Necromancer Of The Shadows

Chapter 591 Terrifying Power (Part 1)

"You don't need to know how I know about them. If you want to live a few more minutes, call them over here so I can finish everything in one go and eat my lunch. "

Hearing Evan's cold voice, Elijah felt a chill running down his spine.

Without wasting even a second, he shot a flare towards the sky and looked at the back end of the Silverwind Town.

ROAR! ROAR! - - -

Just as Elijah shot the flare, roars of monsters resounded throughout the wilderness and auras of hundreds of thousands of monsters filled the surroundings.

The demons summoned by Elijah were stunned when they felt the aura of so many monsters. Although many of them were not high-ranking monsters, their numbers were still no joke.

But soon all the demons heaved a sigh of relief remembering that the monster army was under Elijah's control. The demons were not afraid of the monster army because they had enough confidence that they could eliminate every single one of them....but those Demons were afraid of Evan.

Even though they did not want to admit it, all of them felt at ease after seeing they had the support of hundreds of thousands of monsters. In the army of monsters, there was one S rank monster, around seventy A and A+ rank monsters. More than forty thousand B and B+ rank monsters and the rest were of the lower rank than B.

Evan looked at the monster army that marched in Elijah's direction while destroying the town. The number of total monsters in the army were at least one million, but even after seeing them, Evan's expression remained indifferent.

While the monster army was coming in his direction, Elijah infused his mana into the triangular shape token and removed all the restraints from the Demon Army.

"Kill him" Elijah ordered the Demon army after removing their restraints.

The names of the three S rank flame demons were Malgrim, Lilithra and Belthar. Meanwhile, the name of the extreme demon was Sablethorn.

Hearing Elijah, all four of them immediately took command of all the demons that were summoned in Silverwind Town.

In less than a minute, the army of Demons and Monsters was standing in a perfect position, ready for battle.

In front of the Demon army, four S rank and fifty A+ rank demons were standing. Meanwhile, in front of the Monster army, a two hundred meters long serpent that was deep black in colour and had a purple horn at the centre of its head was standing along with Elijah.

The Serpent was the S rank monster and was known as the Thundercoil Viper.

"Even if he is powerful there is no way he will be able to face all of us at the same time." Malgrim, the flame demon with the head of the Goat said in a voice filled with confidence.

All the other demons and monsters nodded their head hearing Malgrim and mana burst forth from their bodies.

Pillers of flames shot into the sky from the bodies of Flame Demons and space around Sablethorn the Extreme Demon started to shake as he gathered fist force around his arm.

Lightning crackled around the horn of Thundercoil Viper and Blood Energy started to gather around Elijah.


The entire wilderness started to shake as other Demons and monsters also activated their skills and different kinds of forces started to gather at the same place.

The eyes of the shadow undeads who were watching everything from Evan's shadow storage burned with the fighting spirit and all of them wanted to come out and rip apart the Monsters and Demons.

But all the shadow undeads were disappointed because Evan did not let them come out and just looked at the monsters and Demons as they prepared their attack.

Evan's instincts were telling him to move away from the location where he was hovering because thousands of attacks were locked on him. The space around him turned completely solid because of the lockdown of so many skills and it became hard for him to breathe.

Feeling the pressure around him, Evan took a deep breath and used the second effect of the growth link skill to take Adam's 'Gravity Manipulation' skill.

The power of the gravity manipulation skill was very high, but Evan knew that it was impossible for him to stop so many attacks with just this.

Just as the Demons and Monsters were about to begin their attack. The smell of blood began to fill the area, the space around Evan started to shake, and his eyes slowly began to turn red. Rays of red aura started emanating from his body and the temperature around him dropped.

"BloodLust" Evan muttered in a low voice and... I think you should take a look at

... Boom!

A powerful deep red aura burst forth from his body and all the demons and monsters felt as if they had been thrown into a river of blood.

---) BloodLust (Unique Skill): When activated, increases the user's power by 300% for the duration of three minutes. While the skill is activated, the user will have a strong urge to kill and there is a high chance that he will lose his rationality and will become a mindless killer.

If it was in the past, Evan would never have used this skill as he still remembered how he lost his rationality due to this skill while fighting against Kazil.

But now things were very different. Evan's current spiritual power was very high and he was sure that even while using this skill, he would be able to stay in control and would not lose his rationality.

The moment Evan used BloodLust skill and his power increased by 300%, a dreadful aura engulfed all the demons and monsters.

*Cough *Cough - - -

All the monsters who were below C rank lost control over their mana because of the BloodLust that Evan was releasing and started to cough out blood.

In an instant, more than five hundred thousand monsters who were ready to use their skills became useless.

Even the high ranking Demons and Monsters were having a hard time ignoring the BloodLust that Evan was releasing.

"Just what is wrong with this human?" Belthar, the Flame Demon with the head of the tiger said in a shocked filled voice.

"Fu*k him, I will tear apart his limbs once I get my hands on him," Lilithra, the Flame Demon who had the head of Mantis said in a voice full of malice and a small dot of black fire that was just half a centimetre big appeared in front of him.

"Everyone attack at the same time" Elijah shouted and all the Demons and Monsters launched their attack towards Evan at the same time.

Thousands of different kinds of attacks went towards Evan at the same time. The space barrier that was already weak because of the formation wasn't able to handle the pressure of so many attacks and hundreds of spital cracks appeared in the sky.

Even though he was using BloodLust skill that increased his power by 300%, Evan still felt his body stiffened and a sense of impending doom engulfed him.

As the attacks came towards him while ripping apart the space barrier, Evan felt as if the world was coming to its end.

All the Demons and Monsters looked at the sky in anticipation, waiting for Evan's imminent death.

But just as the attacks were about to hit him, Evan's cold voice reverted throughout the wilderness.

"Crimson Veil"

Just as his voice resounded, Evan disappeared from the sky and all the attacks that were moving towards him continued to move forward.

The Monsters, Demon, and Elijah were stunned to see Evan suddenly disappear, they were about to look for him when suddenly a terrible gravity pressure appeared over an area of ​​more than one hundred kilometres.


No one was able to handle the pressure of gravity and everyone immediately dropped to their knees.

Bang! Bang! Bang! - - -

Elijah and others were still in a state of confusion because of the sudden pressure when the sound of explosions resounded everywhere.

The smell of iron filled the area and the ground of hundreds of kilometres of area started to sink down because of high gravity.

Using all their strength, S Ranker raised their heads with difficulty. But as soon as they raised their heads, their heart grew cold and they wished they had not raised their heads.


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