Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 472: East, West, North and South

Chapter 472: East, West, North and South

"Longsword of the Remnant Flame, East"

Yamamoto shouted as he used shunpo to attack the body of Mephisto. Like all others he too felt the heat of this old man and his instincts told him that if he didn't dodge it would create a huge problem for him.

And thus he ducked using his full speed but the sword tip still touched his hand. And what the Mephisto feared happened. He watched in horror as his hand got obliterated to nothingness.

His whole fucking hand was gone!!

"Fuck! What the hell was that?" Geralt asked.

"His bankai has 4 forms. This is his first form. East. This ability concentrates the intense flames of the sword along the tip of the blade. It neither burns nor erupts, but anything it touches is eradicated to nothingness." John explained to everyone what this bankai was from far away.

"John, I have just found my new love. I am off." Phoenix said in a sweet tone as she flew off to the side of Yamamoto to be his host. John was surprised that Phoenix actually left to be the host of Yamamoto though he knew that it was temporary. She was just teasing him and honestly he didn't care.

Because at the end Yamamoto was his summon and in a very weird way he was still the main host of Phoenix Force.

Dane placed his hand on John's shoulders and said

"I am sorry for your loss."

"She left temporarily and she will be back." John replied.

Meanwhile, while Mephisto lost his hand, he couldn't grow it back. No matter how he tried. The East form literally blasted his hand into nothingness, never to grow again. Mephisto screamed in pain but seeing it as an opening, Rukia attacked.

And this time at his feet. Rukia's bankai was special. Her bankai could reach absolute zero temperature, which could be said to be the reverse side of Yamamoo's bankai but she could only maintain it for a few seconds. So seeing the opening she attacked at his feet.

Freezing his foot. She was still not so adept with bankai so the range was not so large as the Commander's but still the absolute zero did its job, breaking away the foot of Mephisto.

"You little ants!!!"

Mehisto shouted as he vomited acidic fire on The Gotei 13 and others. And this was where Phoenix came into play as she covered all of them by her fire, protecting everyone from any harm.

"Old man let me help you." she said as she flew inside his body. Yamamoto's body jerked for a second before calming down.

If the temperature was bearable now all had to leave for at least 1 km away to even stand. His body gave so much heat that even Lucifer couldn't help but say

"This heat is more than the depth of hell I came from."

John and the other Midnight Sons and Daughters too backed off with the other captains.

"John, what did you give our teacher?" Ukitake asked as they were curious what was this fire bird that entered the commander and made him more dangerous.

"That is Phoenix Force. I am her host and she holds the life force of the multiverse which is unlimited. And yes she is one of the local gods here." John explained to them shortly about the origin of the fire bird.

Everybody looked calm except for Zaraki who jumped onto Mephisto. His bankai made him uncontrollable and had immense hunger for bloodthirst. He had more physical strength and even though his body burnt due to the heat of his commander he didn't seem to care.

He just wanted Mephisto to bleed.

And blood he spilled, as he made more gashes on the feet of Mephisto as he got distracted by the immense heat of Yamamoto.

"This idiot." Shinji shouted.

"Let me bring him back. You all should relax now I think. Yamamoto alone will be able to handle him." John said as he turned himself into an alien.

Ben's favourite alien.


The alien that can absorb any kind of energy attacks and reflect it back with the same if not more intensity. This allowed the alien to be invulnerable in almost all kinds of energy attacks. And since there was only heat in the battlefield, this was the most powerful weapon here.

Saying that he went straight to bring back Zaraki. His bankai made him lose sanity and he was turning more into a demon and thus he needed to be brought back before he did more harm to himself rather than Mephisto.

Actually all had been calculated wrong. Everyone thought Yamamoto wouldn't be able to handle Mephisto by himself, including the Commander himself. But with the addition of the Phoenix Force on his body, Yamamoto felt pretty sure he alone was enough for the Lord of this dimension.

Thus he indicated all to leave as his fire was getting hotter than it ever was.


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