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Chapter 216: Moon base (below)

The three-dimensional projection map is unfolded, and there are some giant buildings around the lunar base.

At 1 o'clock, at a distance of 200 kilometers, there is a giant metal circle, a metal pipe nearly 1 meter thick, with a diameter of 100 kilometers, like a donut, which is very spectacular.

At 5 o'clock, about 50 kilometers away, a giant observatory is being built, and a nearly 100-meter-high astronomical telescope is being assembled and constructed;

At 8 o'clock, 80 kilometers away, there is a huge U-shaped building, which is currently in the process of infrastructure construction. A large number of construction machinery vehicles come and go, and a large number of construction machinery is under construction. It is dense like an ant colony, which is very spectacular.

At the same time, around the lunar base, 20 kilometers away, there are small square buildings regularly distributed, with an interval of about kilometers, and the construction is fuzzy.

"Mr. Li, the lunar observatory, the large proton collider, has completed the main body construction and is currently in the experimental commissioning stage. The lunar dock is still in the initial construction stage, progress: 12%, super laser cannon array, progress: 56%, The construction progress of the large-scale magnetic ring: 23%." Zhan Yifeng showed Li Yi the three-dimensional map and introduced the situation of several important projects.

Li Yi nodded with satisfaction, and clicked the three-dimensional icon in person to view the construction project.

Building on the moon is very different from building on Earth.

No one lives here, so there are no restrictions, and many dangerous experiments can be carried out here, such as particle collision experiments.

There is a huge difference between the environment of the moon and the earth. Because the gravitational force of the moon is too small, it cannot bind the atmosphere. Its diameter is about one-fourth of the earth's; its mass is about one-eighth of the earth's. Water, all land, unlimited land resources, Li Yi can build the buildings he wants to his heart's content.

It is a pity that it is very difficult to move freely on the moon. The temperature difference between day and night on the moon is extremely large, and the daytime temperature in the same place can reach 128°C. At night, it dropped to minus 180°C. Because the moon does not have a magnetic field and is not encapsulated by the earth's magnetic field, even if you wear a space suit, under the long-term exposure of the sun, the strong radiation can easily cause harm to the human body.

However, there are pros and cons.

The atmosphere of the earth is very unstable, and the stars seen on the earth will be distorted, trembling, deformed, and very blurred due to the influence of the atmosphere. There is no atmosphere on the moon, so the star can be observed more clearly, the resolution and accuracy can be greatly improved, and the universe can be observed and studied most intuitively. Therefore, the observatory is also one of the key projects.

"Astronomical observatory, when will the proton collider be activated? I plan to stay at the base for 10 days, can it be activated after 10?" Li Yi looked at Zhan Yifeng and asked,

"The astronomical observatory may be too late. The proton collider can start the first collision experiment in 6 days." Zhan Yifeng confirmed.

"Okay, you can arrange this experiment, it must be safe!" Li Yi nodded in satisfaction and exhorted.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Zhan Yifeng's face became solemn, and he responded seriously.

The proton collider is the largest experimental equipment project since the construction of the lunar base. In order to build it, two million tons of materials were used and nearly 100 billion yuan was spent.

Main function: Accumulate and accelerate the two beams of particles injected successively by the front-stage accelerator, and collide them when they reach a certain intensity and energy, so as to generate a sufficiently high reaction energy. There are hadron particle collisions, proton collisions and elemental particle collisions, etc.

Purpose: To explore the macroscopic effects of microscopic particles, to understand the new laws of quantum particles, new particles, to understand new physics and other cutting-edge quantum physics and particle physics sciences through colliding experimental instruments, which has a huge role in promoting the foundation of physics.

The success or failure of the experiment is related to the value of this investment, and Zhan Yifeng cannot afford to fail.

Seeing Zhan Yifeng's solemn expression, Li Yi smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing Zhou Wenhui's appearance of chatting in various ways, Li Yi quickly changed the subject and suggested, "I know about the situation here, keep busy! Let someone take us to the ecological park to see. In addition, there are You can also recommend any interesting projects."

"The most popular activity in the base is: mecha competition, the most interesting program is: space battle in a zero-gravity environment, and the most romantic venue is: space restaurant,..." Zhan Yifeng quickly recommended Li Yi to the base. Activity items, Road.

"I seem to be a little hungry! Let's go to the space restaurant to eat first, and then go to see the others?" Li Yi looked at Zhou Wenhui and asked with a smile.

"Well!" Zhou Wenhui readily agreed, and the whole person became more energetic.

The various experiences of the moon base are very different. Zhou Wenhui enjoyed these experiences very much and felt that the trip was worthwhile. However, the purpose of Li Yi's trip was not only to travel, but also to have work to do and talk about some complicated content with his subordinates. , she couldn't understand and had to accompany quietly.

Now that Li Yi finally finished her work and finally had time to accompany her, Zhou Wenhui was overjoyed.

Soon, under the arrangement of the staff, Li Yi and Zhou Wenhui took the elevator to the tallest tower building on the ground base, a closed restaurant.

The restaurant and the observation deck of the Shining Star are made of the same special tempered glass, in a hemispherical package.

When eating, the huge blue earth has a panoramic view, and the scenery is extremely spectacular.

"Eating in this environment, I'm not in the mood to eat!" Zhou Wenhui said with emotion, looking at the huge blue planet outside the window obsessively.

"Yeah! We are still too There are more unimaginable scenery outside the solar system! Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it in this life." Li Yi looked at the blue earth and sighed with emotion say.

Having said that, Li Yi couldn't help but look at the black tattoo on his arm. He had not entered the library for a long time.

This is just building a base on the moon, and you can see such a breathtaking scenery. If you go to other planets or go to other galaxies, what kind of scenery can you see!

At this time, Li Yi couldn't help but think of the many wonders of the universe and various alien civilizations recorded in those alien books.

"Hurry up and eat! Hurry down after eating. I don't know what's going on. When I see this scene, I feel so unsafe!" Zhou Wenhui looked at Li Yi nervously and urged.

Li Yi understands Zhou Wenhui's mood very well. She has just changed from a person on earth to a person on the moon. The psychological problems caused by the huge changes in her environment are like a frog sitting in a well watching the sky, jumping out of the well and facing endless Helplessness in space.

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded with a smile, and accompanied Zhou Wenhui to enjoy the food on the table.

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