Netori King: I Will NTR Everyone!

Chapter 24 -24-Elite Rank Monster

Chapter 24: Chapter24-Elite Rank Monster

What is this sudden fear that is gripping me?

My mind raced with sudden fear and confusion as I struggled to understand what was happening.

What's going on?

What unseen threat had caused both the wolves and me to freeze in terror?

While I was struggling to understand what was happening, a huge roar resounded through the jungle, shaking the very ground beneath me.

'What? A monster's roar?'

My body almost collapsed, but somehow, I managed to stay upright.

The wolves beside me were not as fortunate.

They fell to the ground, shivering uncontrollably with fear.

I tried to keep my fear in check and thought carefully.

That was definitely a powerful monster.

The roar was incredibly loud, meaning the creature is nearby, probably coming toward us to hunt.

I had to escape, or I would be killed.

I desperately tried to move my leg but failed.

'Move, move! Why the heck won't you move?'

My legs felt like they were made of lead, and no matter how much I willed them to move, they stayed stubbornly still.

While I was thinking this, the fear in my mind peaked.


What's going on?

I can't control it anymore!

Panic surged through me.

My heart pounded in my chest, and my breaths came in short, rapid gasps.

Another roar echoed through the jungle, but this time, it came from above my head.

Though my body was paralyzed, I could still move my eyes.

I forced myself to look up, and what I saw shattered any remaining resolve I had.

What? That's a...

Above me was a monster famous for causing destruction in fantasy books and novels, even feared by the main characters...

It was none other than the mighty dragon...

Its scales shone ominously in the dim light coming through the trees.

Its eyes glowed with an eerie light, full of evil intelligence.

Its jaws were wide open, showing rows of sharp teeth, and its breath was hot and foul.

The creature's presence radiated pure fear.

Its massive wings spread out, casting a shadow over everything.

Just seeing it was enough to freeze me with terror.

As the creature's roar reverberated through the jungle again, my body finally gave in.

My legs buckled, and I fell to the ground, completely overwhelmed.

The paralysis that had gripped me loosened, but it was too late.

This was not what I expected.

I never thought there would be a dragon in this area.

Usually, dragons live in their own territories, and those places are always dangerous and restricted areas.

There's no way they would roam around a safe area—wait!

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

Am I even in safe area?

I scanned my surroundings, looking for any signs to figure out where I was. It didn't take long.

My eyes stopped at a particular flower—a lily, but it was dead and black.

Hunters could figure out where they were in the jungle by identifying either the monsters or the flowers.

Dead, black lilies and daffodils meant a dangerous area.

White roses meant restricted areas.

But now I understood that I was in a dangerous area.

Damn, I was so excited about killing the wolves that I didn't even notice where I was going.

And now, I'm here in front of a dragon.

What should I do?

No, no, what can I even do now?

Can I even hurt him?

No, no, I can't think negatively. I have to do something, but what can I do? What? What?What?????

After using almost all my brainpower, I finally thought of something.


It's weakness...

If I know it, there's a chance I might be able to use it to my advantage and escape.

There's a chance, yeah, a chance...

Even if there's only a 1% chance, I'll seize it.

I'll survive no matter what.

And for that, I know what to do.


I used my appraisal skill on the looming dragon, and a virtual screen appeared in front of me.

**Razor Dragon**

Height: About 65 feet tall

Weight: Estimated to be around 1580 pounds

Strength: (Your level is insufficient to discern!)

Weakness: (Your level is insufficient to discern!)

Critical Body Parts: (Your level is insufficient to discern!)

Rank: Elite-Rank Monster

Are you kidding me?

There's no way I can beat this guy without any information...

I was utterly defeated, lying on the ground in a state of abject fear.

The wolves beside me were still shivering, their eyes squeezed shut as if trying to block out the sight of the creature.

Their bodies were pressed flat against the ground, completely submissive to the overwhelming presence of the monster.

Looks like I am going to die here...

But let me still use my brain and see if I can come up with any plans...

My mind raced, but I couldn't form a coherent thought.

The only thing I could feel was the crushing weight of fear.

I was powerless, a mere insect before the terrifying beast that loomed above me.

In that moment, I knew that any hope of escape was futile.

The creature's gaze locked onto me, and I felt a chill run down my spine.

Huhhh, It's looking through me... I couldn't even hide anything...

Its eyes seemed to bore into my soul, stripping away any semblance of bravery I had left.

All I could do was lie there, frozen in fear, as the monster prepared to strike.

I closed my eyes and thought one last time...

Is this how it ends for me?

Was this my destiny all along?

Where is the god who cares and protects everyone?

Where is the chance that's supposed to be there in times of danger?

Where is the hope that everyone believes in?

Where are they?

Where, exactly?

Is there god?


Is there evil?


Is there hope? freewebnσvel.cøm


Is there despair?


Why am I even thinking this?

I'm about to die any moment now...

Why was I here in the first place?

Who brought me here?

What did they want?

But now, facing death, everything seems clearer...

Perhaps my existence is something abnormal...

Maybe that's why evil in this world wants me dead?

First Michael, then those monsters, and now this dragon...

Maybe I pose a threat to their existence...

Enough of these useless thoughts...

As I lay there frozen with fear, certain that the dragon looming over me would be my end, a sudden explosion shook the jungle.

The blast threw me hard against a nearby tree, snapping me out of my terror-induced paralysis.

My eyes flew open, heart pounding, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Through the haze of pain and confusion, I looked back at the clearing where the dragon stood.

My vision was little blurry, but I could see a chaotic scene unfolding.

The dragon, no longer focused on me, was locked in a fierce battle with a huge creature—bigger than any mammal I had ever seen, resembling the ancient behemoths from old stories, though slightly smaller than those shown in movies.

But, well, it was still bigger...

The Titan Behemoth was an enormous creature, towering over the trees and even making the mighty Razor Dragon look small.

Its muscular body was covered in thick, dark fur that seemed to swallow up the light, giving it a monster appearance.

It had powerful limbs, each as big as a tree trunk, ending in massive, clawed feet that dug into the ground with every step.

Its head was just as intimidating, with a broad, flat snout and sharp tusks that curved upward.

Its eyes glowed like burning coals, showing a fierce, predatory intelligence.

The behemoth's back was lined with jagged, rocky spikes, making it look even more menacing.

But to me, it was like a living god who came to save me at death's door.

Now that I think about it, it might also be another Elite-Rank monster.

To confirm this, I used my appraisal skill, and my assumption was right.

It was indeed an Elite-Rank.

This behemoth somehow managed to stab at one of the dragon's wings, making it roar in pain and fury.

He seems to have this fight under control...

Wait, why am I cheering for him?

After all, he's also a monster, so once he defeats that dragon, he'll probably come after me... But still...

I watched in a mix of wonder and amazement as the dragon pulled back, preparing for its next move.

The battles feel so real...

It's like I'm watching a movie in the highest quality possible...

Its mouth opened wide, gathering air from the nearby surroundings for what looked like a fiery breath attack.

That attack is definitely going to be some kind of inferno breath attack. freēwē

But wait, if it's called a Razor Dragon, why would it use fire?

That's a bit confusing.

Anyway, let me check my injuries for now.

Despite their intense fight, I forced myself to check my own condition.

Thankfully, I seemed to have suffered only minor injuries from being thrown against the tree.

Relief washed over me briefly, but the urgency of the situation quickly returned.

Oh, right, I need to get out of here before either of them wins.

With the behemoth and dragon locked in their fierce battle, I knew I had to seize the opportunity to escape.

I immediately turned and began to run, but suddenly stopped in my tracks.

There, in front of me, were the wolves that had been hunting me just moments ago. Now, they were the hunted.

Unlike me, who had been lucky enough to escape with minor injuries from the blast, the wolves hadn't fared as well.

A massive boulder had crushed their legs, leaving them fractured and immobile.

Blood oozed from their wounds, coating their bodies.

I couldn't comprehend how they were still alive, clinging to life with pained expressions in their eyes.

I hesitated, torn by conflicting emotions.

These wolves had been my enemies, but now they were helpless, suffering. I knew what I had to do.

I took out my dagger, steeling myself for what came next.

"Sorry, guys," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I promise I'll make it quick."

With a swift, precise motion, I stabbed each wolf in the center of their head, one at a time.

They died quickly, but not before a small spray of their blood splattered onto my face.

I wiped my face with my hand, but some blood still remained, a stark reminder of the gruesome act.

I knew the blood would disappear once their bodies vanished, and sure enough, within seconds, the wolves' bodies faded away, along with the blood.

With that done, I turned and ran, retracing my steps back through the jungle.

Adrenaline surged through my veins with each step as I raced to get as far away as possible from the deadly battle between the dragon and the behemoth.

While I was running, a system screen suddenly popped up in front of me, displaying numerous messages.

(Ding, congratulations host, 2 Monster Cores (Common) has been added to your inventory!)

(Ding, congratulations host, 2 Healing portions (Iron) has been added to your inventory!)

(Ding, congratulations host, 20 Monster Essences of Wolf has been added to your Character Profile!)


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