Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 520: Transformed Earth

Chapter 520: Transformed Earth

"Looks more beautiful." Natasha said.

"Now we will have at least 2 moons to look at in the day. The werewolves won't be hiding no more." Tony joked.

Everybody laughed out loud.


After the transformation was complete the people were allowed to go out. The people living in the cities didn't see any change. At least not on the surface. Only when they looked at the sky they see two moons and a long thin line that ran across the whole skyline.

That was the asteroid belt.

But the people living outside the cities and towns were dumbfounded. Though they had been repeatedly informed that their surroundings would change drastically after the transformation, many of them didn't believe it. But now when they came out, they couldn't believe their eyes.

In some places where the mountains were visible, they were totally gone, some places gained huge lakes, some places were now covered with lush forest with huge trees. The people didn't expect even trees to be fully grown now after the change. They thought it would be stretches of barren land free for others to be occupied but now when they saw everything was fast forwarded, they were really taken aback.

And they even saw that new roads were constructed and everything was in place right from the start. It was as if they had been living here all this time. The only difference now was the huge change of scenery.

After the transformation, the tallest mountains of Earth became taller and the deepest oceans became deeper. The deserts, the forests, the lakes, the oceans, everything became bigger. Though there were no animals or birds to fill the eerie silence around, the Pokemons loved the new environment.

There was a general announcement to all the Pokemons living on the planet that there would be a change of scenery so when the transformation took place they were not surprised. All of them scrambled to take charge of their new and bigger territory.

Meanwhile the Avengers had left for Earth to take care of the problems that might arise due to the new place. Just like they did when the Pokemons arrived, this time too they took cognizance of how the people felt of this new change.

And surprisingly, there weren't many problems after the change occurred. The people living there had already gotten used to living with pokemons, what more could the change of scenery around? The people now were more accepting of the changes and anything new was exciting to them.

They had seen heroes emerging, they had seen aliens, then they saw the emergence of a huge artificial satellite. The people saw that humanity went from relying on fuels for basic energy sources to full clean energy in a matter of a few years.

And then came the Pokemons. Their introduction changed their lives. They made the lives of people happy, beautiful and more relaxing. Every person now had at least one Pokemon. They made the lives of people easier, healthier, and more responsible as taking care of Pokemons wasn't an easy job and everybody needed discipline in their life. All in all the quality of living of the people became higher and better.

And then there were those huge beings, whose shadows covered the entire earth. Though most of the videos from the satellites were deleted from all public platforms, some got leaked so they soon came to know that there were Gods.

This imposed fear among the people too but then they remembered that they had their own God. Arceus and such other Gods defending Earth.

And of course there was this huge black fiery bird who fought with the huge being before. So they had faith. A faith that there were people who always defended them and wouldn't let any harm come to them.

And now there was this huge transformation. The transformation that would change the lives of people permanently. Some people who had been thinking of space travel before to live on Mars cancelled their plans and concentrated on projects that could be finished on Earth now.

According to the announcement done by the government the resources for the people had also grown proportionately as the volume of Earth had gone up. So now there was a new rush for adventure and conquering new places for the people.


John and Strange had other work now. They needed to put up the proper magical defense. And for this they needed to build new Sanctums as only three places weren't enough for putting up a strong defense. So they need to build new Sanctums.

And after much contemplation and discussion with Z, Constantine, Mordo and Wong, they decided to build Sanctums on moons. Each moon will hold a place which will be connected with other moons magically. These moons would not only help in maintaining the ecological balance but now it would help in magical balance too.

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