone.

The concept of Mahayana Buddhism had emerged, a new school of thought was born...

The other monks did not achieve enlightenment, but each had their own realisations, and some even felt a sense of clarity, glimpsing different aspects of Buddhist teachings and new philosophical heights.

Among them, Master Jingchen was the most deeply affected, completely enthralled.

In the Nightwatcher sector, the Gold Gongs suddenly heard a soft chuckle from Wei Yuan, who had stepped out from the pavilion.

"Enlightenment... what wonderful enlightenment!" Wei Yuan said, word by word.

"Brilliant, simply brilliant!" Prime Minister Wang stroked his beard with a smile.

*What does this mean? Why are these two high-ranking officials finding amusement in this? Was Arhat Du'e's enlightenment something to be happy about?*

The Buddhist sect was an ally of the Great Feng, but tensions were high, and there was ongoing rivalry and contests of power. They were, in a sense, half-enemies.

To the civil and military officials, this was certainly not something to celebrate.

Atop the Stargazing Tower, on the Bagua Platform.

Emperor Yuanjing burst into laughter, a joy that he had never experienced before.

“Xu Qi'an has introduced the concept of Mahayana Buddhism. If Arhat Du'e hadn't achieved enlightenment, that would be one thing. But now that he has, when he returns to the Western Regions, he will undoubtedly promote Mahayana Buddhism.

"This will inevitably create a conflict between the doctrines of Mahayana and Hinayana. Debates will be the least of it; once a split occurs... hahaha."

He hadn't laughed so heartily in years.

Only when powers are balanced can they be true allies. When one side grows stronger while the other weakens, the relationship inevitably turns superficial.

This was the current state of affairs between the Great Feng and the Buddhist sect. The frontiers of the Great Feng were being harassed by the southern and northern barbarians, while the Buddhist sect stood by, watching.

If the Buddhist sect were to split, both factions would vie for the Great Feng's support, allowing the Great Feng to increase its status and gain much benefit.

"Jianzheng is right; this truly is a grand gift. Well done. Xu Qi'an's gift has greatly pleased us."

In the pavilion, many nobles raised their heads in surprise, looking toward the Sitianjian tower.

"Is that His Majesty laughing?!"

"Why would His Majesty be laughing? What's so amusing about this? Strange. Duke Wei and Prime Minister Wang are behaving oddly, and now so is His Majesty."


"Mahayana Buddhism... Mahayana Buddhism..."

Monk Hengyuan was lost in a trance, muttering, "I too can become a Buddha. Warrior monks can also become Buddhas. Everyone in the world can become a Buddha. To deliver all sentient beings, to know that seeing one's self is to see Buddha."

"What did running dog say?" Biaobiao widened her eyes, looking at Huaiqing. She knew something important had happened but didn't understand, so she turned to the knowledgeable Huaiqing for an answer.

"I don't know exactly what he said, but I do know what the consequences will be," Huaiqing replied.

"Consequences?" Biaobiao blinked her peach blossom eyes.

"From now on, the Buddhist sect will be divided into Mahayana and Hinayana," Huaiqing said with a hint of a smile.

At the same time, Xu Erlang explained to the Gold Gongs, "From now on, the Buddhist sect will be divided into Mahayana and Hinayana."

The Gold Gongs' eyes widened. No further explanation was needed; they already understood the implications of Xu Xinnian’s words.

They also understood why Duke Wei had laughed.

Jiang Lyuzhong was overwhelmed with excitement, his voice trembling with joy, "This... this... the Buddhist sect is in trouble. What has Xu Ningyan done? What has he done? Hahaha."

*With just a few words, he has divided Buddhist teachings into Mahayana and Hinayana... Xu Ningyan had done something truly monumental. Duke Wei, is this all within your calculations?*

The plain-looking woman’s eyes suddenly gleamed. She despised the Buddhist sect, hated it even, more than one could imagine. That's why she had specifically sent a sixth-rank martial artist to challenge Monk Jingsi.

Her aim was to suppress the Buddhist sect’s arrogance.

Unfortunately, her subordinates had not lived up to her expectations. Not only did they fail to achieve anything, but they also became stepping stones for the opposition.

Today, she had mingled with the Nightwatchers to watch the contest, partly for the excitement but mainly to see the Buddhists falter, to watch them lose in the duel.

Xu Qi'an had not yet won, but this surprise alone was enough to make her roll with joy on her bed at home.

*He truly is capable...* the woman thought to herself.

At this moment, among the nobles, some were beginning to grasp the deeper implications, each of them widening their eyes as if they had just seen a stunning beauty undressing and waiting on a bed.

The shock and delight were impossible to hide.

When the civil and military officials looked at Xu Qi'an again, their gazes had changed. Although he was a member of the Eunuch Clique and naturally loathsome, they had to admit that he never failed to surprise.

Whenever he was involved, things were somehow much more reassuring.

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