Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 316: Asgard again

Chapter 316: Asgard again

"Yes Peter is there a problem?" Stark asked.

"I was not informed about this coronation of the King ceremony. I didn't bring an gifts." Peter replied in an embarrassed tone. All then looked at the teen Titans because they were already informed about everything,

"Damian?" Bruce asked Damian with squinted eyes.

"Uhh.. We forgot to inform him about it." Damian said but everybody knew this was a lie.

"Since you have forgotten, you should go back and bring an extra gift so that Pete can give his gift." Bruce said as he wanted Damian to go and buy a gift on behalf of Peter.

"Yes dad." Damian replied in drooped shoulders. Actually they wanted to put surprise for Peter but they did forget the gifts part. Damian used the teleporting technology to go back to Earth and buy a suitable gift on behalf of Peter. They actually got along quite but sometimes they do pull pranks upon each other.

After few minutes Damian came back with a Thunder stone. A stone that can be used by certain Pokemons to evolve. Even though it might not be very useful for the new King but it can be put for souvenir or if he gets a Pokemon that can evolve with the help of Thunder stone than it would be helpful.

Peter was happy that he got something to give a gift to the new King. When Damian was away, they all got to know why there would be a new King in Asgard as Odin died 2 weeks ago. Now they would attend the coronation of the new king.

"Alright since everybody is here. Let's go." Victor said as he opened a boom tube to Asgard. All walked into the boom tube.

For many it was the first it was the first time in Asgard, so many were amazed by the beautiful place and especially the palace. The kingdom looked in a jolly mood as new King will sit on the throne soon and they couldn't wait for it.

As many were appreciating the scenery, out of nowhere Thor appeared.

"Thor, can you stop with this vanishing act? First it was Bruce and now it's you." Tony said.

"I can't do anything about it. It comes natural to me now. Feel too lazy to fly." Thor replied.

"How are you Bruce? Got used to the new powers?" Thor asked.

"Not totally, but I will be there." Wayne replied.

"Want to have a match after everything gets settled here?" Thor asked.

"Why not? I want to see how powerful I can be." Wayne said.

"Buildings are going to be destroyed today." Damian mumbled.

"Your father looks normal. Will he be able to fight against Thor?" Peter as he was confused with all this new thing with Batman. It was the first time he had seen the face of Bruce Wayne and he looked normal. So Peter didn't understand why everybody of speaking of his new powers.

"It's because you don't know. John did some mumbo jumbo on my father and made him Superman." Damian replied.

"What? Wait, you mean that Superman?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Kryptonian superman. My dad is now half human, half kryptonian."

"My god. Won't Thor be in danger? Superman is too powerful." Peter asked slowly.

"No. Because Thor recently become a God. He too is on a whole new level now. Do you see Strange? He too has become a God now." Starfire replied in a hushed tone, even though they knew that speaking in low sound wouldn't actually help in concealing the conversation.

"How many Gods are there among us? Why have we not seen them. By Gods you mean like Jesus?" Peter asked.

"Of that I am not sure. Here think of Gods as super powered beings. Like Superman. That is qualified as Gods here. But I have heard Dad say that there may be actual Gods here. Like changing the universe kind of powerful Gods." Damian said.

"Let's go in. Shall we? I hope you all will be lenient with Loki. He is a changed person now." Thor said.

"We will judge that ourselves. Any wrong move, I will point my finger at him." Banner said.

"Fair enough. If he pulls out any kind of pranks I will be the first one to put him behind bars." Thor said.

They all started walking to the Palace while enjoying the scenery around. The golden palace looked right out of fantasy books for the teenagers. Especially for Peter, who had hardly put his foot outside New York.

They finally came to the hall only to see Loki talking with Atreus and Frigga. Loki turned back to look at the full team of Avengers. Especially Steve, Diana, Natasha, Wayne, Tony and Banner. They were there when the New York war happened, so he looked awkward.

"Relax reindeer, we are not here to whoop your buttocks." Tony said.


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