My King System

Chapter 69 - Decision

"Wait, we can't do that. That would be morally wrong, killing that many people for the sake of killing one. I refuse to support a decision like that," another one argued.

"It doesn't matter, many more would die if we were to leave him be. Plus, they deserve their fate anyway," the man in glasses argued back.

"Murderers don't deserve the right to continue living, after all, they were the ones who decided to cut other people's lives short," he continued.

In the circular table were 10 people, all carrying a relatively important status in their own respective areas. First there was Carmi, he was still holding a grudge against Yuki for humiliating him. To his right was the cloaked man responsible for a majority of the kingdom's funding: the user of "INFINITE HOTEL ''. To Carmi's right was the man in glasses, while his attitude wasn't the best, he knew what decisions to make.

The rest of the city/kingdom council was composed of the 5 level 2 players who had recently reached level 3. After Yuki demolished their pride, they swore to grow stronger and take out their revenge on him, however they were far from that goal. It would be a surprise if they managed to accomplish that goal. At the rate Yuki was developing, it looked to be an impossible task.

Finally, the last two members of the council were the judge that had been in-charge of Yuki's trial. Alongside him was the representative from the neighbouring kingdom which had borrowed the two level 2 players to bring Yuki to justice. After the peace treaty had been formed, the two kingdoms have been on good terms with each other. They had planned to sooner or later negotiate with another neighbouring kingdom to ally with them however the troubling matter of Yuki came up.

Of course this only meant that they put their plan a little behind on their schedule. There was no way they would allow another kingdom to ally with someone else. In the early stages of establishing a colony, it is always important to gather as many allies as possible. And if the kingdom were to refuse the offer to ally themselves, well the answer was quite simple. They would be conquered and forced to submit to the power of the combined power these two kingdoms held.

"But isn't sacrificing that many people just a bit too excessive?" Joban asked.

"It's only about 300 prisoners on death row or having a life sentence. They would just rot away, it's better to let them have one redeeming quality before they die. We would be doing them a favour by sacrificing them," said the man in glasses.

"I cannot align myself with something so gruesome. Isn't there another way of stopping that mass murderer?" Rui asked.

"You are still too young to comprehend the magnitude of the problem we have at hand. The longer Yuki Kaito continues to live and grow even stronger, the harder it'll be to stop him," the man in glasses continued to debunk all of the others' arguments.

"Could you once more explain how the plan will take place so we can fully comprehend what we are getting ourselves into?" the representative from the neighbouring kingdom asked.

"With pleasure."

"We'll first have to make contact with Rey Moon since he is the one holding the ability we need for this plan to succeed. We first heard of him from a roomer that said he would sacrifice anyone and in exchange he could kill anyone of his choice."

"However we later learned about how his ability really worked after he was featured on Boran-Daily's newspaper. We were quite lucky since they only deliver their news to a select few kingdoms."

"Rey moon had an ability which could kill anyone for a sacrificial life, just as the rumor said. However there was some missing information which the rumors didn't cover. For starters, the instant draw back from acquiring this ability was that he would lose both his eyes. Second, he can't use anyone as a sacrifice. The people have to say 'yes' before he can use it."

"Now, the ability allows him to drain exp from anyone he chooses to. It is when he has managed to drain all exp that the target has that it kills them. Since you can't go below 0 exp, the system takes the person's life in exchange."

"It is due to that fact, we must use so many people as sacrifices. The more Yuki levels up, the more people that'll have to die as sacrifices. He's quite the troublesome enemy," the man in glasses explained.

"And how do you plan on making 300+ people agree to sacrifice themselves to kill 1 teenager?" Katsumi asked sarcastically.

"I already have a plan for that, if you would all agree to set this plan in motion, we could permanently remove Yuki from this world with little to no problems."

"All we need to do is gather all the prisoners from as many kingdoms as possible who are either on death row or have a life sentence. Next we gather them all to a secure location as they wear blindfolds where we could later get rid of all their bodies. Once we have done that all we need to tell them is 'when our high ranked supervisor comes up to you, just say yes. We need to use your stamina to finish our plan to make the world a better place. Since we'll extract so much of your stamina, it'll cause you to pass out, however when you wake up, you'll have something great waiting for you. In exchange for you giving up your stamina, we'll set you free as we believe you all deserve a second chance in the new world'," the man in glasses explained.

"So lie to them and make them believe that when anyone dies, it's just them passing. This gets rid of any worries they may have and the plan will go smoothly. A well calculated plan if I do say so myself," Carmi replied.

"Let's get on with the vote now. If you choose to follow through with the sacrifice plan if Yuki can't be brought down within a month, raise your hand. If you disagree, don't raise your hand," the representative from the neighbouring kingdom said.




Each and every member of the council raised their hand in agreement. Even though some didn't like the idea of it, they couldn't deny its effectiveness.

"That'll be all for today," the man in glasses said as everyone left the room. They were in the castle shaped building which stood in the centre of the kingdom. As they didn't have a monarchy or government in place, they collectively agreed to using it as the council's temporary meeting place.

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