The bustling market at noon was filled with noise and a sea of people. Shouting vendors, busy merchants arranging their stalls, and servants hurrying about left no room to maneuver.

“There are so many people, sigh,” I remarked.

“Yeah, it’s true,” Daria agreed.

To avoid a water carrier coming from the opposite direction, Daria moved closer to me, hunching her shoulders.

“Oops, sorry,” she apologized.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” I reassured her.

And then, almost instinctively, she held onto my arm as if seeking support.

The soft sensation through her light clothing and the fragrance of a woman that tickled my nose made my head spin.

They say a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.

But I found myself in a state where the strong physique of a knight was coupled with the weary spirit of an office worker. In that state, how would I react?

Initially, Kim Seung-soo’s sanity barely regained composure. It was due to the realization that Ellen was unwell and I needed to obtain medicine promptly.

However, it seemed that Phoenix’s body perceived the situation in a slightly different manner.

“Phoenix, what’s wrong?” Daria inquired.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” I replied, trying to steady myself as I lowered the shield hanging from my shoulder, shielding my abdomen.

‘Not now. I said no, you crazy bastard!’

I looked out towards the horizon, focusing on the national anthem in my heart, thinking of my beloved homeland.

Despite my efforts, this accursed body refused to listen. Even if I tried to ignore it, all my senses were fixated on my arms and nose. The intense sensation and alluring scent fanned the flames of desire in my lower abdomen.

Thankfully, the street was crowded. If it weren’t, Daria would have surely noticed my… ‘physiological changes.’

Attempting to avoid people, discreetly adjust myself, and take care of Daria, we continued walking in a daze until we eventually arrived at a square in front of a trading post.

It was at that moment that a fierce and seemingly savage roar reached our ears.


“Kill him! Kill him!”

Good grief, how many of them were there?

The square was swarming with seemingly hundreds of people. They encircled a stage positioned in the center, spewing curses and swinging their fists in the air.

That stage was a gallows.

And now, certain individuals were climbing onto the gallows like prey being pursued by beasts. These individuals, their tattered clothes turned inside out and bound with ropes like mussels, were… condemned prisoners.

“Cursed bastards!”

“Kill him! Kill him!”

As the condemned prisoners ascended the gallows, the shouts grew even louder. The people’s unintelligible cries, whether screams or cheers, resembled fans welcoming a rock star.

I was overwhelmed by the heat or madness exuded by the multitude of people.

“Oh, they mentioned there would be a public execution today.”

“A… public execution?”

“Yes, just a moment.”

Daria approached a woman who looked familiar, observing the gallows with a friendly expression, and asked her something.

After a brief conversation, Daria returned to me, shrugging with a disappointed expression.

“They said only the gallows today. Let’s just go,” Daria said, her disappointment evident.

Confused by her reaction, I wanted to ask why she was disappointed, but before I could say anything, Daria grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

As we walked diagonally across the bustling square towards the grain warehouse, I couldn’t help but keep my gaze fixed on the gallows.

Men dressed in red, presumably guards or some other officials, placed nooses around the necks of the condemned prisoners. With a kick to their buttocks, they pushed them off the gallows.

Although the gallows were quite far away, and the surrounding noise made it difficult to hear, I could faintly perceive a thud.

Some prisoners dropped straight down, but most of them writhed and struggled for a long time. It wasn’t until Daria and I reached the grain warehouse that their bodies finally hung lifelessly from the gallows.

As if anticipating it, another wave of cheering erupted from the crowd.

The sight of the corpses hanging from the ropes was gruesome, but what chilled me even more was the sight of the onlookers laughing and chatting while observing the scene.

Once again, I was reminded that this was a ruthless world.




The rations we received consisted of one sack of oats and one sack of barley.

While walking, Daria glanced at the sacks on my shoulder and wore an apologetic expression.

“Aren’t they heavy?” 

“Well, I’ll manage.” 

“If it becomes too difficult, let me carry one too…”

“No, I’m fine. Let’s hurry.”

I said it just in case, but it wasn’t an act of bravado. Each sack weighed around 20 kilograms, I suppose? It was indeed a considerable weight, perhaps around 40 kilograms in total, but it wasn’t overly burdensome. Perhaps this was the dignity of my strength stat of 23.

Seeing no signs of Daria feeling guilty, I smiled and suggested, “If you’re feeling that sorry, maybe you can treat me to something once in a while.”

“Treat you? How so?” she asked, intrigued.

“Yeah. No matter how tough things are, do you ever give a few extra coins along with that meager bowl of barley porridge? It’s getting too expensive to even afford a decent meal.”

Upon hearing my words, Daria momentarily covered her mouth and chuckled.

“You’re right, it’s unreasonably expensive. But our innkeeper tries to be fair. Did you know that flour has become as valuable as gold these days? They say the communal bakery has even shut down completely.”

“Hmm, is that so?” I responded, nodding in understanding.

As I looked around, I noticed an interesting street vendor that caught my attention.

Various items were displayed on torn leather mats scattered about the vendor’s spot.

But what intrigued me more than the shabby goods were the three children guarding the area.

They appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old, a girl and two boys who seemed like siblings. Their thin and tattered appearances unknowingly drew me towards them.

“Did you make these?” I asked in a friendly tone, but their eyes reflected wariness or fear rather than joy.

“Yes. I made them,” the girl replied.

I squatted down and examined the goods they had on display. There were crudely carved wooden animals, birds, fish, and bracelets and rings adorned with woven flowers—simple items.

It may seem out of place, but I have a fondness for flowers. More precisely, I enjoy seeing the delighted faces of women who receive flowers.

During my university days, when flowers bloomed on the back hill of the apartment building in spring, I would pick them and wrap them in paper to make flower bouquets. My girlfriends at the time adored them—truly cherished them.

Of course, in this world, a shabby flower bouquet would be nothing more than a cheap gift. Nevertheless, there was something about seeing the flowers that made me feel good.

Pointing to a flower ring, I inquired, “How much is this?”

“The jewelry is five pieces for one copper coin, and the sculptures… two, no, three for one coin,” the girl responded.

It was incredibly cheap.

As that thought crossed my mind, I couldn’t help but show my surprise. The boy hurriedly added, “I used the magic that Mom taught me. It’s definitely not expensive.”

“…I didn’t say anything. Are you feeling guilty?” I asked, and the boy fell silent. Carefully examining the goods, I selected a few items that caught my eye—a bracelet adorned with purple flowers, a ring decorated with white petals, and a smooth fish sculpture.

I chose those items not solely based on personal preference but also because they were the closest to being presentable as merchandise. Honestly, the rest were little more than a collection of junk.

“Three items for one penny. Deal?” I proposed.

“A deal?” the girl confirmed.

“Yes, is that good?”

“Oh, yes, of course,” she agreed. I took out the coins and handed them over. The girl then added, “The cherry blossom ring brings beautiful love. The bracelet woven with pansy flowers and primroses brings strong vitality, and the dolphin figurine brings wisdom in relating to others.”

“Oh, really?” I responded, impressed by her confident explanation. It’s incredible how words can hold such power. Even the shabby items seemed somewhat convincing.

I smiled faintly and handed her two extra pennies. “Take an extra penny, and pray for an even stronger power in those charms.”

The girl beamed with joy and nodded in gratitude.

After securing the items inside my chestplate, I stood up, only to hear a scream from behind.


I turned around…

‘Ugh, what is this? Does it feel like a scene from a 90s drama?’

A group of young ruffians, approximately six of them, were harassing a young woman walking down the street.

“What the hell, just stay still, you bitch.”

“Uh… please, stop.”

“Heh, wow, there’s a delicious smell.”

“Why would there be a delicious smell, you bastard? What’s so delicious?”

The thugs surrounding the woman twisted her wrists and engaged in lewd language. They even groped her ass and chest.

‘Damn it. Even if public safety is in shambles, how can they get away with such behavior on the street?’

“Stop… Please, let me go,” the woman pleaded, writhing in pain, but the thugs only responded with smirks or anger.

“Hehe, where should we let you go?”

“We’re just having a little fun, why are you crying?”

Wait a minute… Isn’t that Daria, the woman with reddish hair who is being harassed?

“You scoundrels!”

I shouted as I rushed towards them, delivering a flying kick to the back of the biggest thug.


The guy screamed as he rolled on the ground. I immediately struck the two thugs who were holding Daria, one with a slap and the other with a kick.



The chubby guy who received a resounding slap turned around and fainted, while the one with a shoe heel stuck in his stomach crumbled and writhed in pain.

‘Oh, I hope I didn’t miscalculate their injuries. They’re not seriously hurt, are they?’

That thought lingered for a moment. I pulled Daria’s wrist and positioned her behind me, then growled at the remaining frozen thugs.

“Come here, you bastards.”

I approached the three remaining men.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Prepare to die.”

‘Huh? These guys are drawing daggers and clubs as weapons.’

Their posture, with their hips pushed back and weapons brandished, was typical of thugs.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at their audacity.

“You guys drew first.”

‘Don’t these idiots have eyes?’

I’m not completely unarmed either. I’m wearing armor, a helmet, and even carrying a shield. And they’re drawing knives?

I swiftly unsheathed my falchion. Weapon maintenance is a basic rule for a fighter. The large blade of the falchion gleamed in the sunlight.

Moreover, I held a round shield covered in the scales of a giant reptile, catching the attention of the stunned thugs.

“Now, hold on a second.”

No need for questions or mercy when dealing with scum like them.

“If you don’t want to die, drop your weapons.”

With a final warning, I raised my shield and confidently approached them.

It was a scene where a seasoned warrior, with a towering shield, pointed a sword at a group of thugs armed with crude weapons, similar to pointing a machine gun at armed robbers.

“You idiots.”

“Hey, wait. Hold on a second.”

One of the cunning and smart thugs fled, while the foolish yet loyal ones dropped their weapons to the ground and raised their hands.

As expected from thugs who harass women, none of them displayed any bravery.

“We made a little mistake… Urgh!”

I swung my left hand, thrusting the edge of the shield into the chest of the guy who was blabbering. He stumbled back, while another thug groped for his weapons with a bewildered expression.

“If… If we drop our weapons, you’ll spare us!” one of the thugs pleaded.

“You’ll spare us, right?” another one added.

Ignoring their pleas, I drove my fist, falchion clenched, into the guy’s nose.


He couldn’t even scream properly, clutching his nose and collapsing to the ground.

The thug who had escaped had disappeared into the crowd. I wanted to chase after him and teach him a lesson, but I couldn’t leave Daria behind.

So I sheathed my sword and ran towards her.

“Daria, are you okay?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” Daria replied, trembling, her hands clasped together. Upon a quick glance, it seemed that fortunately, she wasn’t injured.

“Let’s go back quickly.”

Feeling apologetic, I swiftly picked up the bag of grains and grabbed Daria’s hand, preparing to move.

“Ugh, you bastard!”

The hulking figure that had initially fallen after my knee strike was now writhing on the ground, glaring at me.

“You, I remember your face. I’ll kill you soon.”

‘Wow, all that effort just for a suicide attempt?’

I chuckled and pressed my foot firmly on the guy’s throat, eliciting a scream.


“You should’ve thought about that before, you idiot. Now you want to be killed, huh?”

“That bastard! If you kill me, Lord Ubar won’t let you go!”

‘Who is this guy? Begging desperately for a murderous favor, pathetic.’

‘But wait, Ubar? Where have I heard that name before? Who is he?’

I pushed aside my doubts and mockingly responded, “You’re insane. You said I won’t be left alone anyway, right? So killing you now would be better, wouldn’t it?”

Although I said that, I couldn’t simply kill someone in the middle of the city, especially not right next to the plaza.

I discreetly glanced around and saw that the spectators were already buzzing with excitement.

“Come on, let’s go quickly. The guards will be coming.”

As Daria had predicted, the crowd on one side became restless.

“What’s going on?”

“Make way, clear the path!”

Seems like the guards have arrived.

These lazy guard bastards only act quickly in situations like this, instead of engaging in crime prevention activities.

Suddenly, I longed for the patrol car that was always parked in front of the apartment alley. 

“Let’s go quickly!”

I kicked the face of the brawny guy spouting nonsense like a soccer ball, and then I pulled Daria along as we started running.

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