I made this abundantly clear however so these attempts ceased for the most part and my life calmed down. To be fair though they took my threat and used it as ammunition to try and get my sensei to cave though she just laughed in their faces. How could she not? they were trying to use the fact I threatened them to get them to back off in order to try and get her to give up the collection. In other words they were trying to pressure her because I was showing loyalty to konoha.-
There was no mistake, they were desperate to get the collection before our village started to grow too strong thanks to it. I could understand it perfectly well but neither I nor my sensei were going to let them have it if we could help it. Still while that was going on we received some rather disturbing news. The two tailed beast jinchuriki had been killed and no one was sure who did it. That news REALLY lit a fire under the ambassadors as the loss of a jinchuriki meant that the village took a heavy hit to their power.-
Each jinchuriki was classified as an S rank power for a village after all and the two tailed beast jinchuriki was also a perfect one capable of fully using the beasts power without consequence. Losing her as a result stung Kumo a lot more than if it were an out of control tailed beast in a host. Still this had nothing to do with me so i ignored it to spend my days meditating and dating Karin. Three more spies ended up getting turned into lawn ornaments during the next two weeks, all from Kumo which showed that they were not caring at all about the price they were going to pay anymore.-
The hunt for Sasuke was also not going so hot on Naruto’s end as the Uchiha had vanished again. To be more specific he never stayed in one place for very long and thus rumors of him kind of died out. He was also keeping a low profile for some reason that made me think it was either not Sasuke anymore or he had made an enemy that he wasn’t confident about facing. I found both options hard to believe with the first because by this point i was like ninety percent sure I had killed Orochimaru with my gift previously.-
The second because Sasuke was an arrogant person by nature and did not strike me as the sort to bow his head like this. Then again I couldn’t deny the possibility that this was all some sort of elaborate scheme with either Naruto or me in mind. Naruto because his obsession with sasuke was no secret and me because I was undoubted going to get dragged into it by Naruto due to said obsession. Or at least it would be that way if I was want to get involved at all.-
The thing was I had not desire to see Sasuke return to Konoha ever. Unlike Itachi Sasuke chose to defect of his own free will and not because it was for the villages own good. Even if somehow Sasuke were to close the gap in power and skill with his brother and get his revenge he wouldn’t stop. He was so consumed by his hatred that even successfully killing Itachi would only make him search for a new target to shift it to as he doesn’t know how to live without some sort of great enemy to destroy.-
Like that it would be oh so very easily for someone to point his hatred at Konoha as it was genuinely true that it was the villages fault to a degree. Danzo pushed Itachi to the massacre, the Third Hokage barely punished him for it and a lot of other dark secrets best left forgotten. Naruto of course lacks the insight to realize that Sasuke was lost to him and I was tired of trying to convince him of that truth. Should it come down to it however and Sasuke comes to the village with destruction in mind I won’t hesitate to kill him.-
I felt a little sad at that thought though, not for killing the boy but because it’s the end of an entire bloodline with his death. Itachi would be dead by that point and without a child of his own Sasukes death meant the end of the Uchiha bloodline. While many people would celebrate the end of that bloodline I would not be among them. The end of a line should never be celebrated when it was not truly evil. There were some lines that were evil as good simply wasn’t possible with them but the Uchiha bloodline was not one of them.-
Anyways time pasted and more and more tailed beast jinchuriki’s had been attacked and killed and the world was wondering why. I had taken the time to check the lake with the three tail in it and found that the thing was still there and hadn’t been discovered yet. I doubled up on the concealment around the lake to keep people away and left it at that since the thing was not bothering anyone. One day we got an urgent request from Suna for help after they had been attacked and Gaara had been taken.-
A team was put together to deal with it and to bring Gaara back alive if we could. Since Naruto and Kakashi were in the village waiting for word on Sasuke again the team consisted of Kakashi, Guy, Me, Naruto, Sakura, Temari, Lee and Neji. It was a bit much but My sensei wanted to take no chances at all. Thanks to my moth that was massive in size and quite fast in flying we arrived in Suna within a day. Even being neighboring countries Suna and Konoha had quite a lot of distance between them.-
I immediately set to work curing Kankuro of the poison that one Sasori of the red sand inflicted on him.
“Hmph to think we would one day require the help of Tsunade’s disciple for a poison. I hope you are half as good as she is boy.” the old lady Chiyo said disdainfully but I ignored her.
“Done, I’ve removed the poison from his system and even collected it for further analysis.” I said calmly as a dark purple globule of poison floated over my palm.
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