With a bored expression on his face, Satoshi watched through the car windows, wondering why they had to ride a cab instead of just teleporting to where their grandparents are. He then realized that they couldn't do that since Emma and he had never been to his grandparents' house. If it were a different case, then they'd have easily teleported toward the front gate of the house.

It's been a long time since Satoshi last rode a cab, but even though he wasn't used to it, he felt at ease. The seats were comfortable, and the usual rattle of the engine gave the cab a soft shaking, almost lulling Satoshi to sleep. The buildings, people, and city lights continued to whizz past Satoshi's line of sight. It didn't interest him that much though, so he closed his eyes.

He didn't even realize what happened next. The next thing he knew was the sudden lurch of the cab. This prompted him to activate his Beast Integration and integrate with Ghast. He teleported his entire family outside, thinking that they ran into someone or something.

As soon as Satoshi opened his eyes, he saw his parents standing beside the cab, pulling out the driver who seemed to have hit his head on something. The other cars on the road had their doors open as well, and people were rushing from them, screaming and running as they go. Satoshi couldn't help but notice the panicked look the people had as they ran in the opposite direction. From afar, he saw Shiroi and the others, wondering what the commotion was all about.

Since this is in the middle of the city, the crowdedness was more or less expected, but Satoshi wasn't expecting such pandemonium to occur out of nowhere. Had he not reacted on time, they'd have been stuck in their cab for quite some time since an avalanche of people were rushing out of there.

"What's going on?" Satoshi asked himself as he turned towards his parents.

That's when they noticed the lone gate that appeared in the middle of the road.

The Midoriyamas, as well as the Yukinos, have seen their fair share of Gates before. Despite that, they were shocked to see this particular Gate. They've never seen anything like it. In fact, the Gate was never before seen in history.

The gates seemed like cracks in the dimension, and the cracks pulsated as if they were alive. The cracks had a nice yellow and orange tint to it, just like the color of the sun, and it brightened the entire area, illuminating even the nooks and crannies of the building that lined up alongside the road.

Screams and the hurried pitter-patter of feet drowned the low groans that came out of the cracks. They were akin to a whale's sound, except thousand times more sinister. It wasn't just Satoshi who felt chills running up and down his spine when the low groans invaded his ears.

"Everyone, brace yourselves, this is a Gate. I don't know why it looks like that though... but it really is a Gate." Tatsuki warned everyone. Almost everyone in their group didn't even shift their feet. None of them were scared. Even Aira who had never seen a Gate up close all her life didn't even budge... probably because she knew that she'd be safe, surrounded by high-ranking superheroes.

Slowly, the cracks that appeared in the middle of nowhere continued to get bigger, and the pulsating seemed to increase their pace. The low groans coming from the other side of the Gate became louder, even more sinister than ever.

That's when something started coming out of the Gate. It was huge, at least a hundred meters tall, and its skin was akin to shark skin or crocodile skin combined. A huge hand grabbed the edge of the cracks and started ripping it open, exposing its body and entire being. The low groan now became a shrill scream as one of the creatures from the other side of the gate came out.

"What the hell... it's a ka*ju?!" Tatsuki screamed out loud before he cleared his throat. Fortunately, no one heard him clearly, otherwise, he'd have been flagged down for copyright purposes.

The dragon-like creature that looked like a huge beast from a popular classic science fiction movie, saw the people running about, and it immediately brought down its feet on some of them. It didn't even think twice about squashing the people as if they were bugs, it just attacked as soon as it came out of the Gate. In total, there were six of them... but everyone knew there may be more where they came from.

"Not on my watch!" Emma screamed, opening a portal on top of the people who were running. She then opened up another portal towards the head of the dragon-like beast, teleporting its feet toward its face.

The people who were running didn't stop. Tears fell from their faces as they screamed their hearts out in thanks.

"Those who can fight, let's hold them off as much as we can. Emma and Satoshi will handle the defense. Don't let a single person die!" Tatsuki let out an ear-shattering scream after he activated one of his voice superpowers. He then flew upwards before transforming into a giant. Veins started popping out of his appendages and all his clothes were ripped to pieces (well not all of them, his underpants didn't get ripped off due to plot armor).

"Satoshi, we leave them to you, okay?" Ayumu called out before she nodded toward her husband and at Yukine, Shiroi's father. The three of them started attacking.

"Aira. I want you to stay behind one of my familiars, all right?" Satoshi turned around, summoning Ryu Ryoko, the Black-Winged Dragon. He didn't have to explain what Ryoko had to do since their minds were connected.

As soon as Ryoko was summoned, she nodded toward Satoshi and grabbed Aira. "Come on, we have to stay away from the battlefield. Onee-san will protect you."

Meanwhile, Shiroi had no idea where the girl came from, but she didn't ask any questions. This was her first time in actual combat so she didn't know what to do. She just sort of lingered by the sidelines, afraid that her action might cause the casualty of others.

"Shiroi, give Emma some support with your ice superpowers," Satoshi called out. He didn't know what Shiroi could do but he was aware Shiroi would want to help instead of turning around. That's why he gave her the order of staying with Emma. At least the two of them won't find themselves in unnecessary trouble. And even if something were to happen, Emma will be there to cover for Shiroi.

Satoshi didn't waste any time summoning his two trusty familiars as well— Gabriel, his summoner familiar who controls the Giant Phoenix, and Ice Empress who wields a spear and controls two giant Ice Bears that goes by the name Pelez and Alez.

Just like Ryu Ryoko, the two of them didn't ask Satoshi any questions they already knew what to do. Satoshi noticed that Gabriel and Ice Empress looked different from when he last summoned them but there was not enough time to check their stats and new skills. He trusted them, and in turn, they trusted their master.

Ice Empress didn't waste any time grabbing Pelez and Alez, making them transform into two mega-gigantic Ice bears that could rival the height of the dragon-like beasts. The two of them immediately engaged two dragon-like beasts. As for Gabriel, he summoned his phoenix which was much bigger than before. The phoenix rivaled the sheer size of the dragon-like beasts as well, much to Satoshi's surprise.

"Wow, who would've thought... how could they grow strong in such a short amount of time?" Satoshi integrated with Ghast and Sera. He then summoned Windfan and Droplet to support anyone who needed support.

Satoshi disappeared from the ground and reappeared at the top of everyone. He floated right above the battlefield, activating a couple of Sera's skills.

Area Buff.

Area Debuff.

Everyone felt the power surge within, and the first thing that entered their mind was that it was Satoshi who did it. They weren't wrong, since he basically glowed a nice golden color as he floated. Without further ado, Satoshi descended, shooting a dark energy beam at one of the dragon-like beasts, dealing major damage to its face. The dark energy beam actually pierced through its skin, making it groan in an unusual way.


Grado immediately noticed the fight as soon as he arrived at the scene. He had no idea which superheroes are present in the scene but he could tell that they were doing a heck of a job at it.

"Why now of all times?" Grado clicked his tongue as he free-fall'ed towards the scene. He immediately noticed the five gigantic dragon-like monsters that came out of the gate. They were at least a hundred meters tall, and they immediately laid waste to the edge of the city as soon as they came out.

The second thing he noticed though was a young man dressed in black and white, holding an orb and a scepter in his hand. He was single-handedly fighting against one of the gigantic dragon-like monsters. And what's more, the scales of victory tipped in the young man's favor.

Wow, what a talented young kid." Grado couldn't help but exclaim.  He watched in awe as the young man gracefully dodged the large projectiles that the dragon-like beasts threw at him. "That looks like a pretty sophisticated superpower." He continued.

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